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Well-Trained Bodies January 2020- Ring in the New Year with Exercise


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4 hours ago, wintermom said:

It's mild outside and the snow hasn't melted, so I'll be going for a snowshoe in the woods this morning. I scoped out this forest last week, and it's perfect for making my own trails throughout the trees. With the wet, heavy snow, it should be a decent work-out. 

Have fun today!

1 hour ago, SKL said:

8th day of doing my "yoga etc." routine and practicing my TKD forms.  Hoping to do some walking later today.


Evidently I was too optimistic this am, my belly feels worse today instead of better and my energy is crap. My older 2 girls are both sick too, so I'm going to assume we all have the same bug but it is affecting me differently. They have fatigue and runny/stuffy noses. Dd1 was sick for a day last week, had a fairly high fever but within 24 hrs was fine. So, another day of laying around I guess and hope tomorrow is better.

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14 minutes ago, soror said:

Have fun today!


Evidently I was too optimistic this am, my belly feels worse today instead of better and my energy is crap. My older 2 girls are both sick too, so I'm going to assume we all have the same bug but it is affecting me differently. They have fatigue and runny/stuffy noses. Dd1 was sick for a day last week, had a fairly high fever but within 24 hrs was fine. So, another day of laying around I guess and hope tomorrow is better.

So sorry you and your dd's are still under the weather. Hope you bounce back soon!

Snowshoeing was interesting. The snow was almost pure slush, though clean and white. The little forest I was hiking in is nestled in the middle of a housing development, and I saw many deer tracks, which was cool. However, the noise from construction and traffic wasn't very relaxing. So much for a peaceful, meditative nature experience. 😉  

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@soror Boo, I'm sorry y'all are sick!


Finally back at my usual routine today, and boy does it feel good.  Did my first weight lifting workout in 10 days, and while I can't say I crushed it, I got out and did it according to plan and it felt good.  I really get such a mood boost from exercise.  CKD class tonight, which should be a pretty sweaty and non-stop review of all technique our belt level and under, as is customary after a big test.  Food has been on point.  Nothing like a forced break to make me appreciate my routine!

We're all still healthy so far--Lord willing, we will stay that way!  Go away, flu!

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16 hours ago, wintermom said:

So sorry you and your dd's are still under the weather. Hope you bounce back soon!

Snowshoeing was interesting. The snow was almost pure slush, though clean and white. The little forest I was hiking in is nestled in the middle of a housing development, and I saw many deer tracks, which was cool. However, the noise from construction and traffic wasn't very relaxing. So much for a peaceful, meditative nature experience. 😉  

Sounds beautiful, sorry it was so noisy.

15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Sorry you are feeling rough, @soror. Get well soon!

I walked with a friend at lunchtime, then cancelled my yoga class this evening because I managed to leave work early and didn't want to hang around. We have a house viewing tomorrow, so I have some cleaning to do after supper, then I'll do some yoga.

They canceled yoga, geez, it is really better you have your own thing at home!! Good luck at the viewing.

14 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@soror Boo, I'm sorry y'all are sick!


Finally back at my usual routine today, and boy does it feel good.  Did my first weight lifting workout in 10 days, and while I can't say I crushed it, I got out and did it according to plan and it felt good.  I really get such a mood boost from exercise.  CKD class tonight, which should be a pretty sweaty and non-stop review of all technique our belt level and under, as is customary after a big test.  Food has been on point.  Nothing like a forced break to make me appreciate my routine!

We're all still healthy so far--Lord willing, we will stay that way!  Go away, flu!

Fingers still crossed, glad you had a good day.


I felt even worse yesterday afternoon, did not make it to Scouts and lazed around nearly all day, step count last 3 days less than 1 regular day. So, I'm making no guesses on how today will go. The stomach persists, nausea which feels better if I eat and eat and eat, and of course my body does not want carrot sticks or such. Trying to stay relatively healthy for most of my food, trying. And I told dh I'm to the point of taking a pregnancy test just to be safe b/c I don't understand what the heck is going on.

Edited by soror
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51 minutes ago, soror said:


They canceled yoga, geez, it is really better you have your own thing at home!! Good luck at the viewing.


I felt even worse yesterday afternoon, did not make it to Scouts and lazed around nearly all day, step count last 3 days less than 1 regular day. So, I'm making no guesses on how today will go. The stomach persists, nausea which feels better if I eat and eat and eat, and of course my body does not want carrot sticks or such. Trying to stay relatively healthy for most of my food, trying. And I told dh I'm to the point of taking a pregnancy test just to be safe b/c I don't understand what the heck is going on.

No, I cancelled yoga, because I couldn't be bothered to wait around.  I'm clearly done with that gym.

Sorry you are still feeling rough.  Off-the-wall idea: I have episodes of 'trapped wind', which can last a few days, when I feel nauseated and uneasy.  I find drinking something bubbly helps me to burp and feel better.

