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TOG users -- Will you go digital or print? (& Why?)


TOG users: Will you go digital or print?  

  1. 1. TOG users: Will you go digital or print?

    • I plan to order (or have pre-ordered) the printed copy. (Please post your reasons.)
    • I plan to go digital! (Please share your thought process too!)
    • I'm switching curriculum because of the changes (too uncertain, etc.)
    • Other

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I *think* I would like digital better, but I can't decide. Pros for DE: much less storage space, cost savings (if not printing much), more savings by not page-protecting, searchable. Pros for printed: being able to hold it all in my hands, being able to grab it off the shelf and thumb through easily.


Our homeschool support group gave the option for an emailed newsletter a few years ago. I signed up, but found I didn't read it like I did the printed one that came in the mail! Would I do this with TOG? Those printed TOG units are bulky, though, and it would be nice to save the space.


See...very indecisive here.... So, which are you doing and why?

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Well, I just bought the first year of TOG in print. It is always my preference to read a printed version than read something on screen. So if they continue to offer the other years in print I will definitely buy those. If they switch to the digital version I will be taking it to Kinkos to have the whole thing printed out. :D


Another nice thing about the printed version is that you can (if you're using page protectors) mark on them with dry-erase markers, put sticky notes on them, etc. Harder to do something like that with a digital version.

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I plan to purchase DE of all the year plans. I like that I can print off the sections I want and don't have to have it *all* sitting on my shelves. I've downloaded a freeware .pdf viewer program that allows me to attach sticky notes to .pdf documents, so I think this will help me to make notes on what to use, what to print, what I like/don't like and keep it all handy. I'm really looking forward to it.

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I am planning on pre-ordering Yrs 2 and 3. I don't like reading on the computer--I know myself, and it just won't get done.

Although I initially thought, "Oh great! Now I can only print off the few pages I really need" and since we're only in LG right now, this would only be basically the SAPs, Maps, and the yellow pages. But then as I talked about it with dh, I started thinking much I would have to eventually print off when we start getting into the dialectic and rhetoric stages. That's when I would need to curl up on the couch to prepare for discussions as well as needing the pages in front of me during discussions. And I also thought about how much time I spent this summer preparing for this year--in all different places--in bed, the car, on vacation, etc. And really the price of the DE is not so low as to convince me of its merits, ya know?


Although not having the huge binders on my shelves (I love page protectors) would save us some major space...

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I already pre-ordered years 2 and 3 because I like to have it all there in front of me, to be able to flip back and forth, leave sticky tabs in... It's a preference. I am also a little scatter-brained at times, and a procrastinator, it might be more useful to just print what you need, but I would be forever behind. I will get the last year digital if that is the only way to get it, who knows I might learn to work with it. I am thinking that I will probably just take it to a printer and have the whole thing printed out.

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I don't mind about going digital b/c I know I will use TOG how it will best fit us regardless. I won't read on the computer either, if I can't do it now with e-books then I won't do it with TOG but I also don't feel that I have to print the whole thing.


Hmm...which would be better long term? Printing just what you need by level or print the whole thing out at once? Probably all at once so there's not any duplicates. I have Years 1, 2, and 3 in print- so printing just Year 4 will just be putting the finishing touch on for me.


If I were just starting out with TOG, I would be seriously weighing the pros/cons AFTER looking at the TOG 3 Week sample and test driving it. For us TOG is the best fit considering our short and long term goals. I have no qualms about using TOG through all our years of homeschooling. I can't put a price on that comfort. But that's just my take.

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I already have Years 1,2 & 3 Redesigned and the Classic versions of all 4 years. If I can only get Year 4 Redesigned in Digital then that is what I will do. I do like the idea of digital because it saves a lot of space, but I've never done a lot of reading online. I think I might just like it in Digital though.


Janis in DE

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I voted other...


because I do plan to buy year 4 no matter what... if its DE only I will then print out some or even all of it. I have years 1,2 and year 3... only part of year 3... still need U3 and 4.


Im a lifer.. its the only curriculum where I have complete freedom and solid direction... all in one. :)

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I have year 1 and 2 and have ordered 3. I don't like digital copies. The reason it has taken me so long to decide on TOG was because the 3 week sample was in digital format and I couldn't figure out what pages I needed to print out ( I didn't want to print out 60+ pages for a week to see if I liked it). Seeing it in print made it sooooo much more appealing since I could just see in my hands what I needed. So when I get around to year 4, I will print out the whole thing.


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I love the printed, but can't afford to get it all now. I am shipping the oldest off to college next month and just can't buy full years of TOG now. I had been buying one unit at a time. I will buy the digital units when they become available because I love TOG and plan to continue to use it lightly through the elementary years then for real through the middle and high school years.


Availability of my money is my deciding factor more than anything else right now.

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I have pre-ordered Years 2 & 3 in print. The ONLY thing I can stand reading on a computer screen is WTM forums. ;)


I don't like digital curriculum at all. Sure, the DE sounds somewhat appealing....but I'm not fallin' for it. I know myself waaaaaaaaaaay too well. For example, last year I purchased Trail Guide to US Geography in the pdf. download version thinking I would like it better because I could print off the pages needed. Ack! Hated it. Hated. It. Oh, I liked the program, just very much disliked it in pdf. Now, I have this pdf. file on my computer that I am finished with but cannot sell. I don't want to print it all out, because frankly I don't plan to use it again. Yet, I don't want to just delete the file either. So it's hogging up computer space...uselessly.


Also, in regards to TOG DE, my understanding is that we will not be able to sell it when we have finished. This is a problem for me with only one child left at home. I won't need to sell anything for several years, but when we have had our second run through TOG in RH I want to know that I will be able to sell it if need be.


