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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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One morning work appointment

Run by Russian Deli for some chocolaty stocking stuffers


Wrap gift

Distribute the chocolate goodies

Report for Work

Walk Dog

Commiserate with dh who has a cold and do my best not to catch it

Wait up for ds who is scheduled to arrive around midnight




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I am so far behind.  So far.  I am making a schedule, sticking to it, and not sitting down on my behind until it is done.



-address Christmas cards (DH has major problem with printer and I never saw him so angry yesterday trying to print envelopes)

-be at Publix when the doors open at 7

-be at Bed Bath and Beyond when doors open for a return (8 am)

-go to 5 Below with DS13 so he can buy his family gifts ($10 limit)

-make pasta salad for party tomorrow

-wrap gifts for dirty santa party tomorrow

-buy gifts for:  my parents, my inlaws (DH will do this), my niece, 2 aunts/uncles

-buy last minute stocking stuffers

-print out pictures of what I bought DH because neither of the gifts have arrived yet....

-talk to DS16's hitting coach about getting him ready for school tryouts at end of January

-read my book - goal is at least 100 pages

-laundry (there is so much I don't even want to think about it)  DONE:  4


ETA:  -dinner (gonna have to be pizza)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Rearrange living room to make space for the tree

Wrap presents

Go to butcher to buy suet for Christmas pudding


Afternoon, with kids:

Go with kids to cheese store that we all love and get food for Christmas brunch

Stop by supermarket for rib roast (on sale) and fish for seven fishes Xmas Eve dinner

Set up tree and get ornaments from garage attic, don't want to plan for this tomorrow as rain is expected



Make marzipan holly leaves with dd. She did not want me to make them without her.

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Good morning!


I am so excited that as of noon today, dh and I are closing down our businesses for the next ten days. This is unprecedented because my dh never takes time off, but he actually agreed that we need some rest and relaxation after this hectic year. Ds19 will be off work, too.  :hurray:


•school (just until noon and then break starts)

•tie up a few loose ends in the office (pay a couple more bills, take care of some financial stuff)

•have kids figure out why 1/3 of our tree lights stopped working

•finish wrapping presents

•spend some extra time with the horses

•dinner: golden cauliflower soup

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Good morning!


I am so excited that as of noon today, dh and I are closing down our businesses for the next ten days. This is unprecedented because my dh never takes time off, but he actually agreed that we need some rest and relaxation after this hectic year. Ds19 will be off work, too. :hurray:


•school (just until noon and then break starts)

•tie up a few loose ends in the office (pay a couple more bills, take care of some financial stuff)

•have kids figure out why 1/3 of our tree lights stopped working

•finish wrapping presents

•spend some extra time with the horses

•dinner: golden cauliflower soup

Have you used this type of tree light tester? We found it could be a help, at least some of the time. But not always. One year I threw out every single tangled, half working light strand and just bought new lights.




But I still have a family of formerly lit reindeer in the garage attic. Too expensive to throw away, too time-consuming to fix. Maybe someday when I am organized, lol.

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We are home today DD5 recovering from being sick. No fever today just stuffey and starting to cough now.


DH and I are now stuffey and coughing as well.


He had to work today though.


Her Christmas stuff is done.


Just need to do a little grocery shopping. Will have to be tomorrow.


Laundry and house cleaning

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bake gingerbread cookies
ice them?

call mom
dinner - chx pot pie



dh is working at home so, kids will have to find something other than movies and baking to keep themselves occupied today. gray and raining for the 6th day in a row. ugh.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Have you used this type of tree light tester? We found it could be a help, at least some of the time. But not always. One year I threw out every single tangled, half working light strand and just bought new lights.




But I still have a family of formerly lit reindeer in the garage attic. Too expensive to throw away, too time-consuming to fix. Maybe someday when I am organized, lol.


Thanks for the tip! Our tree has LED lights and Amazon does have an LED tester, so I may end ordering one if we can't figure out what's wrong.

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Good morning! dd1 and dd2 went to early morning practice. Woo hoo!!! That is the best Christmas gift... The kids need the cars today, so I think I can use the car in the morning, just not this afternoon. It is super cold here (about 10 degrees), so I would like to wait until it is a little bit warmer to head out.


To do:

finish coffee and paper

do a little grocery/gift shopping

check lists/ and check twice


finish weekly check list

jen things if time/space

plan meals for weekend (7 people, all who eat like adults-yikes!)

ds3 to tennis

ds1 to coach/dd2 to practice

ds1 home/pick up ds3?

girls out after practice/home later



Have a great day!


