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Who’s going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Yet another gray, wet day here. At least it's not cold.



  • Get kids started on school
  • Zoom training for tutoring
  • Contact students
  • Zoom for AHG?
  • YNAB
  • Cull inbox
  • Amazon return
  • Pick up raw milk
  • Refill first aid kit in my car
  • Walk
  • Organize a notebook? Still on the list! 
  • Read a chapter and listen to a podcast. 
  • Call mom
  • Dinner is fajitas. 


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  • Up in the wee hours on the internet.
  • Slept about 3 hours.
  • Kid2 to horse riding.
  • Woke Kid1.
  • Caught up on social media, calendar, emails, news, and electronic school stuff.
  • Working on coffee 1.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Force kids to do school work.
  • More coffee, daily exercise, some reading.
  • All laundry.
  • Clean the house for the maids to come tomorrow.  (If they are coming ... I don't know.  But let's clean the house anyway!)
  • We are hoping to go to the park today, but depends on the weather, which isn't looking great right now.
  • May or may not need to figure out computer stuff for my kids ... hoping it can wait until the weekend ....
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Morning, all!  

Another rainy day here, cooler temps than normal.  I've got to get up and moving and get the puppy walked before the expected big rain hits.  I'm wondering what to do with my pile of donations for Goodwill now that they are closed.  Open to ideas...

To do:

  • coffee, devotional
  • post lessons online
  • walk puppy
  • laundry
  • library run for gardening, miscellaneous books (I keep calling/they say they aren't closing)
  • clean the master bedroom if my back lets me
  • no clue for dinner...being keto sometimes sucks.  I would love a big plate of spaghetti and garlic bread.  I will have my zoodles and sauce.  My blood sugar has stayed consistently between high 80s and 120s.  If/when my doctor appt. happens, I hope that is good progress.  I'm curious if my A1C has dropped significantly.  

Have a great day! 

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Good morning!

Holy smokes, what a morning! There was a raccoon out back this morning, but I didn't think a thing of it. It was still dark out and I figured it would be moving along by dawn. But when I went out to do horse chores, it was stumbling around up by the barn and obviously very sick - it was growling and attacking everything in its path (the water pump, a wheelbarrow - so weird). The horses were all (stupidly) gathered around it staring in fascination. I didn't have a gun on me and didn't want to run in the house to get one and leave the horses alone with that thing. I was simultaneously trying to shoo the horses away while fending the raccoon off with a push broom (which it was attacking) while also dialing anyone I could think of to bring me a gun.  All I could think was A.) I don't want any of my horses to get bit, and B.) I don't want to get bit and have to go to the hospital for rabies shots because I might catch the plague while I'm there! Finally ds21 picked up (he had been sleeping and his phone was on vibrate) and ran out and shot it. I called the vet and asked if the horses should get rabies boosters, just in case anyone got bit, but he said they should be fine. Whew. I have never seen a raccoon act so vicious, and am thankful that my dogs were all inside safe and sound while this was happening! I did lose one half of my favorite pair of work gloves, which got flung off and chewed up and covered in rabid raccoon spit, but no big deal.

So anyway - I am ready to go back to bed and start the day over!

  • office work - the usuals
  • laundry
  • empty garbage cans
  • call in a prescription refill (might have to wear a Hazmat suit when I go to the pharmacy to pick it up😀)
  • send a sympathy card to a friend whose mom died
  • vacuum
  • dinner: tofu fish filet sandwiches
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21 minutes ago, readinmom said:


  • no clue for dinner...being keto sometimes sucks.  I would love a big plate of spaghetti and garlic bread.  I will have my zoodles and sauce.  My blood sugar has stayed consistently between high 80s and 120s.  If/when my doctor appt. happens, I hope that is good progress.  I'm curious if my A1C has dropped significantly.  


I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and am seeing my blood sugar sloooowly come down from crazy high. Still around 140-150. I have an appt. scheduled in late April. 

Do you control it with diet alone or also medication? 

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12 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and am seeing my blood sugar sloooowly come down from crazy high. Still around 140-150. I have an appt. scheduled in late April. 

Do you control it with diet alone or also medication? 

Both diet and medication. I was diagnosed with LADA (late adult onset, type 1).  I am on insulin (Humalog and Levamir).  I did the nutrition classes, was pretty good about eating, but had some slips during the holidays.  Things weren't good on my last appointment.  I went keto, started intermittent fasting.  The levels have dropped dramatically and I can definitely tell the difference.  My personal goal is to get off of insulin, but my doctor says that will never happen.  I would love to prove him wrong.  I have gone from 4 injections a day down to 2-3, depending on levels.  I am trying to lose 15 more pounds before my next appt.  

