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Getting DS Home - WWYD? UPDATE IN OP


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Ds is in Canada at university; we live in the US.  All in-person classes are cancelled and students are permitted to leave, but they can stay on campus if needed.  DS wants me to come get him and his girlfriend and come back here. 

It is a 16+ hour drive - done it a million times, so totally doable.  

My parents live up there as well.  They're in their mid/late 70s, in great health.  If I go get him, they will expect us to stay there for as long as we can, at least a couple of days (they'd like us to stay even longer).

I want to see them but I worry about making them sick.  No one in my house is sick, but we all know there are unknown carriers.  DH has been on planes and he was at a conference the end of Feb. where a couple people later tested positive for COVID19.  He was never in direct contact with them - huge conference with a billion presenters and he never visited their booth, but that's no guarantee he didn't open the door right after they did - kwim?  He arrived home from that on Feb. 27 and then went on another trip the following week, so it's been about 10 days since he got back from Trip 2.  No one he knows is/has been sick.  No one in our family has any symptoms.  DD is a vet tech and in close contact with people during her shifts.  My other ds is an HVAC tech and sees people every day too.   

My parents are adamant that we stay with them; my mom is already making up the beds and planning meals.  I could leave super-early tomorrow morning and arrive late tomorrow night and be back here by Thursday or Friday.  But, a lot can change in those 4-5 days.    

Where I live, there are no 'local' cases, but we do have cases in the county and the ones surrounding us.  There are a few cases in the province where DS is, but none in the area he or my parents live.

Other options... 

DS stays where he is for now

DS flies home

I pick him up at school and we drive straight back without visiting

Someone (one of his friends from school) brings DS to the CAN/US border and he walks across to me and we drive back home

My siblings are fine with whatever I decide, although one sister really doesn't think staying with them is a good idea.  The funny thing is - our parents were supposed to go visit her but decided not to due to the COVID19.  They wouldn't have been able to get travel insurance.  


UPDATE: His campus now has 2 presumptive cases so it's closing, and while he could stay longer with his cousins, that just puts them at more risk too.  

So, I'm heading up to get him tomorrow.  I was hoping he'd agree to drive himself home, but he feels it's too long for him to do on his own.   I will drive 3/4 of the way tomorrow and pick him up at university by early Wednesday afternoon.  Of course, the weather is not great....And, I need an oil change - that's always the way, isn't it? 

I am not stopping at my parents, and they'll be annoyed/angry, but it's safer for everyone that way. 

Edited by jen3kids
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5 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Someone drive him to the border and you get him may be the best Idea. I would not stay with your parents - just because if it were me I'd never forgive myself if they got it and I might have been the cause. 


This or have him stay at University. Possibly less moving around would be best, and perhaps he’d be in good shape to give assistance to his grandparents if needed, and if he is well. 

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13 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Someone drive him to the border and you get him may be the best Idea. I would not stay with your parents - just because if it were me I'd never forgive myself if they got it and I might have been the cause. 


Exactly true - I would never forgive myself - it makes me cry just to think about it!

5 minutes ago, Pen said:


This or have him stay at University. Possibly less moving around would be best, and perhaps he’d be in good shape to give assistance to his grandparents if needed, and if he is well. 


My brother and one of my sisters live next door to my parents so they are able to help as needed and will have been in contact with the same people my parents are (small town).  Having my son go to them actually introduces more possibilities of infection to them.  My DS does not want to stay with them.  He was surprised when I said we would be.  I always think of my parents as invincible, but really they're just as susceptible as any other healthy senior.

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I agree...I would meet them at the border if possible.  I would not stay with your parents.  And...you could get stuck over there if either side closes the borders, which is highly possible.  I would not want to be stranded away from home -- even if it was with my parents!


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Maybe tell your parents you cannot stay with them but send your son and his girlfriend to stay with them. Then, in a couple weeks of being home alone, if there are no symptoms of Covid-19, then head on up and enjoy the time with them.


edited to say : change my mind..I like the idea of meeting them at the border. You do not want to get stuck on the other side if they close the border. 

Edited by Janeway
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11 minutes ago, mlktwins said:

I agree...I would meet them at the border if possible.  I would not stay with your parents.  And...you could get stuck over there if either side closes the borders, which is highly possible.  I would not want to be stranded away from home -- even if it was with my parents!



2 minutes ago, Janeway said:

Maybe tell your parents you cannot stay with them but send your son and his girlfriend to stay with them. Then, in a couple weeks of being home alone, if there are no symptoms of Covid-19, then head on up and enjoy the time with them.


edited to say : change my mind..I like the idea of meeting them at the border. You do not want to get stuck on the other side if they close the border. 


I hadn't heard about this possibility, but I don't actually think either country can keep us out  (DS has dual citizenship and I'm a Canadian and have a green card that lets me live in the US) but I could be wrong.   



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41 minutes ago, HeighHo said:

I'd tell them to stay.


That is an option.  He could move in with his cousins who are about a mile from him in off campus housing.  Or, he can just stay in residence, but everyone is moving out so that's not an optimal choice.


35 minutes ago, bolt. said:

I'd rent him a car and have him drive himself home.


He's 18 - not old enough to rent a car or even drive a rental.  

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I'd tell my mom I'd rather she be angry at me for not stopping than me never forgive myself for being the cause of them getting sick.  Sorry, but no.

And IN CASE the rumors that there will be a national lock down for two weeks starting this week I'd go get him ASAP.

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15 minutes ago, HeighHo said:

Just for others reading, In the U.S., Enterprise is reducing the age minimum and waiving the young renter fees.  


Holy Cow!  That is amazing!  A one way rental for him would only be $125.  That is cheaper than a flight!


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2 minutes ago, jen3kids said:


Holy Cow!  That is amazing!  A one way rental for him would only be $125.  That is cheaper than a flight!


I heard a rumor that domestic travel restrictions will be announced tomorrow. I would put him on a plane tomorrow asap. But can his girlfriend afford to fly? 

Alternate would be to drive, but that is a very long drive for an 18yo. I would not want them staying overnight, if they could even find a hotel that would give them a room. 

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1 minute ago, Chris in VA said:

I heard a rumor that domestic travel restrictions will be announced tomorrow. I would put him on a plane tomorrow asap. But can his girlfriend afford to fly? 

Alternate would be to drive, but that is a very long drive for an 18yo. I would not want them staying overnight, if they could even find a hotel that would give them a room. 


Oh crap!  What kind of domestic travel restrictions?  I've told him that his girlfriend shouldn't come this time around.  She's from a different part of Canada and was basically coming to meet the family, stay for a week, and then head home.  But with the possibility of borders closing and more restrictions - not a good time at all.  I was honestly surprised her parents gave her the ok to come, but they did.  

It is a long drive for him, but I believe he'd be safe - he is my super safe kid who will pull over at the slightest hint of fatigue.  That said, I am leaving it up to him.  If he doesn't feel comfortable doing it, I won't make him.

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Yes, thanks for asking!

It was an epic 1700 mile journey done in about 42 hours.  I left home around 6:30am on Tuesday, stopped for the night at 5pm.  Back on the road again Wednesday at 7:30am, picked him up at 11:30am, and turned around and arrived back home at 1am on Thursday.  Thankfully he took a couple turns driving on the way home.  

No trouble crossing the border in either direction.  Canada Customs asked all sorts of COVID19 related questions; the US Customs agent didn't ask any.  

Hardly any traffic, except for a slowdown in NYC at the GW Bridge, and that was very minor.

DS is not happy being home, but knows there is no other option.  He is hoping to go back in mid-Aug. 

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