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Washing ashore for a few minutes


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to wave hello. 

I have tried a number of ways, even with tech support help, to log in as my old self, Seasider. Nothing's working. 

I have been reading, and I've got to be honest, I don't think I can do it. The blue and white are just too harsh for my sensitive eyes, even with my screen brightness turned all the way down. The skip to first unread post in a thread feature doesn't seem to work for me, which makes reading time inefficient.

I may pop in every now and then but no longer regularly. Just wanted to tell you all you are a great bunch of wise and interesting folks and I have enjoyed these years of great conversation with you. Thank you!




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Seasider!!! I knew we were still missing a few people here.

I am so glad you washed ashore. If "Seasider" does not work, you can remain "lost at sea" but only as a username - not literally!

Wear sunglasses!

You skip to the first unread post by clicking the dot or star to the left of the thread title.


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4 hours ago, Liz CA said:

Seasider!!! I knew we were still missing a few people here.

I am so glad you washed ashore. If "Seasider" does not work, you can remain "lost at sea" but only as a username - not literally!

Wear sunglasses!

You skip to the first unread post by clicking the dot or star to the left of the thread title.


I haven’t seen Catwoman, either. 

Seasider, please stick it out! All voices are needed for the choir! 

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WTM tech support was able to merge my usual account with the new account I had to create, even though I guess my real account was with an old email.

And ITA with the GLARING WHITE, but if I have the kitchen lights on bright, it is better. It is so harsh though.

Hugs to you. I hope you don't give up but rather give it time and ease back into it. <3

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Yes, they resolved my issues after several email back-and-forths. I was unsure I'd ever be able to get back in, and a feeling of malaise began to set in. I thought to myself, "Gina, maybe it's time to move on. Maybe your time on the forums has come to an end." Then I smacked myself up against the head and realized I would be so darn lonely without you guys!

Thanks for the tip on getting to the first unread post...I had been struggling with that as well. And yeah...the white...blech.

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I’ve been reading on my phone and tablet and haven’t noticed harsh whiteness. Maybe it’s because I usually read in the evening when my phone switches to a warmer screen color? Perhaps there is a setting on your End you can use? I also haven’t even seen the skip-to-last-read dot. I’m glad you started this conversation so I can look for it now. 

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