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The "Here Comes the Rain Again" Teachers Lounge 10-2-2018


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact that we are finally getting more very much needed rain. Which put the song "Here comes the Rain Again" by the Eurythmics in my head. 
The first part of those lyrics goes like this:
"Here comes the rain again
Falling on my head like a memory
Falling on my head like a new emotion
I want to walk in the open wind"

Don't know why but that's what it put in my brain. Can you tell I spent part of my formative years in teh 80s? ?

What's your weather like today? Here: ^^^finally raining and UNDER triple digits! Yay!

Any of you that live where the leaves turn color, having they turned, or begun to turn yet? Here: I don't live where there are many deciduous trees. Those that are here don't usually turn until about January. If I want to see true fall color, I have to drive about 2 hours north of where I live.

Have you started planning any holiday/Christmas parties/activities/events yet? Here: last night, for some reason, I got to thinking back to last December when I felt like every Christmas party I was invited to
had a price tag attached. I don't even know half of what they were - I just remember wondering if anyone ever just had a regular ol' Christmas party anymore. So THIS year, with my kids' help last night, we planned a Come as You Are Christmas Party, with these essential details:

*Open House style on a Saturday in December from 2 - 5pm
*optional gift exchange - NOT a white elephant one (WAY, WAY over done!), it won't be done at any set time so no one feels left out, Bring a gift to set under the tree, and take one if you brought one
*bring a snack to share if you can and want to, but not necessary; we'll have plenty of food here
*this part won't be put in the invitations, but we plan on giving everyone that attends a small gift as they leave. We were thinking of getting those disposable coffee cups with lids, putting a packet of hot cocoa, apple cider, or tea in each, then wrapping with cellophane (wrap or bag), and tying with a pretty ribbon. I just want people to feel welcome, not rushed, and not obligated.

Talk to me! ??

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It has poured for a few days already and I just looked at the 10 day.  One day without rain. Which isn't good because there has already been a ton of flooding in the state. 


Yes, the trees are changing.  I love it.  But the weather this fall isn't normal.  It was a cold Sept.  And the bugs were so bad, that as soon as you open the door they are getting you.  So we haven't been able to enjoy it at all.  Even bug spray doesn't work.  

I have no idea about the holidays, except that it will be busy again.  Last year the kids were in 10 shows of Nutcracker.  Same this year.  So those are all our weekends in Dec. 

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It has rained 46% of the days this entire year. The thread title struck fear in my heart. I can’t take anymore. I’m currently enjoying an  unprecedented FOURTH day without rain and I’d like to see what an entire WEEK feels like. 

Here’s a shot of the trees for you. Still green for now. 


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Hiya, Scrap!

Today is that drizzly, dreary, grey sort of day that's made for tea and baked potatoes.  The mist is just heavy enough to soak you to the skin if you're outside for more than a few minutes, but it makes using the windshield wipers an exercise in feeling silly and over-compensating.  There's just no winning.  We've got a forest full of deciduous trees and most have started blanketing my lawn.  When the rain stops and it dries out a bit, I'll bring out the mulcher and run the piles through.  We may have two truckfuls to take down to the community mulch pile next week.  My favorite tree has not started turning yet, though.  In a few weeks it will turn fiery red.  The "trees" on either side of it are actually holly bushes and the picture of it all is breathtaking when coming around the corner.

I have not started even thinking about holiday parties.  I'd rather not. ?  This weekend is the cranberry harvest festival, though, and that will be a lot of fun.  Maybe. Right now, I'm the only one who wants to go.  In that case, I may go on Sunday to see the last of the harvest being done.  Next month is a huge parade to celebrate Thanksgiving, and then we have what is called First Night at the end of December that I'll force the family to enjoy.  I'm good with skipping holiday parties this year and just staying cosy for most of the winter nights.

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2 hours ago, scrapbookbuzz said:


*Open House style on a Saturday in December from 2 - 5pm
*optional gift exchange - NOT a white elephant one (WAY, WAY over done!), it won't be done at any set time so no one feels left out, Bring a gift to set under the tree, and take one if you brought one
*bring a snack to share if you can and want to, but not necessary; we'll have plenty of food here
*this part won't be put in the invitations, but we plan on giving everyone that attends a small gift as they leave. We were thinking of getting those disposable coffee cups with lids, putting a packet of hot cocoa, apple cider, or tea in each, then wrapping with cellophane (wrap or bag), and tying with a pretty ribbon. I just want people to feel welcome, not rushed, and not obligated.

Talk to me! ??