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Soror, well that stinks.  I was hoping to see that you were better!  Of course now I'm curious if you are pregnant too!

I'm starving and sore as heck after my first day back to 2 a days.  Feels good though!  So far we are all still healthy, thank God.  

Today will be lifting and CKD again.  Hoping to have an active week to finish out my 30s feeling strong!

ETA: Lifting was great!  So glad to be feeling strong again!

Edited by IvyInFlorida
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I had the best snowshoe hike this afternoon! I sort of ran up and down a whole series of snow covered rocks up on a ridge. Got my heart rate up good, kept warm, and kept my mind so occupied and had so much fun that all my stress was gone and I felt wonderful. I think the running/getting the heart rate up along with the creativity of making my own trails is the perfect combination for me! 😃

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Well, today was a better day, not great but better. I went to the gym, I was far from 100% but I've had worse workouts. I cut back on some exercises and did not do intervals on the stairmaster, I knew I was not up to that, I ended with a fairly slow walk on the treadmill.

Fwiw pregnancy test tonight was negative- of course that could be it is just early- or it really is some weird bug that won't go away. 

Here's hoping tomorrow is an even better day and this crap is nearly over. I ate well today despite the belly being off. It is weird b/c sometimes it feels like eating makes the belly feel better and sometimes worse. 

I planned to do mobility recovery work the last 2 mornings but just wasn't up for it, I'm really hoping to get something done tomorrow, even if it is short to help with lifting recovery.

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@wintermom, that sounds amazing

@soror I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. Take it easy.

Slept well last night, at last. Both Husband and I have our heads too full of this house we've seen.

Today I'll have a brisk walk then Pilates this evening. My weight is back down to something normal after Christmas: around 58.6 kilos; according to my scales that's 24.9 percent fat.

Edited by Laura Corin
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@wintermom that sound exhilarating! 

@soror Hope this mystery yuck goes away soon; I'm sure it's frustrating!

@Laura Corin Glad you got good rest!


I slept well too...well, I basically crashed after CKD.  I was working on my new belt level kicks, which are both spinning kicks.  Blargh, made me so dizzy despite locking in on one target as I spun (like ice skaters do).  I will probably run this morning.  I think it's too cold out to do anything else!  Only 36 degrees, but for me that's practically Antarctica.

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27 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom that sound exhilarating! 

@soror Hope this mystery yuck goes away soon; I'm sure it's frustrating!

@Laura Corin Glad you got good rest!


I slept well too...well, I basically crashed after CKD.  I was working on my new belt level kicks, which are both spinning kicks.  Blargh, made me so dizzy despite locking in on one target as I spun (like ice skaters do).  I will probably run this morning.  I think it's too cold out to do anything else!  Only 36 degrees, but for me that's practically Antarctica.

Ack, I get dizzy so easy, I'd be puking.

3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@wintermom, that sounds amazing

@soror I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. Take it easy.

Slept well last night, at last. Both Husband and I have our heads too full of this house we've seen.

Today I'll have a brisk walk then Pilates this evening. My weight is back down to something normal after Christmas: around 58.6 kilos; according to my scales that's 24.9 percent fat.

Ya, for getting back to maintenance range. 

Do you like this house better than the others?


I had another good night sleep last night, I even cut the melatonin as I'm using progesterone now at the 2nd half of my cycle and I'm waking a bit drowsy. On average I'm sleeping more each night.

Planning recovery work today, so far belly feels pretty decent.

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12 minutes ago, soror said:

Do you like this house better than the others?

It's more or less our dream house: on the edge of a walkable village with a large convenience store, butcher, two cafes, one pub; on two bus routes to two different towns; lots of community events to take-or-leave; twenty-minute drive to work; at the centre of three or four different walking routes (cross-country, through woods, around the grounds of an elegant estate); it's currently a four-bed, but would make a very nice three-bed; views across the fields; option to make a holiday flat out of part of the house if we need income later; manageable garden with stone wall that's high enough for the dog to be contained; has a garage, so recharging a future electric car would be easy; lovely small garden room to enjoy the outdoors on a cold day.........

There are some things that need doing: an updated heating system, and (if we can afford it and get permission) opening up a window to the view.

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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

It's more or less our dream house: on the edge of a walkable village with a large convenience store, butcher, two cafes, one pub; on two bus routes to two different towns; lots of community events to take-or-leave; twenty-minute drive to work; at the centre of three or four different walking routes (cross-country, through woods, around the grounds of an elegant estate); it's currently a four-bed, but would make a very nice three-bed; views across the fields; option to make a holiday flat out of part of the house if we need income later; manageable garden with stone wall that's high enough for the dog to be contained; has a garage, so recharging a future electric car would be easy; lovely small garden room to enjoy the outdoors on a cold day.........

There are some things that need doing: an updated heating system, and (if we can afford it and get permission) opening up a window to the view.

