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Would you just ignore or address?


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I will probably just ignore, but I am so irritated!

We just moved into this neighborhood.  We are on the members list on the website, with our name and address.

One of the new neighbors sent us a three page typed sales pitch for her "life coaching" business.  She has no formal training, did some online thing, but is now a life coach and "spiritual advisor."  She ends by saying she is sure everyone will benefit from her services!  (um, no thank you!)

I am irritated.  It is scammy to me.  I am tempted to send her a detailed letter explaining my certification and degrees and telling her that my hourly rate is $75/hour and I am sure she and everyone in her family could use my services.

Thank you for letting me rant!

I haven't even left my house today and it is too People-y for me!

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19 minutes ago, DawnM said:

I will probably just ignore, but I am so irritated!

We just moved into this neighborhood.  We are on the members list on the website, with our name and address.

One of the new neighbors sent us a three page typed sales pitch for her "life coaching" business.  She has no formal training, did some online thing, but is now a life coach and "spiritual advisor."  She ends by saying she is sure everyone will benefit from her services!  (um, no thank you!)

I am irritated.  It is scammy to me.  I am tempted to send her a detailed letter explaining my certification and degrees and telling her that my hourly rate is $75/hour and I am sure she and everyone in her family could use my services.

Thank you for letting me rant!

I haven't even left my house today and it is too People-y for me!

Patience  is a virtue...

When she tells you how to do it, feel free to "educate her. " as to your qualifications.   even if it's in front of other neighbors. 😜

A friend of 2ds had someone demanding to know why they should listen to her..... "cause I have multiple actual degrees in the subject! "  it shut up the obnoxious person. 

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I’m assuming the list is through the HOA. If so, yeah, I’d address it. I’d ask the HOA board if the list is intended to be used for solicitation.  And then perhaps ask that they add an asterisk by names of people who wish to be excluded from having their addresses used for that.  It’s nice to have contact info for neighbors but there should be some guidelines on how the list can be used.

Yeah, they can get your name through other avenues, (and there’s nothing you can do to stop such solicitations) -but I’m referring only to this instance where you seem sure they obtained it from the neighborhood list. 

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3 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

I swear life coach is the new Tupperware.  Amazing how many with little life experience have had an epiphany and became a life coach.  

Perhaps, when she approaches you( and she will based on the trend I am seeing here), you can educate her.;) 


She says in her letter that she was a model and lived in exotic places.  As if that somehow has some bearing on her life coaching skills! 😂😂

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1 hour ago, Annie G said:

I’m assuming the list is through the HOA. If so, yeah, I’d address it. I’d ask the HOA board if the list is intended to be used for solicitation.  And then perhaps ask that they add an asterisk by names of people who wish to be excluded from having their addresses used for that.  It’s nice to have contact info for neighbors but there should be some guidelines on how the list can be used.

Yeah, they can get your name through other avenues, (and there’s nothing you can do to stop such solicitations) -but I’m referring only to this instance where you seem sure they obtained it from the neighborhood list. 


Oh, good point!  I will address it with the HOA.  Thanks.

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15 minutes ago, Medicmom2.0 said:

Ignore and avoid her.

This is why I’m glad we don’t have anything close to an HOA and after ten years, I still only know two people on the block.

We have never had one before.  But I am thinking this could have happened even without one.  I guess I shouldn't blame it on the HOA.

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1 minute ago, StellaM said:

I would be very tempted to send that letter back, but ultimately would ignore.

If you send it back, she might think it didn't get delivered and try to deliver it personally. Then it would be way WAY too people-y! lol

I'd file it in the round filing cabinet with the rest of the junk mail, avoid that person like the plague and make a note to myself to ask the HOA about opting out of solicitations. It's possible she didn't use the HOA to get the address and/or it's possible they are not aware that she is doing this. Either way, I would prefer to approach the HOA as non-confrontationally as possible since she didn't send it as if she represented the HOA or anything like that (I assume).

About every other day is way too people-y for me, whether I leave the house or not lol!

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Our neighborhood has an association. They do a booklet each year but we have the option not to give our address. Maybe that’s another possibility when you address the issue with the HOA. I know how you feel though. Our church has a church directory, which list names, addresses, phone numbers and email. It hasn’t happened often but I will get solicitations for various things.

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11 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:


When she tells you how to do it, feel free to "educate her. " as to your qualifications.   even if it's in front of other neighbors. 😜



This would depend on the reputation you'd like to have among the new neighborhood.  One can clearly see the letter writer is  a little too brazen, but I think I'd pass on the goal of humiliating someone in front of others - the impression made won't be of the other person, kwim?

Let it pass - water off a duck's back.  Toss it in the garbage, make a mental note of this isn't a likely friendship, and don't spend two more seconds on it.

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