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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  DH comes home tonight around 9 pm.  My parents are still here doing some projects.

-DS17 to school
-get DS14 started with school
-work as teacher's aid from 8:15-11:45ish (helping out in a 3rd grade classroom)

-come home and continue decluttering, getting things together to take to storage
-tutor student comes at 5 (I think he is coming tonight) - NOPE!  HAPPY DANCE
-dinner (must take something out)
-hot date at Home Depot picking up mulch and new front door hardware

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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All right, this will be okay if I keep going all day. ?

  • shower & dress, breakfast/coffee
  • get DS to wash his sheets/towel/pjs
  • school
  • library
  • trash out/leafblower: rain delay
  • dinner: in progress
  • load of DH's laundry
  • grocery store
  • declutter & sweep dining room
  • clean up school stuff
  • dishes
  • bribe DS to scrub kitchen floor?
  • committee email re: presentation
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Good morning!

Pink and Green, so glad your dh will make it home to help you!

The usuals are done as well as putting laundry in the dryer and my shower.

  • breakfast
  • field trip into Atlanta
  • eat out lunch 
  • dinner
  • pay bills/update checking
  • some school with ds (check physics and do math)
  • find a new show to start watching
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Good morning!

It's Friday! A beautiful, snowy morning here.

  • school w/dd
  • really need to do some office work this morning because I've barely gotten anything done in that dept. lately
  • go to bank
  • get Thai food for lunch
  • take dd to fabric store (She has a talent for sewing & is thinking about starting an Etsy shop. As opposed to her klutzy mother, who cannot even sew on a button.)
  • maybe drop mantel clock off at clock repair shop
  • stop at grocery store for a few things
  • pick up grain at farm supply store
  • dinner: leftovers
  • read & relax tonight
Edited by Selkie
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Good morning! ds3 is at his tournament and no am practice for dd2 today.  She has a meet this weekend, with a distance race tonight.

  • get dd2 up, fed, and off to school
  • coffee/paper
  • write
  • weekly chores
  • read
  • enjoy the quiet
  • drive dd2 to meet (call with PT on the way about diagnosis)
  • overcrowded meet in a wretched old pool
  • home-probably pick up food for the way home

Have a great day!

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Half of me is glad it's Friday, the other half is nervous about work that isn't out yet.  Story of my life.

I have a conference call midday that got rescheduled from yesterday.  So I get to stress about it all over again, yay.

The kids got off early for the bus today, so a whole week of successful kid mornings, yay!

  • Put kid to bed a little after midnight again.  Went to bed after setting at least 10 alarms.
  • Ignored most of the alarms, but got up in time for the kids' stuff.
  • Signed some school forms, packed practice clothes, figured out winter coat and boot issues for the first snowy day.
  • Kids off to the school bus.
  • Work discussion while trying to focus on the kids.  (PS I have pretty much forgotten whatever we talked about.)
  • Cleaned kitchen.
  • Coffee.
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media.
  • Sent a work email.
  • Made this post.

To do:

  • More coffee.
  • More work.
  • Calendar?
  • Exercise?
  • Reading?
  • Kids have cheerleading practice and TKD this afternoon, but they are all set with clothes & driver for that.
  • Kid wants to see a movie and eat at the theater for her restaurant "turn."
  • Make plans for Saturday:  horse riding, Operation Christmas Child, pick up race packet for Sunday race, TKD class, shopping for coats / boots, homework, test study, music practice, badge work, ???
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Home from helping out at school (they are paying me so I can't complain).  Need to finish decluttering.  Need to go to Home Depot and pick up new door hardware for the front door.  I should try and powerwash the tile around the pool but I can't figure out the new powerwasher (and I'm not really trying that hard either - the kids can do it instead of me....)

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Our field trip was to the Coca Cola museum in Atlanta. I had gone to the old one but never the new location. I have to say it was okay, but I'm glad we've never gone all four of us at full price. 

The Asian sodas are definitely my favorite Coke products from other parts of the world. 

We all went to the Varisty after for lunch, so I've had my grease for the weekend. 

Edited by mom31257
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I was out and around all day. 

Ds to/from tutorial and swimming.

Coffee with a friend.

Checked in on mom.

Quick grocery trip for a few items.

Lentil soup, bread, and salad for dinner. 

Watched about half of the BBC Pride and Prejudice with kids. Headed to bed soon - busy morning tomorrow - bball practice begins for ds, while dd and I march in a Veterans day parade. 


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