Wow, that does sound like an ideal house, that is very exciting.


I'm still feeling ok belly just feels the tiniest bit off. I did a Fight Club workout this am, it is fairly low intensity but any moves that were not I did the modification. I still have less endurance and heated up more quickly but it felt good. I added in extra stretches after the cool down.

toast w/ almond butter before workout and then a egg omlette w/ peppers, onions, and spinach and some sweet potato on the side.

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9 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

It's more or less our dream house: on the edge of a walkable village with a large convenience store, butcher, two cafes, one pub; on two bus routes to two different towns; lots of community events to take-or-leave; twenty-minute drive to work; at the centre of three or four different walking routes (cross-country, through woods, around the grounds of an elegant estate); it's currently a four-bed, but would make a very nice three-bed; views across the fields; option to make a holiday flat out of part of the house if we need income later; manageable garden with stone wall that's high enough for the dog to be contained; has a garage, so recharging a future electric car would be easy; lovely small garden room to enjoy the outdoors on a cold day.........

There are some things that need doing: an updated heating system, and (if we can afford it and get permission) opening up a window to the view.

That certainly sounds like a dream house!! I'm picturing a scene from "Midsomer Murders." 😃  Hope everything works out for you!

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I had another fantastic day today! Ds 13 and I went for an hour skate ski at our local trails. It was super fast and smooth, so we flew around the park twice before heading home. Then I took ds 17 to a college tour. He was so excited and recharged after the tour. He said it was his best day since his concussion three months ago, and was really excited about starting this fall. Makes me feel so happy as a mom. 😊


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5 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I had another fantastic day today! Ds 13 and I went for an hour skate ski at our local trails. It was super fast and smooth, so we flew around the park twice before heading home. Then I took ds 17 to a college tour. He was so excited and recharged after the tour. He said it was his best day since his concussion three months ago, and was really excited about starting this fall. Makes me feel so happy as a mom. 😊



All of that is wonderful to hear!

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On 1/28/2020 at 4:48 PM, wintermom said:

I had the best snowshoe hike this afternoon! I sort of ran up and down a whole series of snow covered rocks up on a ridge. Got my heart rate up good, kept warm, and kept my mind so occupied and had so much fun that all my stress was gone and I felt wonderful. I think the running/getting the heart rate up along with the creativity of making my own trails is the perfect combination for me! 😃

I want to live where you live.  Snowshoeing sounds fun?

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I'm still doing Body Beast Lean Calendar.  I've been adding in insanity max30 and 21day fix extreme for extra cardio.  I tried running outside and again got hit with exercise induced rhinitis.  Until I can figure out how to get that under control I'll just stick to what I'm doing but I sure do miss a good runners high.

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20 minutes ago, lynn said:

I want to live where you live.  Snowshoeing sounds fun?

Yes, snowshoeing can be a lot of fun! And it can be so beautiful outdoors in the winter in a forest. I really love it.  

I am so fortunate to have as many different hiking and skiing trails as I do nearby. 

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42 minutes ago, lynn said:

I'm still doing Body Beast Lean Calendar.  I've been adding in insanity max30 and 21day fix extreme for extra cardio.  I tried running outside and again got hit with exercise induced rhinitis.  Until I can figure out how to get that under control I'll just stick to what I'm doing but I sure do miss a good runners high.


It's way too icy to run here right now, and I'm kind of missing it...never thought I'd miss running!

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10 hours ago, lynn said:

I'm still doing Body Beast Lean Calendar.  I've been adding in insanity max30 and 21day fix extreme for extra cardio.  I tried running outside and again got hit with exercise induced rhinitis.  Until I can figure out how to get that under control I'll just stick to what I'm doing but I sure do miss a good runners high.

I'm so sorry about the rhinitis, that sounds miserable.

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I only had 1 period of really bad stomach pains yesterday, so I am definitely doing better, fingers crossed improvements continue.

Tonight is lifting at the gym and treadmill. I think I will have to do my treadmill work all at once, they have moved things (again) and the equipment I need is in 1 spot and they use it for a class part of the time I'm there. UGH. I am not sure how this will go, I need to look at my workout plan to see what I can do elsewhere.

I am going to try out Phase 4 of my program, I have work to do still on pull-ups but I am steadily gaining progress and am ready to move on in other lifts, I am excited for something new.

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53 minutes ago, soror said:

I'm so sorry about the rhinitis, that sounds miserable.

I get exercised induced rhinitis, as does my brother.  He has to stop between each point when playing tennis to blow his nose.  When Nordic Walking, I mostly just sniff.  I'm also always alone so.... I just wash my gloves.  Getting out a tissue when you have poles strapped to your wrists is too much trouble.

Soror, I'm glad you are still improving.


Pilates was good last night.  There were only two of us in the class, and we are the fittest two, so she upped the difficulty a bit, which was good.