It's weird, but once I went on the insulin my weight shot up dramatically.  The doctor said that was normal because my body was compensating, but I also was eating more than I usually would eat.  The dietician gave me a schedule, this many carbs, calories, eat at this time, etc.  I wasn't used to that.  

Let me know if you have any questions!  It sounds like you are doing great...


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1 minute ago, readinmom said:

Both diet and medication. I was diagnosed with LADA (late adult onset, type 1).  I am on insulin (Humalog and Levamir).  I did the nutrition classes, was pretty good about eating, but had some slips during the holidays.  Things weren't good on my last appointment.  I went keto, started intermittent fasting.  The levels have dropped dramatically and I can definitely tell the difference.  My personal goal is to get off of insulin, but my doctor says that will never happen.  I would love to prove him wrong.  I have gone from 4 injections a day down to 2-3, depending on levels.  I am trying to lose 15 more pounds before my next appt.  

It's weird, but once I went on the insulin my weight shot up dramatically.  The doctor said that was normal because my body was compensating, but I also was eating more than I usually would eat.  The dietician gave me a schedule, this many carbs, calories, eat at this time, etc.  I wasn't used to that.  

Let me know if you have any questions!  It sounds like you are doing great...


I am hoping to avoid insulin. I have eaten low carb and sometimes keto for long periods before, but not been good about it this past fall and winter. I haven't done the whole dietician part, thus far. Just my regular doc, who manages many type 2 patients. My doc says mine will never be controlled w/o medication because I was not overweight to start with. He said that few people who already eat reasonably well and exercise when they get it can go without any medication. My body cannot produce a normal amount of insulin without the help of meds. I have put on a little weight, after losing  5-7 lbs when my sugars were so so high. For me, it's just that my body can actually use some of those carbs again, instead of peeing them all out! 

I hope you do well with this! Thanks for sharing! It's nice to not feel lalone on this path.


How do you do your fasting? 

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Selkie, yikes! Glad you are okay, and the horses!

So far today, I have:
...took DS to therapy
...had coffee
...had breakfast
...hung up the laundry from yesterday, started a load for today

I still need to:

...call the psych about DS going downhill.  Sigh. We'll see which meds she wants to add back. Hopefully/prayerfully we can get him back to where he was before she stopped stuff. 
...work on school stuff for my K/1st kids
...more laundry 
...dinner? something with chicken
....call my grandma
....mail some stuff/buy stamps

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Scout, sounds like we're in a similar situation.  I wasn't overweight, either, when diagnosed.  My doctor also says I will always need medication.  I'd love to be rid of the insulin, take something else instead.  And no, you're not alone. There's a lot of people on this site that are dealing with this, also.  I'm here anytime!

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13 minutes ago, readinmom said:

Selkie, that was frightening!  Does someone have to come pick the raccoon up?  Sorry, weird question, I know.  

Glad that you are okay!

Thanks! We're going to bury it out in the woods, in a deep hole with rocks on top so the coyotes can't dig it up. We got every trace of its blood out of the paddock and are going to bleach the shovel that we used to move the body. I thought about calling the Health Dept., but since our animals are all vaccinated and neither ds nor I had physical contact with it, I think we should be fine. Our nearest neighbors are a couple miles away, so it wouldn't have had the chance to endanger any other humans or pets.

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Coffee and yogurt 

Morning walk

Help DH finish outside partition 

Make a pan of lasagna, pan of Mexican casserole( these are for a new mom) and a batch of white chocolate chip and macadamia cookies for DH

Do  couple loads of laundry 

Pick up dog from daycare

Make dinner


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human care done

pet care done

medical care done

finally figured out the online vet consult thing.  They have a new young vet at the vet's office.  In the past the old experienced vet always set up the e-consult as a follow-up.  This new young one waited for me to do it and I wasn't quite sure how at first.  But I persevered.  (Nothing major but at first Juliet's hearing seemed to be affected by the meds.  I think she's hearing ok now but she's sleepy and doesn't really want to respond very quickly.  😉  ) 

