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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Monday, Monday.  

We send our older son to camp solo tomorrow.  ?

Hopefully we don’t get a call to come and pick him up ASAP.  We have prepared for this the best we can and now we just have to hope he has a good time.  9 days sleep away camp.  

Because I wasn’t sure if we would get that call, I scheduled no clients.   Just a few quick payroll runs but those take minimal time.  

If the day is totally uneventful, I hope to get in some house cleaning.  

I also have an ongoing project of streamlining all of our passwords into a single password management program so if all goes well tomorrow, I hope to work on that.  


Edited by LucyStoner
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Ds is off to Colorado. They are driving to Texas today and then the rest of the way tomorrow. 

I need to finish packing things I want to take with me (mostly prep work for my co-op classes). I hope to leave here in a couple of hours. I'll stop by my dad's in TN and then visit my sister in KY before heading to Ohio tomorrow. 

I hope you all have a great week! 

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Good morning!

Amy, safe travels to you and your ds!

  • school
  • office work (finish up the last few July things that dh just left on my desk)
  • post office
  • mammogram appt. at 12:45
  • stop at grocery store
  • dust and vacuum main floor & clean bathroom
  • dinner: ??
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Good morning! We should hear about the cars today-so that should be fun. I hope travels and camp go well!

  • coffee/paper
  • write/jen things
  • general pickup
  • pick up dd1
  • pick up ds3 and take to guitar lesson (last one-can't fit it in the schedule anymore)
  • keep ds2 going on clean out of room
  • read a little
  • "encourage" dd2 to finish summer AP work
  • daily chores
  • laundry
  • figure out dinner

Have a great day!

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Good morning!

Today is a stay-at-home-and-get-organized day for me. Only a quick library run and grocery trip to interrupt planning, organizing and prep. 

  • Calendar!
  • Meal planning and grocery
  • Make appointments
  • Budget/bills
  • School prep: weekly and daily schedules, notebooks organized, work on Logic, Geography and History. Research Latin options.
  • Amazon order
  • Keep Dd on task with 2 school related things.
  • AHG stuff 
Edited by ScoutTN
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Morning, all!  Another hot one here today.  Ugh.

To do:

breakfast, clean kitchen

register dd for some Bravewriter classes, if I am quick enough

call about outsourcing some classes for dd

continue working on book art projects for classroom

groceries, something for crock pot for dinner

straighten up bookcases


drop off some donation bags to Goodwill


Have a great day!

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  • Up most of the night kuz I slept all day Sunday.  ?
  • Slept a couple hours, hit snooze a lot.
  • Packed lunches, drove the kids to day camp.
  • Took a quick shower and stocked up on water, since the construction folks warned they were about to turn off the water.
  • Cleaned the kitchen, switched out a load of laundry / folded & put away.
  • Sister called and blabbed for quite a while - I really should have been working.

To do:

  • Lots of work!
  • Fill out what I can on kids' sports physical forms.
  • Leave about 3:45 to pick kids up from camp.
  • Kids to chiro for sports physicals.
  • Kids to ninja class.
  • Maybe walk during ninja class?
  • More work at home.
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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I'm ticked off. Listen to this weirdness: I have a Wells Fargo Visa card that I hardly ever use. It's my backup card in case there is a problem with my Amex or Amazon Visa. Today I got a replacement card in the mail, which I did not request. Everything is identical to my existing card, except my last name. They changed the spelling and tacked on several more letters. It's like if my last name was Smith and they changed it to Smythburg. Very strange. I called and was told that the reason for the new card is that Wells Fargo received a name/address correction form from the US Postal Service stating that my name was incorrect and needed to be changed.??? Apparently, this has happened to quite a few people recently.

And oh yeah, the best part - in order to get my name corrected, they said I need to fill out a bunch of paperwork. Nope - the card is getting canceled.

I am pretty flabbergasted that the Post Office is able to do such a thing.?And I am hoping that this doesn't happen with any of my other credit cards.

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Got car news. One fixable under warranty, have to order part, end of week maybe?

other car is kaput. Or costs twice the B.B. value to fix. So we need to replace it. Dh is taking the news pretty well. Hopefully we can find a good deal pretty soon.

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Took car for oil change and inspection before I do 50 hours of driving starting Wednesday. Left auto shop and all sorts of lights went on and car lost all power to the rear wheels. Tuened around and took it back in while madder then a wet hen. Fortunately it was a quick fix- they had left a hose off. 

Mailed a book to Slache. 

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So far so good ... I am still behind on my work, but I got some stuff out.  Now I'm back at it.  One more government deadline today.

The kids' sports physicals were weird.  The school gave me one double-sided sheet to get filled out.  The chiropractor said it's supposed to be 6 pages.  They printed out all the other pages.  With or without the extra pages, this is the weirdest form I've ever filed out.  But anyway, I'm glad that is behind us for now.

OK back to work ....

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