This afternoon I leave work early and will go and Nordic Walk.  After walking into sleet/hail last week, this week is dry but with 50mph gusts, so I'll be sand blasted.  Oh well.  I have book group right afterwards in a local hotel, so I'll get myself some tea to warm up.  I'm very behind on my yoga, so I will double up tomorrow and finish off the month's sessions during the weekend.

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28 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I get exercised induced rhinitis, as does my brother.  He has to stop between each point when playing tennis to blow his nose.  When Nordic Walking, I mostly just sniff.  I'm also always alone so.... I just wash my gloves.  Getting out a tissue when you have poles strapped to your wrists is too much trouble.

The cold air makes noses run a ton!  When I ski or snowshoe with poles, I always do the "runner's blow" a fellow teacher taught me in Norway. Cover one nostril, bend over and blow into the ground, then do other side. Very effective and also makes me feel extra "tough." I never do this when exercising with my girl friends here in Canada, though. Maybe it's a viking thing. 😂

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6 minutes ago, wintermom said:

The cold air makes noses run a ton!  When I ski or snowshoe with poles, I always do the "runner's blow" a fellow teacher taught me in Norway. Cover one nostril, bend over and blow into the ground, then do other side. Very effective and also makes me feel extra "tough." I never do this when exercising with my girl friends here in Canada, though. Maybe it's a viking thing. 😂

I've never mastered this. I wish I could.

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Ladies, before we flip over to the February thread in a couple days, I would love it if we could do a bit of brainstrorming, experience sharing, etc. on the following question, aka The Eternal Question (of exercise):

- How to fit it in?  

I know, the bottom line is, if it's a priority, it'll get done.  But I'd really like some more concrete personal experience from all of you, as I think we represent a group with pretty diverse life set-ups.  

Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  Do you get up before everyone, exercise instead of something else (I often times find myself exercising while the family is eating dinner, for example, which I don't like to do)?  I feel like I'm just barely squeezing in our school day from 8am-3pm.  I've got a 13yo, 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo, so I am still giving a lot of individual attention to each child (So their school days are shorter than mine, if that makes sense).  I combine where I can and also teach several kids math at the same time, etc, so I feel I'm pretty efficient.  But probably still two years away from the school pressure lightening up as my youngest two are not yet launched readers.  

I don't want to use any of that as an excuse.  But it is a reality, and I want to know how each of you has modified your life to make space for exercise.  What other areas have you reduced to open up that time?  Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?    

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39 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Ladies, before we flip over to the February thread in a couple days, I would love it if we could do a bit of brainstrorming, experience sharing, etc. on the following question, aka The Eternal Question (of exercise):

- How to fit it in?  

I know, the bottom line is, if it's a priority, it'll get done.  But I'd really like some more concrete personal experience from all of you, as I think we represent a group with pretty diverse life set-ups.  

Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  Do you get up before everyone, exercise instead of something else (I often times find myself exercising while the family is eating dinner, for example, which I don't like to do)?  I feel like I'm just barely squeezing in our school day from 8am-3pm.  I've got a 13yo, 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo, so I am still giving a lot of individual attention to each child (So their school days are shorter than mine, if that makes sense).  I combine where I can and also teach several kids math at the same time, etc, so I feel I'm pretty efficient.  But probably still two years away from the school pressure lightening up as my youngest two are not yet launched readers.  

I don't want to use any of that as an excuse.  But it is a reality, and I want to know how each of you has modified your life to make space for exercise.  What other areas have you reduced to open up that time?  Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?    

I can speak of now and how it has worked in the past because it has changed numerous times over the years.

When I started back to exercising after this baby (I exercised throughout other pregnancies but not this one due to undiagnosed and untreated thyoid disease). I was highly motivated to get back to it as I had been out of the habit too long and really wanted to regain my healthy so I modified our school schedule to fit it in. I would leave in the mornings a day or 2 a week and leave them home alone, I'd go to classes in the evenings that didin't interfere with my schedule, whatever I had to do to fit it in. 

For a year or so I also did a large part of my working out with the kids nearly every day, I did a program by Gold Medal Bodies that was a lot of floor work- handstands, crow, single arm levers, cartwheels, etc. The kids naturally excelled at this and enjoyed it. After that program we worked on a bodyweight strength program.

Now, I've always considered walks to be part of our day but we go through seasons of walking more and less but we've done it enough over the years if it is decent at all the kids are asking to go. For a good spell, we'd go for an hour nearly every evening with the kids after dinner when dh was home, that was really magical time. Were we burning a ton of calories, no but it is still good for the body.

A little over 2 yrs ago they started to TKD (ds had done a couple years prior but the girls started new) and where they were taking lessons was next door to a gym, so I figured this was a no brainer, a naturally easy way to get it into my schedule and I had been itching to get back to lifting. I signed up at the gym and have been going faithfully ever Tues/Thurs since, if classes are cancelled I usually modify my workout and do it at home but it is such a habit I rarely miss unless I'm ill. Last year I added in a 3rd day most weeks, I go to the gym if my friend is available to go but otherwise usually stay home to workout to save time. It also works really well as it gives dh time to work on homework in a quiet home.

