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MInor vent, invitation to add your vents - bruiser sports


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My kid (7th grade girl) has an upcoming basketball game with a team that is famous for bruising up the other team.  I don't even see the point.  We are JV and this team just creamed our varsity team, leaving at least 2 of our players injured to the point that they could not participate in other things afterward.  (Not sure if they needed medical attention or not.)  Last month they had a 6-minute scramble with our JV girls and my kid came away with at least 3 bruises.  None of the other teams we play are like this.

I admit I know nothing about basketball.  The fact that this team is allowed to play and score suggests that they must be allowed to be this aggressive / violent.  I know basketball is a contact sport.  But still.  I am pretty sure our JV girls would rather clean toilets than play this team.

So ... what are your whiney complaints that you know you can't actually say in front of the sports people?

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I don’t have any experience with this, but I think it’s awful that the other team is allowed to get away with that kind of intentionally rough behavior. That’s not sportsmanlike! 

I don’t think your dds’ team should have to play that team at all until they are forced to knock it off with the excessive violence. Is there anyone to whom a complaint can be filed? 

Edited by Catwoman
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I have a friend whose son had 3 concussions from playing high school basketball.  The doctor told her that the last one could have delayed brain damage effects down the road, because he lost consciousness, and that if he had another one he would have permanent brain damage.  She still let him keep playing ‘because he loves it and it’s his senior year so he’s almost done’.  Risking too much for too little, in my view.

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In the basketball league my 2 sons play in and dh coaches in, the officials are often inexperienced or lazy, and this increases the uncontrolled physicality.  With more experienced officials, who control the game and call things early to keep the players more clean, there are a lot less opportunities for the really physical players to injure others. Officials have a lot of power to either control much of the rough play, or ignore it. It drives me nuts when the officials are lazy and don't bother keeping up with the play so they can see what's going on and control things. 

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5 minutes ago, wintermom said:

In the basketball league my 2 sons play in and dh coaches in, the officials are often inexperienced or lazy, and this increases the uncontrolled physicality.  With more experienced officials, who control the game and call things early to keep the players more clean, there are a lot less opportunities for the really physical players to injure others. Officials have a lot of power to either control much of the rough play, or ignore it. It drives me nuts when the officials are lazy and don't bother keeping up with the play so they can see what's going on and control things. 

This ^^^ 

This is pretty much what I was going to say. 

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2 hours ago, Seasider too said:

My personal vent - that I guess because the day Christmas falls on, activities and classes and performances seem to be continuing right up to it with little break beforehand. On the tail end, there’s more time off after New Year’s, but that’s not when I need the time - I need it now, before Christmas! And then dc will be bored and wanting to get back to a regular schedule long before it’s actually time to start back. 

So, waaa waaa waaa 😕

Same here - that basketball game is 3 days before Christmas.  We also have a gymnastics performance, another basketball game and 2 cheer gigs 4 days before Christmas, and they have a youth group party 2 days before Christmas.  Needless to say I have a lot of other things to do at this time!

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7 hours ago, mom@shiloh said:

Just say no. Really. I know it's a vent and you're not asking for advice, but I'll give it anyway. 🙂 Injuries can have life-long implications, and it's not worth it.


The other day after seeing the Varsity casualties limp out of the gym, I commented (to a few parents sitting nearby) that I hoped our JV didn't have to play this team.  I got some shocked looks.  Was that a mean thing to say?  I assume so given the reaction.

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3 hours ago, Seasider too said:


We know two young adults who earned debilitating concussions during rough basketball games. It seriously put their high school studies and college possibilities at risk. Hate to be a fear monger, but if you have knowledge and experience with this team’s unnecessary roughness - just walk away. If enough parents protest this way, there will be a forfeit. 

It’s a shame it would have to be that way, but TBI is nothing to volunteer willingly for. 

There are only 6 girls on the JV team.  I wouldn't be surprised if one or two other parents decided they couldn't make it.

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My daughter is a fighter and she thinks she is going to give them (and the officials) what-for if they cross the line.  I warned her that she mustn't do anything that would get her or her team disciplined.  Cross your fingers for me.  I don't want to deal with a fuss right before Christmas.

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3 hours ago, Seasider too said:

My personal vent - that I guess because the day Christmas falls on, activities and classes and performances seem to be continuing right up to it with little break beforehand. On the tail end, there’s more time off after New Year’s, but that’s not when I need the time - I need it now, before Christmas! And then dc will be bored and wanting to get back to a regular schedule long before it’s actually time to start back. 

So, waaa waaa waaa 😕

I agree-except we're not getting time afterwards, either. DD has a piano recital on Saturday, and has practice for cheer starting back on the 30th!  I think all told we're getting almost a week less that DD has absolutely nothing this year-and she desperately needs "nothing".


My vent is coaches that don't seem to realize that everyone has extra performances and other stuff and seem to expect the kids to be just as available the last few weeks before Christmas as all year long. We haven't had a practice with everyone there since our competition the first weekend in December-and that's fully explainable, since every single kid has school concerts and honors society service projects and church choir pageants and all these other things that are NORMAL this time of year!

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6 minutes ago, dmmetler said:

I agree-except we're not getting time afterwards, either. DD has a piano recital on Saturday, and has practice for cheer starting back on the 30th!  I think all told we're getting almost a week less that DD has absolutely nothing this year-and she desperately needs "nothing".


My vent is coaches that don't seem to realize that everyone has extra performances and other stuff and seem to expect the kids to be just as available the last few weeks before Christmas as all year long. We haven't had a practice with everyone there since our competition the first weekend in December-and that's fully explainable, since every single kid has school concerts and honors society service projects and church choir pageants and all these other things that are NORMAL this time of year!

Yes, and also teachers who continue assigning homework and tests like normal, despite knowing that all or most of the kids are participting in multiple school performances, not to mention non-school activities.  😕  I understand wanting to end the year at a certain place, but a bit of advance planning could have prevented this.  I would have rather had more weekend homework than try to do a pile of homework and test study on the same night as a performance.  Last week it was the band/bells concert, this week it's the choir concert.  We're sure gonna need the break!

(Of course for us, not really a break since we fly out on Christmas morning to Hawaii.  But that's not the school's issue.)

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