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So, I was told (last night) I look horrible....

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I naturally have dark circles under my eyes, been there almost all my life. It can be more pronounced with dehydration, allergies and tiredness. However, even at my best, they are still there. Undereye concealer is my favorite make-up.


I think if you are not having any other issues, I would just call it a mark of motherhood and invest into some good concealer. ;)

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I think it's just genetics. I have always had those circles, and they are getting more pronounced. I just started using concealer about 2 weeks ago in an effort to stop the "you look so tired" comments, and the effect has been amazing. People keep saying that I look great, look younger, etc. It's a big ego booster for me, and it only takes a couple of minutes, so I'm just sorry I didn't give in sooner!

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I have had dark circle under my eyes since I was pregnant with my last. (she's 3). All I can think of is an allergy or tired. Should I be worried? My kids just said they don't think it is that bad.


I was BORN with dark circles under my eyes. I feel yer pain. But if its a sudden change you might consider a lingering sinus infection.


Probably its a combo of being tired and being over 29. Nothing a little moisturizer and a light diffusing concealer can't help.

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I've had more dark circles lately but for me I think it's mostly not getting enough sleep. Our bodys react differently as we age and we can acquire allergies that we didn't have before. I'd try to rule out any food allergies or other allergies.


As for concealing them, I get good results with first using a tinted moisturizer. I just read in a magazine and tried it this morning to first put on regular mosturizer before the tinted stuff. It does help it go on more smoothly. Then I used my regular foundation and it did the job. I've not tried regular concealers as in the past I've found them too thick. I'd love a good recommendation for a lighter one. Anyways, the tinted moisturizer I use is made by Kiss Your Face.


Oh, and my mom is always my worst critic in the beauty department. I just chalk it up to the fact that seeing her daughter look older must make her feel older and she doesn't like that very much. :D

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Margarete, I have a few words for you: "Mary Kay Yellow Cream Concealer." Use a brush to apply and blend. It helps me a lot. I have allergies, lack of sleep, etc...which all contribute to my horrible-looking eyes sans concealer. Whenever my mil says things like "you look horrible" or "you look tired", I just want to bop her one (LOL...Lord, forgive me.). I want so badly to say "Go look in the mirror" but I bite my tongue. Such a sinner I am... Blessings.

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I have had dark circle under my eyes since I was pregnant with my last. (she's 3). All I can think of is an allergy or tired. Should I be worried? My kids just said they don't think it is that bad.


My first thought when I saw your picture was your eyes look like my ds's when his asthma's starting to kick up... so gradually that he's not aware (doesn't notice any physical symptoms -- even if I ask him to the point of pestering), but his specialist can read it on the lung function test (which has happened when he's had a standing follow-up appt).


Imo, just something to consider...

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I naturally have dark circles under my eyes, been there almost all my life. It can be more pronounced with dehydration, allergies and tiredness. However, even at my best, they are still there. Undereye concealer is my favorite make-up.


Exactly the same here. I know some people think food allergies are to blame for all under-eye circles, but I just don't think so. I've had them all my life (now there are just wrinkles there too, but I finally found a great under-eye cream), and many in my family have them too. We all have very pale skin as well.

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:grouphug: Oh, you're still plenty young...Just get some concealer and enjoy looking well rested. A good moisturizer can be your best friend too.


Yea, I guess I will get some concealer. I did have some bloodwork done about a year ago and everything was fine. Thanks everyone...

P.S. Sometimes some (not me or dh) do not want to accept I'm almost 50!

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