3 months or so ago I decided I wanted to do morning exercise M-F as a nice start to the day. I worked at home but my schedule changed with the time change and law changes in China so I was finishing 2 hrs early and as we were used to my old schedule that was found time, I started creating new habits and carved out time within that to put towards exercise. The girls sleep in more now that they are used to my later schedule so they rarely wake before I'm done teaching and if they do they know to wait. Now, I finished the program I was doing I've been using am work as a time for restorative work, which fits well with having a nice quiet start to the day, working on reducing stress (as I had enough I don't want to add too much through exercise).

Years prior I've done so many configurations that I don't even remember them all. When ds was a baby I did some videos online and then I did a spin class at 6 am or so, I'd meet dh at the gym as he was just getting off his shift and he'd take ds home and I'd work out. Before dd3's pregnancy I did p90x at home, I don't even remember my schedule but I fit it in somehow. I've done evening classes when dh could watch the kid before our schedule was as busy in the evening. 

I've worked a lot with kids or with kids nearby and it has been entirely frustrating at times and certainly I did not work out as intensely if the kids weren't around but I did what I could. It became much easy once the kids could be left alone, I started that when dh was maybe 12 for short periods. It is also a continual work in progress to keep our lives simplified enough we can fit in things like walks and such. 

Edited by soror
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7 minutes ago, soror said:

I can speak of now and how it has worked in the past because it has changed numerous times over the years.

When I started back to exercising after this baby (I exercised throughout other pregnancies but not this one due to undiagnosed and untreated thyoid disease). I was highly motivated to get back to it as I had been out of the habit too long and really wanted to regain my healthy so I modified our school schedule to fit it in. I would leave in the mornings a day or 2 a week and leave them home alone, I'd go to classes in the evenings that didin't interfere with my schedule, whatever I had to do to fit it in. 

For a year or so I also did a large part of my working out with the kids nearly every day, I did a program by Gold Medal Bodies that was a lot of floor work- handstands, crow, single arm levers, cartwheels, etc. The kids naturally excelled at this and enjoyed it. After that program we worked on a bodyweight strength program.

Now, I've always considered walks to be part of our day but we go through seasons of walking more and less but we've done it enough over the years if it is decent at all the kids are asking to go. For a good spell, we'd go for an hour nearly every evening with the kids after dinner when dh was home, that was really magical time. Were we burning a ton of calories, no but it is still good for the body.

A little over 2 yrs ago they started to TKD (ds had done a couple years prior but the girls started new) and where they were taking lessons was next door to a gym, so I figured this was a no brainer, a naturally easy way to get it into my schedule and I had been itching to get back to lifting. I signed up at the gym and have been going faithfully ever Tues/Thurs since, if classes are cancelled I usually modify my workout and do it at home but it is such a habit I rarely miss unless I'm ill. It also works really well as it gives dh time to work on homework in a quiet home.

3 months or so ago I decided I wanted to do morning exercise M-F as a nice start to the day. I worked at home but my schedule changed with the time change and law changes in China so I was finishing 2 hrs early and as we were used to my old schedule that was found time, I started creating new habits and carved out time within that to put towards exercise. The girls sleep in more now that they are used to my later schedule so they rarely wake before I'm done teaching and if they do they know to wait. Now, I finished the program I was doing I've been using am work as a time for restorative work, which fits well with having a nice quiet start to the day, working on reducing stress (as I had enough I don't want to add too much through exercise).

Years prior I've done so many configurations that I don't even remember them all. When ds was a baby I did some videos online and then I did a spin class at 6 am or so, I'd meet dh at the gym as he was just getting off his shift and he'd take ds home and I'd work out. Before dd3's pregnancy I did p90x at home, I don't even remember my schedule but I fit it in somehow. I've done evening classes when dh could watch the kid before our schedule was as busy in the evening. 

I've worked a lot with kids or with kids nearby and it has been entirely frustrating at times and certainly I did not work out as intensely if the kids weren't around but I did what I could. It became much easy once the kids could be left alone, I started that when dh was maybe 12 for short periods. It is also a continual work in progress to keep our lives simplified enough we can fit in things like walks and such. 


Thank you so much, I loved reading how you've evolved your exercise with changing family size/dynamics!  

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Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  When the children were small I had full-time help, so I could leave them.  When I was home educating, I tended to walk before school in the morning.  Then, a few times a week, the children and I walked to the park in the afternoons.  At different ages and stages, I pushed them in a stroller, they rode their bikes, they ran in circles around me, etc.  I wasn't doing any other exercise at the time.


Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?    Yes, much more.  I started taking yoga classes in the evenings (Husband was made redundant when the boys were aged 10 and 13, so he was often around a lot too).  Now I work full time and the children are mostly not at home, so I walk in my work lunch break, Nordic Walk in the evenings and at weekends, and go to yoga/Pilates classes in the evenings or do yoga at home.  It's a whole different world and I'm exercising a lot more.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  When the children were small I had full-time help, so I could leave them.  When I was home educating, I tended to walk before school in the morning.  Then, a few times a week, the children and I walked to the park in the afternoons.  At different ages and stages, I pushed them in a stroller, they rode their bikes, they ran in circles around me, etc.  I wasn't doing any other exercise at the time.


Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?    Yes, much more.  I started taking yoga classes in the evenings (Husband was made redundant when the boys were aged 10 and 13, so he was often around a lot too).  Now I work full time and the children are mostly not at home, so I walk in my work lunch break, Nordic Walk in the evenings and at weekends, and go to yoga/Pilates classes in the evenings or do yoga at home.  It's a whole different world and I'm exercising a lot more.


Thank you, this is encouraging!  

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2 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  Do you get up before everyone, exercise instead of something else (I often times find myself exercising while the family is eating dinner, for example, which I don't like to do)?  I feel like I'm just barely squeezing in our school day from 8am-3pm.  I've got a 13yo, 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo, so I am still giving a lot of individual attention to each child (So their school days are shorter than mine, if that makes sense).  I combine where I can and also teach several kids math at the same time, etc, so I feel I'm pretty efficient.  But probably still two years away from the school pressure lightening up as my youngest two are not yet launched readers.  

I don't want to use any of that as an excuse.  But it is a reality, and I want to know how each of you has modified your life to make space for exercise.  What other areas have you reduced to open up that time?  Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?    

It sure isn't easy, and I did better at some stages than others.  I had all mine in a clump, rather than spread out - 3 kids in 2.5 years.  When the twins were babies, it pretty much ruled out any baby-and-me type classes.  I got a double jogger and would go rollerblading behind it.  I rinsed and repeated with #3, got a triple jogger.  When they were still preschool aged, we had a group of friends who would all go on weekly 'adventures' which were often hikes - I was usually babywearing the youngest and had a diaper backpack on, so I probably got some exercise too.  Whey they got school-aged it did get harder.  I'd sometimes take them to a bike trail with bikes and rollerblade along side, but not super-regular.  Sometimes I'd go biking or rollerblading with a friend or two on summer weekend mornings (during the school year we had activities then too...).  At some point I started doing Pilates classes at 8am 2 mornings a week - I'd be home by just after 9, and we'd start school then.  Dh stayed home till I got back when they were younger.

The worst phase was when they were in middle and early high school - so many activities for them, so much driving.  When they older two decided to try high school, I had to drop the Pilates class - I'd sometimes walk after dropping them off.  I also told myself I'd just do Pilates at home.  Unfortunately, it is quite clear that I need outside accountability to actually get this stuff done. That's when I gained a bunch of weight. 

So by then my kids were teens, and some had started driving to their own activities, so I started to ramp it back up. I started rowing about then - it's in evenings, but only in May-Oct.  My youngest still complained that I made that a priority, but I thought it was time to add my needs back in a bit!  Then I added Pilates and winter indoor rowing classes back in in the rowing off-season, and then last year when winter indoor rowing classes got iffy, I signed up at Orangetheory.  And yeah, that pretty much coincided exactly with when all the kids were out of the house.  Much more time now!  But sadly, I still need accountability.  Hats off to those who can manage to actually get it done at home...

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1 hour ago, Matryoshka said:

It sure isn't easy, and I did better at some stages than others.  I had all mine in a clump, rather than spread out - 3 kids in 2.5 years.  When the twins were babies, it pretty much ruled out any baby-and-me type classes.  I got a double jogger and would go rollerblading behind it.  I rinsed and repeated with #3, got a triple jogger.  When they were still preschool aged, we had a group of friends who would all go on weekly 'adventures' which were often hikes - I was usually babywearing the youngest and had a diaper backpack on, so I probably got some exercise too.  Whey they got school-aged it did get harder.  I'd sometimes take them to a bike trail with bikes and rollerblade along side, but not super-regular.  Sometimes I'd go biking or rollerblading with a friend or two on summer weekend mornings (during the school year we had activities then too...).  At some point I started doing Pilates classes at 8am 2 mornings a week - I'd be home by just after 9, and we'd start school then.  Dh stayed home till I got back when they were younger.

The worst phase was when they were in middle and early high school - so many activities for them, so much driving.  When they older two decided to try high school, I had to drop the Pilates class - I'd sometimes walk after dropping them off.  I also told myself I'd just do Pilates at home.  Unfortunately, it is quite clear that I need outside accountability to actually get this stuff done. That's when I gained a bunch of weight. 

