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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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 What a day

up before 3am.

travel with twins to Melbourneby public transport train was delayed twice. Once by a crazy person standing on the track who had to be removed by police. That took 30 minutes.  then there was signal failure. Another 20 minutes. It really dragged out a long trip. It normally takes 6 hours.

. DH came as we had to see a very special specialist and I couldn’t do it without help. DH wept. The twins were amazing. So so brave.   The specialist was so amazing, he had a clown in the office to distract. I couldn’t believe it.

DH is travelling home tonight. We are staying in  hotel.  twin 1 will have casts removed and come out of the wheelchair tomorrow. He is so looking forward  to walk again.

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

 What a day

up before 3am.

travel with twins to Melbourneby public transport train was delayed twice. Once by a crazy person standing on the track who had to be removed by police. That took 30 minutes.  then there was signal failure. Another 20 minutes. It really dragged out a long trip. It normally takes 6 hours.

. DH came as we had to see a very special specialist and I couldn’t do it without help. DH wept. The twins were amazing. So so brave.   The specialist was so amazing, he had a clown in the office to distract. I couldn’t believe it.

DH is travelling home tonight. We are staying in  hotel.  twin 1 will have casts removed and come out of the wheelchair tomorrow. He is so looking forward  to walk again.

Oh, how stressful, I bet twin is very excited!!!

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Jean, I like your list today! 😄

On mine:
-laundry.  If the kid goes to practice today I want to be sure he's not wearing stinky underwear.
-start dinner in the dutch oven
-tutoring (I get ALL my kids today! 😮 )
-take ds to practice?  We'll see how his head feels in the helmet before we make that decision
-dinner (oldest will finish it while I'm out)
-maybe finish the last half hour of Zombieland with dh before we fall into bed.

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Good morning!

I am up and at 'em early because the horse vet will be here soon for our fall dental appointment. 

  • finish morning chores
  • get stalls tidied up with fresh bedding
  • vet appt.
  • loads of office work - mainly bills
  • vacuum
  • Weds. coffee date with dh?? if time allows
  • water plants
  • sit down with my planner and try to get a little more organized (feeling very scatterbrained lately)
  • dinner: leftovers
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I have been up and taken ds3 to practice with his coach. Also moved cars- which involved a text to dh as to where he left the keys. He has a history of taking them with him to work after a late night. Fortunately, they were just in a pants pocket.

Now I am having coffee and planning my day. dd2 has a half day- no PSAT for seniors!

  • coffee/paper
  • clean kitchen
  • bills/bank
  • water when it gets light
  • pick up ds3
  • home to do some school and pack
  • grocery store for bread for team
  • lunch with ds3
  • drop off at school at noon
  • dd2 to school
  • relax, read
  • chores
  • somthing for dinner

Have a great day!

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  • dog
  • stretch/pray
  • cat boxes
  • birds
  • more dog
  • Learning some YNAB/checking balancing post
  • vacuum
  • tidy up
  • still more dog
  • wash loo's
  • Learning some YNAB/checking balancing post
  • dog yet again
  • dishes & cooking
  • did I mention the dog?
  • thank you notes
  • continue storage/donate project
  • Learning some YNAB/checking balancing post

Hope you all have a productive, happy day!


Edited by Familia
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Happy Wednesday!

Mine did not start out so great.  I wanted my kids to get up early and do some things that didn't get done yesterday.  I woke them up 4 or 5 times.  Each time I went back to bed because I was short on sleep.  And I am really good for nothing in the morning anyway.  But I should have stayed up and nagged more, I guess.

Kid 1 had homework corrections ... that would have been OK, but then as I was trying to review her math homework, we realized that she did the wrong page.  So she needed time to fix that, and I had to drive them to school.  On the way, I got some lip.  My kids choose the worst times to give me lip.  I grounded a phone indefinitely, cussed, and eventually suggested one kid walk to school (4+ miles in the rain).  She opted for keeping her mouth clamped shut instead.

Part of me hopes I remember how mad I was when they get home from school ... so I can be super bitchy and make them clean their dang rooms etc. etc.

Other than that, things are great!  😛


  • 2 emails re AHG.
  • Kid's homework reviewed, corrected.
  • Lunch order for today entered.
  • Kids driven to school.
  • Put on my "posturific brace" which my chiropractor suggested.
  • Garbage out.
  • Kitchen cleaned.  Also some clutter ....
  • Texted driver re schedule changes.
  • 1 coffee.
  • Reviewed school stuff.
  • A little reading.
  • Caught up on social media, emails, news.

To do:

  • More coffee.
  • Shower.
  • Find out what I need to get Real ID.  Gather it.
  • Dentist appointment 11:30.
  • Renew my license.
  • Work work work.
  • Organizational / filing stuff.
  • Exercise.
  • More housework.
  • More reading.
  • Kid 1 is to do make-up work and homework after school, then walk to trumpet lesson.
  • Kid 2, after homework, is to clean her dang room.  It is horrific and she isn't having a phone again until it is decent.
  • Most likely fast food for dinner.
  • Both kids are getting shower/hair wash before bed time "or else."  😕
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Done with the dental appointment and all went well. Glad to have that crossed off my list until 2020.

One of my horses is incredibly resistant to being sedated. He had enough sedative for two horses and was still fighting us through the whole procedure. It was quite a workout!

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Well I looked up what is needed to get RealID.  It says proof of your social security number.  So I went searching for my social security card.  I can't remember the last time I needed it for anything ... possibly my learner's permit in 1982?  In between searching every reasonable location, I checked to see if I could request it online - apparently you can do this in some states - but not mine.  So anyway, I spent a ridiculous amount of time digging through really old stuff.  I threw away a couple bags of stuff, but kept most of it - lots of precious old photos I had forgotten about, some old letters ... including some from an old "boyfriend" and a photo of another one ... these will be a scream when my kids find them after I'm gone, LOL.  Also a lot of old stuff that I need to cull, but not destroy wholesale.  Do you think I can toss my old tax returns from like 2000?  😛  I might just keep them for joke value.

It's always good to go through my stuff and get inspired to clean/purge.  Now I need to find time to actually follow through.

After determining that I'm not going to find that SS card today, I looked online again and realized I can use a 1099 to prove both my SSN and my mailing address.  (A W-2 would also work, but I don't get those.)  Duh.  But now it is too late to go to the bureau.  So I will try to do it tomorrow.

Can't say I did much useful work today.  But right now my goal is to get my kids and myself to bed at a reasonable hour with all their crap done.  And then get up early and stay up.  Ha!  It is so hard for me.  Morning people just can't understand.

I did lose my resolve to be hag mama this evening.  Kid 2 came home and was being so sweet.  But I did tell her to go clean her room.  So we'll see what happens.

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Got a big pile of bills paid.

Switched our garbage pickup from two times a week to one. We don't generate as much trash with the boys being at school.

Also dealt with finding out why our AT & T bill was three times higher than it should be. "Oops, it was a computer error" 🙄 This happens at least once a year.

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Determined to at least wipe down the loo's today, hopefully includes mopping.  But, this budget stuff takes precedence.  With a project like this, now that I have all gathered and ready to do, it must be done now, or I will have to begin all over again next time I get the idea!

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