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Mosquitoes feast on me constantly


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Please just allow me to whine. Or, if you have any good suggestions besides repeatedly dousing myself in DEET, I’m all ears. 

I have bug spray I keep beside the back door which I must use whenever I go out to my garden. Or the chicken coop. Or to an outdoor party, wedding or...well, anything. If I am outside, I will get bitten if I did not just spray all exposed skin in the past few minutes. 

I just went out to my garden to see how it held up with the storm that just came through, and to see if my one tomato cage fell over again (it had). I put bug spray on earlier today, but not for this little five minute check-in and I got bitten on a knee, a calf, a shin, my finger, my hand and the back of my forearm. From just a couple minutes! Seriously, it is nuts! 

Obligatory photo attached. 


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a mosquito trap for your yard.  has three types.

put up bat houses - they love mosquitos (hmm, maybe that's why I haven't seen so many the last few years.  we'll sit outside and watch the bats flying all over. they eat mosquitos)

a couple "make the bit stop itching" things ds told me about, and wanted me to order. (well, he only cared about the one on a keychain.) supposedly they do something to the poison to stop it spreading/make it inert.

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4 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

do you use regular off - or DEEP WOODS off?   I would strongly urge trying the later if you aren't already using it.

I have Deep Woods Off; that is exactly what I use. If I use it, I don’t get bitten. It’s just kinda crazy to me that I literally must spray it on every time I go outside or I will get bitten half to death. 

I do also have a bat house, which we installed as part of a plan to remove bats from our attic. I don’t think any bats took up residence in the bat house, though. 

I’m wondering if that little zapper works! 

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8 minutes ago, Quill said:

I have Deep Woods Off; that is exactly what I use. If I use it, I don’t get bitten. It’s just kinda crazy to me that I literally must spray it on every time I go outside or I will get bitten half to death. 

I do also have a bat house, which we installed as part of a plan to remove bats from our attic. I don’t think any bats took up residence in the bat house, though. 

I’m wondering if that little zapper works! 

I'm wondering if there is something in your diet affecting how you smell that they like?  I've heard something like that - but other than that, no suggestions.

I just received the zappers - so I've no idea how they work.  he was reading about them on some reddit thread, and promptly came and asked me to order one.

Edited by gardenmom5
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My granddaughter is like that and it looks like my youngest grandson is too.    This year I resorted to Mosquito Joe.  It's like I can finally enjoy being outside again!

I still have bees and butterflies in my yard, so I'm hoping it isn't too much of a negative effect because of the chemicals.  

I see a lot of people love the zappers on Amazon.  I had the blue light kind with the fan that drew them in. I can't remember the name.  It seemed to help *somewhat* for me, but my granddaughter was still chewed up last summer.

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I usecitronella candles and burn the coils.  We do have a lot of bats in our area so maybe that helps.  I even light the citronella before dark because the wasps seem to hate it too.  If I go walking to the garden though, then I have use spray or I will get a bite for sure, but not as many as you.

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I’ve gotten some zapper lightbulbs and Stinger Zapper traps with pheromones (3 with pheromones. 1 without— the Stinger ones with are far better) which catch a lot. Also encourage bats.  And trying to find and eliminate puddles they breed in.  That’s only a help when at home with zapper things going.  I also got a head net .  Bugs seem unusually bad this year—swallows and bats seem in short supply, might be part of it.   And B vitamins internally seems to help me personally some. 

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6 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

We have those Stinger Zappers! They definitely pull them in! 


But my favorite Stinger which plugs in to recharge and can then go with me beyond where there are plugs / outlets seems to have been discontinued 


Edited by Pen
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36 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:

You definitely don't have any standing water anywhere, not even a bottlecapfull?

Well, there is water on our property, so there’s only so much I can do about that. There is a creek and a pond. When it rains hard, there’s water everywhere.

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18 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

another thought:

make sure there is no standing/stagnant water near your house or yard. favorite places for eggs.

Yeah, I regularly overturn bowls and buckets that have collected water, but it’s a losing battle because of natural water on our lot. 

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2 minutes ago, Quill said:

Yeah, I regularly overturn bowls and buckets that have collected water, but it’s a losing battle because of natural water on our lot. 

if you have a high water table, can you make a "pond" so it will all drain into the same area - then treat it?

or fill in low spots so the water will drain?

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25 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

if you have a high water table, can you make a "pond" so it will all drain into the same area - then treat it?

or fill in low spots so the water will drain?

I don’t think we can treat the natural water. I think it is illegal because of environmental regulations. 

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