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This is weird - resolved!

Night Elf

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My son applied to a grocery store and they called this morning while he was asleep so he missed the call. They did not leave a voicemail so he doesn't know who to ask for if he calls back. We decided to just ask for the manager and called the store line but it's been engaged over 20 minutes. I find that highly unusual. I am hoping he'll reach the person who phoned him this morning because I'm assuming they want to set up an interview. If they only ever call in the mornings and don't leave a message, my son will miss them every time and they'll stop trying. His dumb sleep schedule has him waking up 12:30pm and that's good because he's pulled it back from 4:30pm. 

Are we doing right by calling the store even though they didn't leave a voicemail?

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I thought about taking him in but he finally reached the manager by phone. He has an interview on Monday. The manager asked if he could come in today but my son said no. He needs more time to prepare. He doesn't do short notice well.

I'm just glad he has an interview finally!!

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Just now, Catwoman said:

I’m glad he has an interview! I hope he gets the job!

Thank you!

The challenge will be getting him to work now that I have a job. My job increased my hours to 21 per week. They're usually flexible so I could leave for an hour to take my son to work and go back to my own job and just stay a little longer. But the week of August 6th will be tight. I'm working to closing every day, 6:00pm. I don't know if they'd let me leave for an hour. Any other week would be fine. Do you think it's okay if he tells them he can start August 11th, even though his interview is on the 30th? Is that too long for them to wait for a new employee to work? What excuse does he give as to why he can't start. They know by his application and resume that he's been out of work since November 7th of last year.



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We could try uber of lyft I guess. He doesn't drive. I might could ask my dd who works a few miles away. Maybe she can leave her job for a little while. They're pretty flexible. I'll ask.

We have no idea what hours they're even hiring for. He didn't choose the overnight job but the day/evening job. In his application, he wrote that he preferred afternoons and evenings. We just don't know what they're willing to do.

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For this kind of job, the best answer for "when can you start?" is "whenever you would like." It will increase his chances of getting the job for sure. There's really no great excuse an unemployed 20-something can use for not wanting to start a job right away, imo. 

Do some brainstorming to see how to make that possible. Prepare your son for the possibility that they might want him to start right away, and that he might have to figure out rides. If the manager wanted him to come in today, they're probably looking to hire quickly (grocery stores, fast food, etc, are generally always looking to hire quickly!).  

Preferably, he should not be relying on you or his sis to leave a job and transport him. Partially because that's not sustainable, partially because usually flexible does not equal always flexible, and partially because that is not what the manager wants to hear. If he can ride a bike, that's probably ideal, and he can say, "When the family car isn't available, I have my bike as a backup, or Uber in bad weather." Because a ton of entry-level jobs are going to specifically ask if you have a car/how you are getting to work, and they want to hear that yes, you will always be able to get to work. 

Are there any friends, his or dd's, that might give him a ride for a few bucks? A bus? 


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We do not have public transportation in our area. Also, we live off of a highway so he can't bicycle. Me taking him to work is sustainable because I'm in a flexible job. At least, they've been flexible so far. I'm just going to have him create a note in his phone that says what days in August he is unable to work. I'm going to tell him to say he's unavailable Tuesday August 7th through Thursday August 9th. I could take him to work on Monday the 6th and dd could take him on Friday the 10th.  It's also possible that DH will be home August 9th, but that hasn't yet been confirmed. Also, he can't work on Monday August 13th because he has a dental appointment in the late afternoon and the office is 45 minutes away. So that's 3-4 days in August he'll be unable to work. If they have a problem with that, this may not be the job for him. I think they should understand he has a previous commitment since he had no way of knowing when and if he'd be called in for an interview. I figure if they are really needing to hire someone right away, they'll accept he has a few days he needs off.

If he is asked if he has a way to work, he'll say yes he always has a ride. Between me and dd, we can get him to work. He'll only be working part time. He's going to tell them he wants to work about 20 hours a week. 

Also, he told me he is serious about wanting to learn to drive so he doesn't have to depend on me. That is a big step for him. Remember this is my Aspie son. The last time he tried driving, he kept running off the road on small roads and big roads made him nervous. Now he said he's willing to try again. He has enough money to put a sizable down payment on a car so we just need to get him his license. We decided we'd start lessons this Monday when DH gets my car back home. He took it to go visit his mom. My car is easier to drive than his car.

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