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Disturbing thing in public place, child


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Anyone remember when I posted this....

well, it was in the news today that a child sex trafficking ring was busted in my area and multiple young little girls, including a missing 4 yr old, was rescued. This is renewing my anger that it was not taken seriously two years ago when the woman tried to take my daughter. I was treated like I was irritating people when I made the report. There was no follow up.  Anyway, just wanted to tell. I will no longer let anyone tell me I am being paranoid over my children’s safety.


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Never apologize for protecting your child's safety.  I've had people argue with me that I'm being overprotective, irrational, and stunting my son's independence because I didn't feel safe leaving him in a parked, running car. I live only a few miles from a major sex-trafficking corridor in Texas.  I don't understand why people don't take this crime seriously.    

I'm so sorry that happened to you and your daughter.  

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7 hours ago, Janeway said:

Anyone remember when I posted this....

well, it was in the news today that a child sex trafficking ring was busted in my area and multiple young little girls, including a missing 4 yr old, was rescued. This is renewing my anger that it was not taken seriously two years ago when the woman tried to take my daughter. I was treated like I was irritating people when I made the report. There was no follow up.  Anyway, just wanted to tell. I will no longer let anyone tell me I am being paranoid over my children’s safety.


It is SO hard to be *that* person, esp. in the age of social media shaming.  Good for you for sticking up for your child and many others.  So glad these children were saved, but how horrific. 

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I watched Drugs on one of the cable channels.  In Baltimore, they had drug addicts talking about how other drug addicts are selling their kids to sex traffickers.  We just had one mother sentenced to about 15 years on a plea to selling sex photos of her 3 year old.

As my husband always remarks, they need to go into the zapper (Original Star Trek reference).

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3 hours ago, EKS said:

So the woman who tried to take your daughter was a part of the sex trafficking ring? 

No, I do not know actually. I am saying some woman tried to grab my daughter two years ago. When I reported it, I was treated like I was being paranoid and told that we live in a safe area and nothing like that happens around here and no doubt the woman was maybe just trying to help my child. When I asked why she took off then rather than telling me, and why was my daughter so scared and had no idea why she was approached, I was blown off. Now, two years later, it is clear not only that this sort of thing does happen around here, but it has been going on a while.

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I'm glad they caught another round of traffickers.  Glad to see them taking it seriously nowadays.  Though usually trafficking in the USA does not involve snatching, it is a very serious problem.

That said, I think that there have been so many reports of "incidents" that were not incidents, e.g. "some foreign people were looking at my child / browsing the same aisles / said hello, and I am sure they meant harm," it became a hysteria that drowned out the rare true situation of someone trying to snatch a child.  Hopefully cops are being trained to recognize the difference.

I do think there are a lot more security cameras around nowadays to confirm if something happened or not.

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On 8/3/2019 at 12:27 PM, EKS said:

So the woman who tried to take your daughter was a part of the sex trafficking ring? 


I am having trouble finding any specifics about who was arrested in the sex trafficking ring besides the mother of the missing 4 year old who took her even though she wasn't supposed to have her. 

I am not the best googler but if I lived in this area in Texas, I'd want more details about this trafficking ring, the arrests, the charges, who made bail. 

If there are any Google experts that can link news articles that had specifics about the arrests that were about more than the mother leaving her child with a pimp or family of a pimp, can you link them?I

Edit to correct autocorrect

Edited by unsinkable
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On 8/3/2019 at 1:12 PM, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Also, I just read the other thread you linked for the first time and the way people came at you was ridiculous. I'm sorry you and your dd had to go through that. How terrifying. This type of thing happens far too often. The disbelief of people on that shows a shocking disconnection to reality and that yes, really, really bad things happen to people all the time. Especially children and women.

Because people lie on the internet.

Just bc I might not believe a story on a homeschooling message board doesn't mean I am shockingly disconnected to reality and that I am ignorant about the really really bad things that happen to the women and children.


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