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Good morning... Dd1 didn’t have school today due to weather and I finished all Christmas related shopping and wrapped all gifts yesterday that were here.

- coffee!!!!!

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- fold and put away laundry- tomorrow

- clean living room- kind of done- will finish tomorrow

- clean kitchen- done

- dishes- waiting for dishwasher to be full

- clean master bedroom (this kinda goes with organizing school stuff lower down the list as most of it is my school stuff scattered everywhere)- hahaha no

- clean litter box- done

- finding some wrapping paper in closet- done and just enough to wrap dfil’s gift

- wrap dfil’s gift when it comes in (my gift from dh is supposed to be here sometime before Christmas but I know it’s coming via USPS and dfil’s is coming UPS)- dfil’s done, dh found out mine should be here Tuesday (he ordered it 2 weeks ago)

- organize school stuff? (I swear I will get this done before January 15th when the semester starts)- nope

- dinner- planned- Sulsbary steaks (the frozen banquet kind), rice and a veggie- done

- crochet? (I’m working on a twin size afghan for dd1 that I hope will be done by next Christmas as well as one for dd2)

- baths/showers

- bedtime routine- Dd1 staying at in laws, dd2 just passed out on the couch

- anything else I get done- moved car so that dfil could plow the driveway and put it back into its spot and put the windshield cover on it (got a couple of days ago and I all ready love it, don’t need to wait for the windshield to thaw and my wipers aren’t frozen), took trash to outside can, organized plate/bowl/spice cabinet

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Ugh. I was woken up by Dd in the middle of the night. She was feeling very poorly. I’m fairly sure that Dd who has celiac, was glutened. But then I couldn’t get back to sleep for hours and of course I woke up early too and can’t get back to sleep. I got just about four and a half hours last night. I will nap if my stupid body lets me.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Couldn't sleep last night, partly due to nausea probably caused by Chipotle, so I took some benadryl at 230 and ended up going back to sleep around 330. Slept in.


Figured out what was wrong with the shredder (blob stuck on one side). 

My allergies decided to wake up spectacularly about 20 minutes ago, so more benadryl for me.

Some minor re-arranging today to make a little more room. Most of the prep is done for our visitors.

Tomorrow is grocery shopping, so make a list.


Waiting on one more package to arrive, but otherwise shopping is done, except a soda for the "brother in law."

Need to vacuum at some point and use the duster thing to get the fans/corners. 


All of my grades are in: A in Museum Management, B+ in Comparative Historiography, C+ in Chem Lab (I knew I blew a lab, so I wasn't surprised. Would have been some kind of B otherwise.)

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Ugh. I was woken up by Dd in the middle of the night. She was feeling very poorly. I’m fairly sure that Dd who has celiac, was glutened. But then I couldn’t get back to sleep for hours and of course I woke up early too and can’t get back to sleep. I got just about four and a half hours last night. I will nap if my stupid body lets me.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Sorry you and your dd are sick! Hope you get a nap and feel better soon! 

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human care done

pet care done

medical care done and nagged ds into doing his since I noticed that he had forgotten meds two days in a row.

Delivered dd to the gym where she is doing her "death workout" with friends.  (Being up during the night hasn't affected her as much today since she was able to go right back to sleep after waking me up.  :glare: )


kitchen - dishwasher rebooted

also roasted a bunch of root veggies for lunches


laundry - put one load in the washing machine. 


paperwork - where did the folder with the Christmas card addresses go?  Where?  :banghead:

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Quick grocery run.

Library book returned.

Ds' laundry

Dishwasher unloaded


Cookies made - gingerbread ones plus a new recipe for eggnog cookies.


Chx stock strained and cooled.


Stocking gifts unpackaged, sorted, and moved.


Dinner is in the oven. I'm wiped out. Not cleaning up the kitchen tonight!

Edited by ScoutTN
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Hi ... trying to remember what day it is, because it's Saturday morning here ....


Well early Friday morning (local time) we flew into India.  Took some rest and then attended a 60th birthday party for lunch.  Then slept some more, and worked from about 1pm-7pm (home time) to get some things out before the Christmas holiday.  Then been on the internet trying to catch up with personal stuff I could not do earlier.  Right now, local time, it is 7am and I should be sleeping.  My kids have also been up all night ... can't get them to sleep.  Jet lag!  The coming day might be a bit hairy.


We flew over on Emirates airline - it was very nice, in case anyone is curious for future travels.

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