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Update on me - pic inside

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Life has been interesting (isn't it always?) for my family this past year.

DS graduated from college and is working FT. My college cut the tennis program and I am (technically) unemployed. I will be opening up a small tennis coaching business this fall (as soon as I am able to be near athletes and customers) so I'll be a business owner soon. We are remodeling our kitchen after 13 years of being in the house. Demo began the week the SIP order was initiated and we have not had a kitchen since mid-March. We finally started up again last Monday and then stopped on Tuesday as the electrician found multiple code violations with the previous remodel (completed in 1975). The cost of the remodel just went up. I can't wait to be able to prepare meals in a full kitchen again; maybe in August.

The best thing is...my DD and DSIL had a baby in June! Baby and mom are doing well. Baby is the reason we are all following social distancing and strict disinfection protocols and why I cannot yet open my business.  I love being able to go see my DD, DGD, DSIL, and the new DGD. 


Edited by The Accidental Coach
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10 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

She is gorgeous!!!! Congratulations!

I am sorry about your job.  Best of luck on your business. 

Your are a quarantine queen living with no kitchen and home construction.    Amazing.   I don't know how your doing that.

Thank you.

The kitchen issue has been difficult. I brought our popup camper to the house thinking I would us it as a kitchen and transfer dishes and food from place to place. That lasted less than a week; it was too much work and the neighbors weren't too happy having the popup set up in the driveway (neither was I, to be honest). I now have everything we are not using stored in the camper (almost everything that was in the kitchen) and we rely a lot on the Instantpot and the outdoor grill. I have a folding 8' table that I set up in the dining room to hold the items we are using (a few glasses, coffee mugs, plates, tableware, Instantpot, toaster, and assorted food prep items). I use the same system to wash dishes as we do for camping - two plastic tubs and a drying rack. We cart water from the restroom down to the dining area. It hasn't been too bad until this past week when the feels like temps have been over 100. There's no insulation in the kitchen (it's down to studs) and it gets hot in there.

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Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you. Congratulations on the granddaughter! She's beautiful.

Very sorry about your job, but very excited for you about your new business venture. All the best!

You are amazing for managing so well with no kitchen for all these months. What a disaster with timing. That is so unfortunate. Hope things are full speed ahead now, and that you'll have a beautiful new kitchen very soon. 

We had some home reno glitches with an upcoming move and the covid closures. Fortunately we have delayed our move a year, so we have time to finish off all the projects that got put on hold. Are you able to get out and play any tennis for fun? 

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28 minutes ago, wintermom said:

<snip>. Are you able to get out and play any tennis for fun? 

Yes and no. When the college discontinued the program, I was given a ball machine. It had some issues that DH was able to fix and I have been using it 3-4 times a week. I also go out and set up some wonderful footwork and cardio drills with my speed and agility equipment. I practice my serves. Since DD was due at the end of June and we knew I would be needed to help her, she asked me to limit my exposure so I haven't played tennis is over 6 weeks. My local group understands my need to social distance/isolate. If I go when they play, I set up on a court where we can still talk through the fence (about 10 feet apart) or I sit on the bleachers and watch them play.  As long as DD (who lives in a hot spot) is concerned about COVID, I (think) I can continue as I am. I am so very grateful for the ball machine; it's been THE thing keeping me sane throughout the last 6 weeks. That and Essential Tennis videos. I love Ian's videos. I have also been re-certifying as a USTA Official, taking CEUs for my PTR certification, and staying as involved in tennis as I can. I am still on my quest to be 4.5 NTRP/7-8 UTR and am anticipating when the USTA leagues and tournaments are safe and we can official matches again. My 4.5 by 50 goal won't happen but 4.5 by 51 is an option. Just gotta keep working on the kick and slice serves. I've also been reading Open, Agassi's autobiography.

Sorry for the long reply. I can talk tennis all day. I miss being immersed in tennis recruiting and being able to chat about tennis with young, excited players.

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Your new grand baby is beautiful!  Congratulations!

Also thanks for the update.......I was actually wondering how you were doing, tennis team etc.  Sorry about the cuts but your new plan sounds exciting.  

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3 hours ago, The Accidental Coach said:

Yes and no. When the college discontinued the program, I was given a ball machine. It had some issues that DH was able to fix and I have been using it 3-4 times a week. I also go out and set up some wonderful footwork and cardio drills with my speed and agility equipment. I practice my serves. Since DD was due at the end of June and we knew I would be needed to help her, she asked me to limit my exposure so I haven't played tennis is over 6 weeks. My local group understands my need to social distance/isolate. If I go when they play, I set up on a court where we can still talk through the fence (about 10 feet apart) or I sit on the bleachers and watch them play.  As long as DD (who lives in a hot spot) is concerned about COVID, I (think) I can continue as I am. I am so very grateful for the ball machine; it's been THE thing keeping me sane throughout the last 6 weeks. That and Essential Tennis videos. I love Ian's videos. I have also been re-certifying as a USTA Official, taking CEUs for my PTR certification, and staying as involved in tennis as I can. I am still on my quest to be 4.5 NTRP/7-8 UTR and am anticipating when the USTA leagues and tournaments are safe and we can official matches again. My 4.5 by 50 goal won't happen but 4.5 by 51 is an option. Just gotta keep working on the kick and slice serves. I've also been reading Open, Agassi's autobiography.

Sorry for the long reply. I can talk tennis all day. I miss being immersed in tennis recruiting and being able to chat about tennis with young, excited players.

So glad you've been able to access tennis is a variety of forms. My dh and I were missing tennis so much in the spring that we made our own grass court in the back yard. It was very far from the real thing, but it was something positive and constructive we could do until the public courts opened. 

All the best in reaching your goal of 4.5! That's awesome! 

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