Heya Scrap. Overcast and sprinkling here this morning, the two younger kids are out in the card just kind of sitting there lol, something they haven't been able to do this "late" in the morning for a while (9:30am). They are really enjoying the coolness. Though, the baby keeps hitting her legs so I think the bugs may be enjoying it too, lol.

We aren't to Christmas level planning yet. Though, my mil never took down her Christmas decorations from last Christmas, so we are still ahead of the game, yay?!? lol But we have decided to do Peter Pan theme for Halloween this year and so are planning that out. The boys were originally going to go as the two brothers, but now the 5yo wants to be Peter Pan (the 7yo LOOKS like Peter Pan to me, so I kinda wish he'd be interested), so they have one more day to decide their characters. Daughter will be Wendy, baby is Tinkerbell. 

I love the idea of the optional gift exchange at an open house, I've never seen that but it sounds so much more fun and relaxed and welcoming! My parents always did "door gifts" for everyone who came to the house Christmas season. I like your idea of the cup with the packets, that would be very cute ?


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Overcast today and we are supposed to get quite a bit of rain last time I checked, but it's not here yet.   Our weather has been pretty screwy.  Lots of rain, temperatures on the warm side but fluctuating wildly.  

Trees are mostly still green, only a few have changed and seem to have gone straight to brown.  Which is weird because they usually start changing in August.

Not thinking about the holidays yet.  I'm sure our plans will be exactly the same as they are every year - go to my moms Christmas Eve, she comes to our house Christmas Day, head down to in-laws Christmas afternoon or the day after Christmas.  Stay there a few days, come home.

One friend has a party that we've gone to the past few years.  Caroling with 4-H.  That's pretty much it.

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I'm hoping for the first rain in memory tomorrow.

I've been watering far more than usual as I've planted a very large herb garden in an area of reclaimed lawn that will be drought-tolerant in the long term but needs water to get established.

Let it rain. Please!



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Great to see some new faces in the Lounge! Welcome! 

At the moment, my brain is trying to hurt. I've been offered a temp job with full time hours for about four weeks starting next week.
So today the kids and I talked for about an hour/hour and a half about a meal schedule/easy to make meals for while I'm working. I needed a break so here I am online.


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8 hours ago, Spy Car said:

I'm hoping for the first rain in memory tomorrow.

I've been watering far more than usual as I've planted a very large herb garden in an area of reclaimed lawn that will be drought-tolerant in the long term but needs water to get established.

Let it rain. Please!



I attempted to plant a hugelkulture for a few years.  I stayed too soggy for my climate.  I got a lot of mushrooms and mold, so I didn't continue that method when i planted new beds.  I do put sticks and rotted wood at the bottom of my raised beds, but that hugelkulture hump was a soggy sponge for me.  I'm guessing it was meant for your climate.  

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Good evening, Scrap!

It was warm and rainy here today. Trees are still green. Late October for peak leaf color here, though it's not like New England or anywhere with mountains, where they get the super vivid color. 

I haven't thought much about  the holidays yet. Your Christmas party sounds great! We go to one each year that is huge and fun and I am excited to have a pretty dress to wear this year, thanks to my MIL. Other than that, we mostly have kids' recitals/perfomrances and church concerts in December. We may go to see Keith and Kristin Getty's concert a few days before  Christmas. So lovely!! My mom may take me and Dd to the Symphony to hear Handel's Messiah earlier in December. Sometimes we have neighbors over on Christmas night or on the 26th.  


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37 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

I attempted to plant a hugelkulture for a few years.  I stayed too soggy for my climate.  I got a lot of mushrooms and mold, so I didn't continue that method when i planted new beds.  I do put sticks and rotted wood at the bottom of my raised beds, but that hugelkulture hump was a soggy sponge for me.  I'm guessing it was meant for your climate.  

I had to look up hugelculture. Most interesting. I need to explore that idea some more.

I've about exhausted my supply of homemade compost, but I could come up with rotted wood. In hot/dry Los Angeles huglekulture might be the thing.

I have more areas to work on, as "lawn" is a thing of the past.

Thanks for mentioning this!

Bill (who is very pleased with his burgeoning herb garden)



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It is spring here.  Today is mild and mostly sunny.  It is school holidays and work is busy so ds9 is getting way too much screen time while ds11 is staying with my mother.  I worked from 8 to 3 today and think I have 4 or 5 more hours worth to do tonight.

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We got no rain. There was supposed to be a 90% chance of rain. We got none.

I actually said to my family yesterday that despite the virtual guarantee of big rain, that I wasn't feeling it.

Is it very wrong to hope a Pacific hurricane would come closer?

Off to garden (and water).




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