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Any way of turning this into a degree?


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I attended FAU my freshman year (early admission)...biology major. Then transferred to FSU to follow my boyfriend (and actually LOVED FSU...so very very much.) I majored in Religion. Then eventually boyfriend became finance, had mental breakdown, and moved home to Palm Beach County. I stayed, had mental breakdown (after caring for him 24/7 for a year, the sudden aloneness did me in...he even took my dog with him when he left), and moved back to Palm Beach County. Went to community college and then back into FAU, majored in English as they didn't have a Religion major. Then dropped out when I got pregnant/married. Then got an AS in Veterinary Technology from St. Petersburg College, online. 


Now I have:

33 hours of Religion Credit from FSU, but no degree (and it isn't offered online and is not local)

24 credit hours of English Credit (not counting ENC1101, 1102) from FAU, but  it isn't offered online and isn't local

9 hour of Anthropology credit from FSU, at the time was working towards a minor in it

random biology/chemistry/etc classes, plus gen ed requirements, etc. 


My problem is that all schools want your last 30 credit hours with them. But my last 30 credit hours were at St. Petersburg, which doesn't have much in the way of Bachelors degrees. And I don't NEED another 30 hours of credit, lol. Obviously. Are there any schools that don't require you do your coursework with them and will let me take one or two classes and give me a degree in either Religious Studies or maybe Interdisciplinary Studies combining that stuff?


And yes, I realize I'm a walking talking example of how NOT to do college. But I did learn a ton. So there's that...sigh. 

Edited by ktgrok
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Honestly, I’m skeptical that any school will let you take one or two classes with them and then give you a degree. Every school has differences in their general education classes and major class requirements. Your best bet is to do a ton of research and then go to the school and find out what will transfer.


, I’m back in a community college for a different degree and I have to take English 102. I already have a Masters degree and have done a ton of papers. Stinks.

Edited by solascriptura
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I doubt you will find any school that will not require at least 30 credits before issuing a degree.  And even if such a school existed, it is also doubtful that all of your credits would transfer to that specific school.  That is just the deal.  No school wants to put their name on a diploma in which none/few of that work was done at that school.  Many schools also will not transfer credits after a certain time period from when the classes were taken.  Ten years is common, FYI.

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Have you talked to FSU to see what options they may have that would fit your credits?  I think you will need to take some kind of class, somewhere to get a degree.  Also some of the miscellaneous credits may have expired and need to be retaken.  Degrees don't expire, but sometimes individual credits do. 


Are you wanting to finish so you have a completed AA or BS etc? Or are you wanting to do something moving forward with this degree?  Some schools have a general transfer degree or general studies degree that has a broad range of requirements.  With you english and religion classes you may be closest to a literature degree


Good luck, I am kind of in the same boat. I have more credits than most degrees require, but not the right combination to have an one specific degree.  The only time it mattered was wen I was applying to the school district and needed an AA for the job I wanted.  I was able to show my transcripts and that they approved me with "an equivalent amount of credits".

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I think submit your transcripts to someplace local, maybe they have good transfer agreements. If that can work out it might be easiest.


Then maybe do the same for an online program that might have a good agreement with the schools where you have taken classes.


My husband has done this and I think the fee was low if there was a fee.


I would also really check to see if FAU accepts any online classes as counting towards residency. They might have an agreement to count classes that way even if they don’t directly offer them. It would be nice for you if they did.


Good luck! I think start somewhere and hopefully people you talk to know something about your options and it is good :)

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This is going to sound a bit off-the-wall, but not all master's programs require prior completion of a bachelor's degree. My DH actually had a classmate at Harvard Business School who didn't have a bachelor's. The guy had been captain of some big commercial shipping boat and I guess he had good enough test scores and leadership experience to go directly into the MBA program without completing a bachelor's first.


I would look around for master's in theology or religious studies or something like that and see if you can find one that will let you do the graduate degree without finishing a bachelor's.


ETA: Some programs will let you start classes in non-degree status and then you have to apply for formal admission by the time you complete 12 credits. That way the program would know that you are capable of handling the coursework and you could use your professors for letters of recommendation.

Edited by Crimson Wife
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Also with what you mention you have 96 hours, so if you find a manageable place that accepts all the transfer hours, you might not be in a bad place if you need 120 hours to get a 4-year degree.


I hope something will work out! I think start asking and they will tell you when they review your transcripts. That’s what we have seen with my husband at least.


Edit: if you have over 120 hours, and meet the major requirements at the school where you took English or Religion, I would really try them and see if they accept online credits even if they don’t offer them.

Edited by Lecka
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Yeah, that's what I thought. Thomas Edison University will do it, just take their capstone and cornerstone classes. BUT...tuition is 3 -4 times higher than taking courses here at the university I'm local to, and they have a $2,500 "residency waiver" fee. I could just take classes locally instead. I THINK I can get UCF to drop the residency requirement from 30 courses to 15...that's what I'm hearing. So just suck it up and take those courses, and get a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. 

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When I Googled St. Petersburg College, the blurb on the Google SERPs page says this:


St. Petersburg College is a state college in Pinellas County, Florida. It is part of the Florida College System, and is one of the institutions in the system designated a "state college," as it offers ...


Question: If it is a State College, "part of the Florida College System", will another College in that system accept your AS degree and (hopefully) some of your other credits, towards a degree in something? How much, if anything, would transfer?

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I attended FAU my freshman year (early admission)...biology major. Then transferred to FSU to follow my boyfriend (and actually LOVED FSU...so very very much.) I majored in Religion. Then eventually boyfriend became finance, had mental breakdown, and moved home to Palm Beach County. I stayed, had mental breakdown (after caring for him 24/7 for a year, the sudden aloneness did me in...he even took my dog with him when he left), and moved back to Palm Beach County. Went to community college and then back into FAU, majored in English as they didn't have a Religion major. Then dropped out when I got pregnant/married. Then got an AS in Veterinary Technology from St. Petersburg College, online. 


Now I have:

33 hours of Religion Credit from FSU, but no degree (and it isn't offered online and is not local)

24 credit hours of English Credit (not counting ENC1101, 1102) from FAU, but  it isn't offered online and isn't local

9 hour of Anthropology credit from FSU, at the time was working towards a minor in it

random biology/chemistry/etc classes, plus gen ed requirements, etc. 


My problem is that all schools want your last 30 credit hours with them. But my last 30 credit hours were at St. Petersburg, which doesn't have much in the way of Bachelors degrees. And I don't NEED another 30 hours of credit, lol. Obviously. Are there any schools that don't require you do your coursework with them and will let me take one or two classes and give me a degree in either Religious Studies or maybe Interdisciplinary Studies combining that stuff?


And yes, I realize I'm a walking talking example of how NOT to do college. But I did learn a ton. So there's that...sigh. 



This is adding up to 66 credits. How many do you have total including gen ed requirement classes? Most bachelor's degrees want you to have a certain minimum number of hours with that institution, AND a certain number of hours within the major with that institution, and most bachelor's programs want around 120 hours total. Gen ed requirements also vary from one uni to another, and often will be considered expired after a certain period of time (especially math, I had to re-take math when I went back to finish my bachelor's because the credit was more than 10 years old).


I would take a look at institutions that have online programs for you to finish with, in-state if there is one, or here is the list of the top nationwide:


https://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/bachelors/rankings I know of those, ASU's online offerings are on par with their on campus offerings. It's likely the same for the others. I would avoid any for-profit institution.

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