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Anyone else taking some extra time off around Thanksgiving?

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I have to drive up to Virginia to bring my daughter home for Thanksgiving, and my son has to go with me, since my husband can't take time off to stay home with him this time. So, I figured we might as well try to make some use of the time on the road.


We're doing the ancients this year, and it just so happens that the big Tut exhibit is at a museum in Atlanta. We can pass right through Atlanta if we spend a few extra hours on the road. So, I bought us tickets to go to the exhibit on Monday.And we're going to the World of Coke that afternoon, just for fun.


At this point, the plan is for my son to take reading and anything else he can do in his lap along in the car. And the Tut exhibit will count as a field trip. But we'll be away from our desks all week. And, despite the fact that we're already behind schedule, I admit I'm looking forward to the break.

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Due to sick days, we're schooling through Wednesday, but taking Thurs-Sunday off.


Thursday -- it's meal preparation


Friday -- it's put up the Christmas Tree, and start wrapping presents, maybe dh will bake some ch. chip cookies with the kiddos (place & bake kind... no muss, no fuss).


Saturday -- We're cleaning the baby nook & toy storage area, and maybe, if I feel like it, I'll bake another type of cookie or candy.


Sunday, our normally scheduled program :D


And, Monday -- it's school, school, school until the Saturday before Christmas. With the baby coming, we have to get as much done as possible before Dec. 31st. From then on, it's baby-watch at the Kanak Household.

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We're taking off all of next week. DH is off work except probably one half-day (his choice - just to get some things done) and we're locking the doors and turning off the phone and just having a week of family time!! :D


We're not as caught up as I'd like to be, but we definitely need the break! DS will still practice flute and keep up on minimal language study (and I have a test to study for myself...) so we won't completely stagnate, but no particular assignments, no outside events, and plenty of time for board games and card games and baking!



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