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I went on a real 6 mile hike today


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I am an older 40s, overweight mom who is in physical therapy for Achilles's tendonitis but I did a nice 6 mile hike today using my hiking poles.  The hike would have been gorgeous in another 3 weeks or so with peak fall colors but it was beautiful today.

We even found one of the 2 waterfalls in the lower penninsula of Michigan .....and it was flowing.

Just a motivation for those of you who don't think you can do something like this.  If I can do it, most people can do it.  We went slower than some but enjoyed every minute of it.



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Last year the kids and I visited all 38 county parks in our county.   This year I had the goal of 50 parks but not sure we will make that.....unless I count the same park once for each time we visit it.

I might be older, and far but slow and steady I can hike.

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