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Picked up DS from therapy
Called the psych, left a message with the front desk person
Laundry load #1 is in the dryer, load #2 is in the washer
Lunch was leftovers from dinner
Found some of the good sudafed in my road trip purse so I can wait on going to the pharmacy for a few more days
Got another set of assignments from one of my K kiddos (over text; so cute! she even recorded me a voice message), sent a reply
Decided that a temperature quilt will be a perfect distraction for this year, so looked up/wrote down the temps so far this year

Up next:
...first grade science power point
...first grade history power point
...first grade printables
...switch laundry/fold clothes
...look up historic temps so I can plan how much fabric
...decide temperature range I want to use, and figure how much fabric to get
...order fabric from Cherrywood, b/c they are having a rare "sew-cial distancing" sale (19% off, through April 19th, to try and recoup quilt show sales from shows that have been cancelled)
...sew more on the quilt I'm already working on
...watch recorded TV shows
...something chicken for dinner
...maybe the guys are video gaming tonight, maybe we will watch something just DH and I....? 

Probably move half of that to tomorrow.....we'll see what I accomplish

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1 minute ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I had to look up a temperature quilt.  Interesting! 

This is the tutorial I plan to follow, but I'll likely do mine in the solid/Cherrywood fabric, most likely. I haven't decided on colors yet, but likely similar-ish to those in the tutorial. For sure I want to correlate warms and cools to the temps, but we'll see. I may toss some turquoise into the warm side or something; I haven't decided. 



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Went out and did horse chores in the pouring rain. Tended to a hoof problem and got 2 grams of Bute mixed with applesauce into ds21's horse.

Ds dug a grave out on the edge of the woods and buried the raccoon. He has such a good heart. He is feeling badly about having to kill it, even though it had to be done.😞

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We finally heard today from the university that the remainder of the semester will be online. No word on when dorm rooms can be cleared out. They said no one is allowed back on campus until further notice. I am so, so glad that my boys were able to load up their cars with everything important to them on the night that they left. They are both staying in the same rooms next fall (assuming there will be school next fall...😬), so it's not a big deal if their stuff sits there all summer. Although ds21 did say, "I left a big jar of pickles in my room and I really wish I'd brought that home!":laugh:

I didn't get a single bit of office work done today, but I did lots of little odds and ends. Several loads of of laundry, emptied garbage cans, scooped the front yard, ordered my prescription refill.

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Well, I picked up ds2 at college. The dorms were closing so we have all his stuff. 
I drove through fog and rain all morning to hit snow at the CO border. I-76 is closed so ds3 and I are in a hotel in Sterling. 100 miles away- so close.

No restaurants- just some frozen microwave meals available.


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Folded a leftover load of laundry from yesterday, and the one from today, and put the 2nd load in the dryer. 

Did my power point for 1st grade science. 

Helped DH plant a tree in the backyard and mulch the other trees. 

Finished figuring out all the temperatures (historically) for our area; we don't have a single month without at least 10 days that have temps in the 70s (either as the high or the low). That's kind of good for me to know and remember; it feels SOOOO COLD in the winter here; knowing we WILL see 70s, every month, will maybe help me get through the winter more easily. 

Of course, according to the historical record for last year, we never hit 100, which seems like an error to me. Certainly our "feels like" is rarely below 100 in August.....it also said there were no days below freezing, and I know that's wrong, we had lows in the 20s for sure. Not just feels like, because we've had "pets-plants-people-pipes" warnings. This is good enough data, though, for figuring out how much of each color to have. And I wonder if I want to break down stuff into 5 degree increments instead of 10 degrees. There's a big difference from 70 to 79. 

Dinner tonight will be tilapia filets (frozen) with squash; tomorrow is 15-bean soup with Italian sausage. 

I think the boys may video game tonight and I will watch TV; we'll see. 

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Made decent progress on my morning list.

Folded and put away laundry
Cleaned and organized a bathroom cabinet
Texted with ds' teacher
Sent a text to someone in our church who is sick with CV
AHG things

Next up:
Listen to a podcast
Hot peach tea 


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Masked up and went to the Post Office. Still feel like a dork but hopefully this will keep me out of the hospital especially in the next couple of weeks.

Washed, dried and put away dishes, knives and pans.  

Wiped down counters and stove and microwave.

Tried to make Chinese bbq pork. I was yummy but the taste wasn’t quite right. 

Working on the Schoolroom of Doom with dh. With an intermission to chase down a 66 pound VERY stubborn dog who ran over to her bffs house and refused to come home.  

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