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Who’s going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Howdy, happy Thursday!  I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  I was not online Wednesday so if there was drama, I missed it.

Our Christmas was a success - perhaps the best Christmas we have ever had (for my kids).  The essential stuff got done and the kids appreciated everything.  My whole family (all my siblings and their significant others and some of their offspring) were happily together at my folks' house in the evening.

So Thursday will be partly catching up on work, and partly getting the house back to reasonable.  It's garbage day, so I think it will feel good to purge a lot of recyclables etc.  I always like to do purging and cleaning right after Christmas.

We have at least one major transaction closing today - I need to sign off on at least one document for that.  Then I have a pile of more routine / year-end work that needs to go out.

I would also like to get caught up on laundry.

Last week I got a container to hold gift wrap, bags, etc. that should fit under my bed.  I hope to fill it up with both Christmas and birthday wrappings so these are no longer jammed precariously in my closet.  I also have some other things I want to do to straighten and organize things.  Not sure how much can get done today though.


  • Drove home from the folks'; arrived about 2am?
  • Gave Ted the Tree a drink, got the house ready for bed.
  • Caught up on social media, emails, news.
  • Calendar work.

To do:

  • Sleep a few hours.
  • Kid2 up and ready for a.m. horse riding.
  • Kid2 has a birthday party at the horse barn in the afternoon.  She needs to wrap a gift, write a card, and pack a lunch so she can be there most of the day.
  • Take out the garbage, including about 100 boxes in the garage and maybe some crap from the backyard.
  • Start laundry.
  • Work work work.
  • Yoga, exercise.
  • Fill and send waiver for Kid1's December 30 program at the zoo.
  • Send waiver for horse riding to kids' friend's mom for Saturday.  Communicate plans to horse folks for 3 girls to ride Saturday.
  • Kid1 has a chiro appointment.
  • Calendar work.
  • Clean kitchen and living room, do some organizing in bedroom etc.  Try to do some work in kids' room(s).
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Good morning!

Up early again, aargh. I think my puppies are trying to kill me. They are filled with rowdy, raucous joie de vivre at 4AM. I am not.😛

  • work on getting house back in order
  • take down tree and most of the other decorations
  • vacuum
  • clean out fridge & see what produce needs to be used up
  • water plants
  • pay health insurance bill
  • tidy up area around my computer
  • read
  • dinner: veggie & dumplings stew
Edited by Selkie
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Morning, all!

The storm they predicted has kicked in, wind is howling, rain is absolutely pouring.  It does limit plans on going out to shop the sales today.

Christmas was very nice yesterday.  We had breakfast with my mom, came back to the house, made lasagna/salad/breadsticks.  Had an awesome chocolate cake for dessert which my blood sugar is regretting seriously right now.    

To do:

devotional, coffee

PiYo workout

shower, breakfast

get dd going on laundry, room clean up  Has yet to wake up, so I'm thinking this might happen later?  New weighted blanket knocked her out.  

look for sales on winter jackets, boots for dh and I 

lesson plan, create calendar for next term (Need my teacher's calendar from my classroom, so I vote no)

make dr appts for dd, recheck on bronchitis, check up

enjoy the fireplace, read, relax (I'm focusing my efforts on this!)

leftovers for dinner

Have a great day!



Edited by readinmom
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Good morning!    Today is my day to recover from mental health crap of others but I still have to tolerate my brother.

  • coffee, breakfast,meds
  • shower, get dressed
  • deal with dd2's cat's litter 😒 and empty small trashcans and figure out where to store in the heat since trashcan is too full already
  • go to movie (my escape)
  • do something with my brother
  • make Polish mushroom soup with my son
  • quiet evening at home since dh, dd2 and maybe my brother are off doing charity work
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Good morning! I slept terribly as ds1 offered (was arm twisted?) to take dbil and sil to the airport crazy early. I was worried that he wouldn't get up- because I have done that airport run at 3:30 and it is hard, hard. So anyway, he was up, I was up, he was off and then I fell back asleep until I heard dd2 leave for morning practice.

Yesterday was very nice, if a little long with the extra appearance of bil. He is the kind of guy who is nice, really nice, and generous, but drives me up the wall- which makes me feel terrible. The same reaction from the first time I met him, 32 years ago. 

Today, the kids are going to be scattered for various things, and the weather is cold, misty and gloomy right now. I wll be at home- because I do not have a car available today.

  • coffee/paper
  • continue with kitchen pickup
  • clean up my room from the hurricane of dh's last minute Christmas things
  • make sure dh has his cash presents- he sometimes sticks things in pockets and it disappears for a while.
  • kids need to deposit cash/ secure gift cars (they are better than dh)
  • general clean up- 
  • start thinking about the new year seriously and the things I would like to accomplish and how to get there
  • read
  • if I have a car, run a couple of errands
  • If not, do some things on line
  • dinner will be either- hamburgers or all sorts of leftovers

Have a great day!

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Good morning!  DH and the boys left at 8 AM to drive up to PA to visit DH's family. I have to work tomorrow and Monday so darn it all, I couldn't go....LOL.  So I have a few days of beautiful solitude.  I am going to work my rear end off today doing stuff so I can relax the rest of the time.

