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Someone outta warn you. Spinning/behind


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Agree! I did ONE spinning class. one. I nearly left halfway through. If I stood up, my thighs were screaming. If I sat down to rest my thighs my behind was screaming. 

I said if felt like I'd been violated by the bike. And that the only way I'd ever do a spin class again was if someone held a gun to my head, and even then I'd probably take my chances and make a grab for the gun. 

And years later I read about permanent damage cyclers can get on their private bits from the pressure - necrotic tissues, reconstructive surgery, permanent nerve damage, etc. So yeah - not the fitness trend for me!


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My older brother, may God rest his sweet soul, was a road cyclist by passion. He had the padded shorts because those guys are in the saddle for hours. As @ktgrokpointed our, the poor guys also have pressure on certain important body parts. The design of those bike seats is not nice for males, ya know? He did end up having five kids, but his ex-wife would likely blame his days in the saddle for her early miscarriages. He switched to writing about cycling vs. doing the cycling by the time their first live child was conceived.

Going to finish my post saying that the thread title completely threw me off. I thought you wanted to warn us to look back by doing a quick spin. I wondered what we had to be warned of behind us.

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1 hour ago, calbear said:

three words...padded bike shorts. 

ETA: if it was your first class, get there earlier next time to ask the instructor about how to adust the seat and also how to sit properly on the bike. This is actually a thing.

A proper fit is SO important! And a gel seat can actually be worse in the long run...it can move around and you won't be seated properly. Every time I have a 60 min or longer ride, I think about about getting some padded leggings, but I haven't yet. I do power zone training, and I'm planning a (virtual) climb of Haleakala in 2021 (five hours in the saddle) so I really should get a few pairs!

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

Definitely invest in padded bike shorts. They will also be nice when you bike outdoors. 

Also totally agree with the pp who said set up your bike correctly so that you aren't putting too much weight on your seat. 

And you aren't being annoying by asking...it's NOT intuitive at all. There's no way a newbie would be expected to know this.

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On 12/16/2020 at 4:45 PM, calbear said:

And you aren't being annoying by asking...it's NOT intuitive at all. There's no way a newbie would be expected to know this.

I would have thought I would have heard something about this ahead of time.  I guess I don’t watch movies or television anymore so there’s that.

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