So, long story short, I am getting the printed version [if they ever get enough orders]. I know with DE I could have it printed all out....but why would I want to hassle with that when I can already get it in printed form, with the loom and it's printable Student Activity Sheets, etc. for $200? This is a no-brainer decision for me. :D


As for Y4...I'll make that decision when the time comes.

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I actually don't know what to do!


I love TOG but the whole DE thing, and not being able to re-sell....ugghh.


I have actually been drooling over SL catalogs lately, We did 1/2 year of SL a few years ago, and I don't remember why I disliked it so( should have written it on a sticky) :ohmy:

because now I have been just reading everything about the SL 5 , it look so good!


I already have re-designed Year 1,2 and waiting on the last two units of year 3. My ds says just use what you have now and then worry about it later, easier said than done. I WANT to stay with TOG, but I am waffling back and forth on what I should do. Keeping in the true curriculum junkie spirit, who is looking for a reason to change curriculum, and not necessarily a good one at that.


I keep playin this song in my mind.


Should I stay or should I go now......

Should I stay or should I go now......

If I go there will be trouble.........

If I stay there will be double......

Oh you got to let me know.....

Should I stay or should go......

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I actually don't know what to do!


I love TOG but the whole DE thing, and not being able to re-sell....ugghh.


I have actually been drooling over SL catalogs lately, We did 1/2 year of SL a few years ago, and I don't remember why I disliked it so( should have written it on a sticky) :ohmy:

because now I have been just reading everything about the SL 5 , it look so good!


I already have re-designed Year 1,2 and waiting on the last two units of year 3. My ds says just use what you have now and then worry about it later, easier said than done. I WANT to stay with TOG, but I am waffling back and forth on what I should do. Keeping in the true curriculum junkie spirit, who is looking for a reason to change curriculum, and not necessarily a good one at that.


I keep playin this song in my mind.


Should I stay or should I go now......

Should I stay or should I go now......

If I go there will be trouble.........

If I stay there will be double......

Oh you got to let me know.....

Should I stay or should go......


Oh Pongo, stay with TOG! You already have most of it...why jump ship now? I have used many years of SL...Cores 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 100, 300, 400...and I'm sticking with TOG. I love, love, love the book selections I have thus far received for our Y2. I am not saying that SL does not have it's charms, it does, but it will not provide a solid classical education if that is what you are desiring. Your children will have to 'think' with SL...especially in the upper grades where some of the books are far too advanced [Core 400!]...but so will YOU! To know what they are learning you have to learn with them. It is not written for independent learning, even in the high school grades, it is written for the parent to do WITH the child. You will have to read all the curriculum with them, or you will have no idea how to have any type of discussion with them...even in their literature...especially their high school Literature.


Anyhow, not meaning to hijack the thread. Just trying to help you see that the grass really isn't any greener in SL land. Trust me, I know. ;):D

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I am going to stick with the paper versions that I have already on my shelves. I know this means classic edition for year three and four but I am okay with that.


If I were purchasing, I would purchase paper and not digital. I already *hate* the documents on the Loom like the Medieval Frameworks, Poetry Analysis, and Story Analysis that I have to read online in preparation for our R level work. I printed and bound each one with a cover and they are so much easier to handle that way.


I know that eBooks and digital materials are becoming more popular and I am actually going to be offering HFA in digital format soon but I don't prefer it personally.


Barb-Harmony Art Mom

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:iagree: The folks at Lampstand are trying awfully hard to convince everyone of the advantages of a digital product. Well ... of course! They want to stay in business. The no-resale thing is huge, IMHO. There's just no way I would go for it.


Lampstand Press is doing NOTHING to convince people to buy DE... its just an option and only solution at this time.


I just find comments like this awful.... and misleading in their character... when they have only been honest and upfront since this all came out.

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I pre-ordered year 2 in print and will buy the digital versions on years 3 & 4 when they become available, but I will have them printed out. TOG is by far my favorite curriculum. The fact that it is losing its resale value is neither here nor there (for me). I have several littles coming up that will get years of use out of this so I am willing to invest the money.

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Lampstand Press is doing NOTHING to convince people to buy DE... its just an option and only solution at this time.



:iagree: I don't think TOG is trying to convince anyone of anything. Just showing that there CAN be advantages to DE...and there ARE. Just not advantages that I care about. ;) Now, if I were one who made bound notebooks for my son then perhaps DE would hold more appeal to me. But we have our own system that works beautifully for us and everything I need is on the Loom disc.


I really think, from the various posts I have read at the TOG forum, that TOG is going to try and still offer print versions in the future, if they can. I think at this point they are just trying to stay in business...and I am greatful for that.

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I am with Barb. I voted other, because I already own all 4 years. Because I am perfectly OK with layout of the classic I don't see a lot of advantages to upgrading. Maybe the Dialect level work, but I tend to sub books a lot, so I am concerned I would spend bunches on the redesign just to find out it is geared so much to the books they recommend that when I substitute I eliminate all the benefits. Make sense?


If I were made of $$ I would go buy print copies of year 2 and 3, but I am not. ;)



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Thanks for your thoughts! I'm leaning towards digital. Page protecting is what is tipping the scales for me! I protected all my year 2 and most of year 1 because I didn't want anything to happen to the pages (even though I knew it was adding a lot to the cost). With printed copies and the digital, I wouldn't worry! I think I would print the teacher's notes and UG & D pages, but not the R notes and pages yet (which would make my binders quite a bit thinner).

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Well, we just started using TOG this year, and we love it! I anticipate using it all the way through. I would prefer to buy hard copies, but it's just not in the budget right now. I plan to order digital editions as needed. I'd like hard copies if for no other reason than the ability to resell.

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