This list is long, it is more of a dream list than a reality list.  Especially since just sitting in my PJs lounging on the couch seems to be a fabulous idea.

-see everyone off
-watch England vs. South Africa cricket (anything to stall)
-laundry (at this point it is towels and loads of delicates (sweaters mostly) that require special treatment)
-thoroughly clean master bathroom
-dust entire downstairs
-clean off my desk in the kitchen (DH, God love him, "cleans" the kitchen every day.  This pretty much entails taking anything that isn't 100 percent his and throwing it on my little desk area.  Sigh)
-vacuum entire downstairs
-figure out whether I want to clean any of the upstairs or whether the kids should do it since they are the only ones who ever go up there - NOPE
-clean out fridge
-take out trash and recycling
-give dog a bath (if it warms up a bit)
-workout (lower body weights)
-throw out all the homemade Christmas treats that have been gifted to us by students, neighbors, realtors, etc because I am the only one who eats them and I've gained 2 lbs. this past week and that is enough to start me on a downward spiral
-figure out what books I need to order for DS18's second semester
-maybe come up with a bulk cooking/freezer meal (Whole30 compliant) plan to maybe shop for and cook this weekend

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Well, I got up and got Kid2 going.  With her went a couple of big bulky items, so that was good.  I also remembered that she needed to pack a lunch, so points for me.  😛

Took out the garbage and probably about 50 empty boxes along with packing materials.  Another item lifted off my shoulders.  I also rearranged some things and did some more cleaning with the result of getting rid of another large box and a lot of small stuff.  Every little thing counts ... and the purging got me a little exercise to work off the mega amount of candy I have been eating (thanks, Sis, for the huge box ...)

Got a load of laundry in - my kids' winter coats and some other stuff.  Been wanting to wash those coats for weeks.

I set up the new super loud alarm clock that I bought myself for Christmas.

2 clients are not going to be able to do their big transactions this week as originally planned.  While that is not really a good thing, it saves me some hassle at a busy time.  Also glad to know one of the clients is in the office to complete last minute things I sent them on Tuesday - which I should have sent earlier.

I got some client work out.  The "big transaction" scheduled for today looks like it is going to get accomplished as planned.  One less thing to worry about.

I still have at least 4 major work things that are behind schedule and worrying me.  And a number of smaller things.

As for my house, I did do some cleaning yesterday after the gift opening, but there is still more mess.  Actually a lot of mess.  It has been crunch time for work, so we really let a lot go.  Plus I still need to clean up from my second round of gift wrapping (for the extended family) - I want to salvage the small pieces of extra paper for next year, which takes more time than just throwing stuff out.  I guess I should be glad that the maids are coming tomorrow and will force me to get somewhat caught up ....



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 I am not tackling anything today!

Slept til 9! Had tea and breakfast and read my new book in bed for an hour or so. Have been reading on the boards for a bit. Took the trash bin to the curb. Talked to my mom. 

Next up: more reading, then watching The Last Jedi this afternoon so we will be primed to see The Rise of Skywalker tomorrow.

All food is fend-for-yourself here today. Dh will be at church tonight for dinner and overnight, for Room in the Inn. 

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Jean, hope you're better soon! Ds21 is sick, too, with a bad cold.

Things I got done today:

Undecorated tree and dh dragged it out to the woods

Took the other decorations down and packed them away in the basement (the house feels so uncluttered now - I love it)

Dusted and vacuumed the main floor and dh mopped

Did a couple loads of laundry and hung towels

Emptied garbage cans

Placed a Boxed order

Got two loads of hay delivered & paid my tab

Restocked paper towels

Unpacked produce box and shoved everything in the fridge 

Watered plants

Harvested daikon radish microgreens and planted a new tray

Dug around in my file drawers for some needed info

Horse chores are done for the day & buckets are washed

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Well, I did a little bit of housework, washing up some dishes that I left to soak yesterday, running kitchen linens through the laundry, and mopping the kitchen floor. And starting the dishwasher.

We watched The Last Jedi again and I'm glad because I'd forgotten lots of it. 

Next up: read my book, maybe have some dessert later. 


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So yesterday p.m. ... the big work transaction got done, EXCEPT for 2 payments out of an account I control, which require an intermediary bank.  Blah.  Well that's not really my problem.

I "finished" stage 1 of a project, only to be informed that I had the wrong version of the spreadsheet and still need more info ....

I cooked a simple dinner.  Then the kids decided they needed to make cotton candy.  Then the housemate came home with a mega load of groceries.  Then the kid decided she needed to bake cupcakes.  These happened almost all at the same time.  I was trying to wash the dinner dishes and the counter was full of cotton candy stuff and then I need to go haul in groceries and put them away ... back to washing dishes and now the counter is full of egg drippings etc. ... and everyone wants the sink ... finally I made everyone leave so I could get the place cleaned up.  The cupcakes turned out great.

Found out the maids are coming Sunday, not Friday.  Yay!

Still ended the day with a lot of work to finish.  Set various alarms.  Snoozed various alarms.  Hopefully my Friday post will show lots of work getting done.  😛

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