So by then my kids were teens, and some had started driving to their own activities, so I started to ramp it back up. I started rowing about then - it's in evenings, but only in May-Oct.  My youngest still complained that I made that a priority, but I thought it was time to add my needs back in a bit!  Then I added Pilates and winter indoor rowing classes back in in the rowing off-season, and then last year when winter indoor rowing classes got iffy, I signed up at Orangetheory.  And yeah, that pretty much coincided exactly with when all the kids were out of the house.  Much more time now!  But sadly, I still need accountability.  Hats off to those who can manage to actually get it done at home...

Yes, I wore babies for years, so many memories. We ended up getting 2 so dh and I could both wear a kid while we hiked. There are definitely are harder seasons, even now some times of the year are busier than others.

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5 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Ladies, before we flip over to the February thread in a couple days, I would love it if we could do a bit of brainstrorming, experience sharing, etc. on the following question, aka The Eternal Question (of exercise):

- How to fit it in?  

I know, the bottom line is, if it's a priority, it'll get done.  But I'd really like some more concrete personal experience from all of you, as I think we represent a group with pretty diverse life set-ups.  

Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  Do you get up before everyone, exercise instead of something else (I often times find myself exercising while the family is eating dinner, for example, which I don't like to do)?  I feel like I'm just barely squeezing in our school day from 8am-3pm.  I've got a 13yo, 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo, so I am still giving a lot of individual attention to each child (So their school days are shorter than mine, if that makes sense).  I combine where I can and also teach several kids math at the same time, etc, so I feel I'm pretty efficient.  But probably still two years away from the school pressure lightening up as my youngest two are not yet launched readers.  

I don't want to use any of that as an excuse.  But it is a reality, and I want to know how each of you has modified your life to make space for exercise.  What other areas have you reduced to open up that time?  Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?    


This definitely evolved over time for me too.  I started working out about 3 years ago when my life was a mess.  My first marriage had ended, so I was single parenting/homeschooling my 8 and 3 year old (who have the kind of mild special needs that mean most people just assume I'm a bad parent, haha).  Stress was off the charts, money and time were very tight.  But my parents offered to watch my younger son while my other son and I started martial arts classes 2x a week.  The exercise made me feel sooooo much better that I started doing bodyweight workouts 3x a week in my living room while the boys were having a snack and watching TV.  Pretty soon we were doing CKD 3x a week and the other days I was working out outside while my kids played on their tree fort.  It was making me feel so amazing and having such great benefits...BUT it was taking up time and money.  So I made the decision that, while the boys were young, I would have fitness as my only hobby.

This was a little bit tough for me because I have a LOT of interests, but I knew it would be worth it and it was the right decision.  In the intervening time, I have gradually increased my time exercising (I do 2-a-days 6x a week) and have used a lot of time management and child-care strategies to make it work.  My parents continued to watch my younger son for martial arts until I remarried, and now my husband watches him.  I very deliberated trained my kids over time to amuse themselves and leave me alone during my home workout time.  I facilitated this by making sure they had safe areas to play outside while I didn't have the ability to pay really close attention to them (trampoline, fenced yard, etc.).  Maybe this sounds bad, but I am definitely a better mom when I have peaceful workout time! 

Currently (the boys are 10 and 5), I wake up before everyone else and get a lot of stuff done.  Then we go outside at 8am and the kids play in the yard while I do either weight lifting or CKD drills in the area my husband set up for me on our carport as a home gym.  I have mats, a power tower for pull-ups, dumbbells, kettlebells, an upright punching bag, a jump rope, and a mirror.  Then we start lessons.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are half days for homeschooling and we usually go to my parents place where we either swim or I do heavy yardwork while the kids play in the woods.  M/W/F my older son and I go to CKD class.  We homeschool year round to make up for the fact that our actual working hours every day are probably a little bit shorter than the norm.  I am not gonna lie--our days are PACKED and there is no downtime, but everyone is happy to have a solid routine (I'm the only person in my house not on the autism spectrum, and I like routine anyways, lol). 

Basically, I sacrifice other hobbies, puttering around time, and spontaneity for fitness goals.  And I'm good with that in this season of my life!  I would just advise to use a lot of creativity to come up with a routine that works for your family and be prepared to adjust it as needed.

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2 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

I was also a baby wearer, so I'm hoping that really cemented in some upper body bone mass for me!  😂

Oh, yeah, I think so.  I used to have really weak arms; having twins cured that in a hurry.  Was constantly having to lift two kids at a time - and you can't drop them if they get heavy!!  I ran around all the time with a diaper bag over my left shoulder, one in my sling on the right, and I'd pick up the other with my left, so I'd still have my right hand free to, y'know, close the car door, pay for stuff, carry stuff to car.  The looks I got!  #3 pretty much lived in the sling the first year of her life, while I ran around after the two toddlers...  at any rate, my arms have remained strong since then!  Sadly, all that didn't seem to actually help me lose weight or help my core, which was still full of marshmallow.  Pilates finally fixed the latter - that was my main exercise for years.

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I haven't been keeping up with posting well.. .well wishes to everyone under the weather!  I've really just been doing same-old OT 5x a week.  I was out of town last weekend, and managed to still get my workouts in the other city, as they had an OT there, so that was good.  Also, got well over 10K steps all the days I was away - best day was over 15K steps!

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Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  

I never exercise at home. I hate treadmills and exercise videos with a passion, and love the outdoors with a passion. I brought the dc with me outdoors to walk, hike, skate, ski, snowshoe, sled, cycle, swim in our backyard pool, and as they got old enough (age 4) we'd do martial arts together (I ran a homeschool class we could all do together).

- I did martial arts training on my own 2 - 3 evenings a week, so dh watched the dc. I did all my running training without dc and dh watched the dc.

Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?

- I had more freedom to do stuff with dh. As soon as our oldest child could babysit the younger 3, dh and I started back at playing tennis (that was 7 years ago). 

- I try to fit in my exercising as much as I can. Where I used to do activities with the dc, now I'm driving the dc to their things. I will often walk/hike during their sports. I'll try to bring them along with me to skate, ski, hike, cycle, snowshoe when I can. 

Edited by wintermom
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8 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Ladies, before we flip over to the February thread in a couple days, I would love it if we could do a bit of brainstrorming, experience sharing, etc. on the following question, aka The Eternal Question (of exercise):

- How to fit it in?  

I know, the bottom line is, if it's a priority, it'll get done.  But I'd really like some more concrete personal experience from all of you, as I think we represent a group with pretty diverse life set-ups.  

Do you exercise at home, leave your kids home alone, exercise only with your kids, leave your kids with DH?  Do you get up before everyone, exercise instead of something else (I often times find myself exercising while the family is eating dinner, for example, which I don't like to do)?  I feel like I'm just barely squeezing in our school day from 8am-3pm.  I've got a 13yo, 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo, so I am still giving a lot of individual attention to each child (So their school days are shorter than mine, if that makes sense).  I combine where I can and also teach several kids math at the same time, etc, so I feel I'm pretty efficient.  But probably still two years away from the school pressure lightening up as my youngest two are not yet launched readers.  

I don't want to use any of that as an excuse.  But it is a reality, and I want to know how each of you has modified your life to make space for exercise.  What other areas have you reduced to open up that time?  Did you start exercising more as your kids grew up and became teens?    

I've always had a full-time job, though I usually work at home. 

When my kids were tots, I tried doing yoga with them etc.  They didn't cooperate with the yoga, and while they would walk with me to the park etc., their walking speed was not likely to burn many of my calories, LOL.  I don't remember what, if anything, I managed to do as far as exercise - other than being on my feet for them much of the time - cleaning, getting food, shopping etc.

When they were maybe 3yo, big enough to play at the playground etc. without an adult right there, I would take them to the playground and walk around the perimeter.  Around age 5 I could also do this when they were at the pool.  In between I got a bit of exercise teaching them how to ride bikes, LOL.

At 6 we started family TKD classes.  My kids were also in various other activities, and I would go for walks while they were in their classes / practices.

I had to take a break from TKD for 2-3 years due to health issues.  And then I had to hire a driver for the kids so I could clock more hours at work.  So a lot of my walking went away.  Over the past couple months, I've tried to get back into the swing of things.  I have also tried to get my now 13yo daughter, who runs, to run with me when we have leisure time together.  (She doesn't love this though.)

With my "yoga etc." routine, I can do it in my room at any time.  It's probably at least as good of exercise as my walking/jogging.  With walking, if I'm not going anywhere, I walk a path around my house (or sometimes my yard) and sometimes jog up and down relatively straight walkways.  (We do have a treadmill and elliptical, but I find it excruciating to spend much time staring at the same spot on the wall.  😛  Nor do I enjoy TV etc.)  These things are best done when I don't have an audience, so this is often during business hours when I take work breaks.  I often walk while I eat, since I can't really sit comfortably anyway.

With TKD, the idea was/is to attend with my kids.  The dojang also offers adult-only classes, but so far I have not attended any.  It is an option if the kids are in one place and my car & I are somewhere else.

Edited by SKL
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7 minutes ago, soror said:

today's am plan: foam rolling lower body and stretch upper body (will look for youtube video)

bucket carry- going for 50# but over easier terrain- aiming for 7 minutes straight, we'll see.


That's a hefty carry!  I've never tried bucket carry, but farmer kills my grip big time.  I have only been doing short carries.  7 mins, way to go!

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13 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


That's a hefty carry!  I've never tried bucket carry, but farmer kills my grip big time.  I have only been doing short carries.  7 mins, way to go!

I know it is hard, I've not done one that heavy for that long, we'll see if I make it!!!

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