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App to track food in pantry?


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Oh. My. God. Please tell me this is satire.


I am lucky if I remember to buy milk, and I open the fridge 109 times a day and it's at eye level. (We had to use canned evaporated milk for 2 days running this week . . . It's gross, for the record.)


There is No. Way. On. Earth. anyone in my house would participate in any app use to track pantry items. I mean, I can't get them to write down "sugar" on the list when we run low because they've been baking incessantly . . . What, would they have to scan everything when they use it? HA!!


I'm still begging them to put the trash IN the trash can instead of on the counter right ABOVE the trash can. Or dishes IN the sink instead of wherever they last used them . . . Let alone launder in hampers . . .


Your home must be frighteningly (in a good way, I think, lol) organized. And your family fantabulously cooperative (definitely in a good way). 


I'd say, give yourself a pat on the back for such an organized house and cooperative family . . . and carry on. I sure won't criticize if you actually have all that . . . 


Wow. Just wow. 


(And, this is NOT meant to be insulting. I'm just truly and absolutely incredulous!!)



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I found a free one once but it required a scanner. And when the scanner was used, the computer had to be "ready to receive" (so - dedicated computer?) all the time. So, it never went anywhere. 


For the record, when my kids bring up an item from our pantry in the basement (or our basement chest freezer), they write down what they've removed - sugar, spice, butter, block cheese, chocolate chips. DH has them trained well. DH uses the written list to figure out what to buy the next time he goes on a grocery run. (I'm the impulse buyer in the family, so we save money if he goes instead of me. He gets things on the list plus the items I forgot to put on the list that we actually need.) 


Stuff in the refrigerator doesn't really get tracked since it is visible & easily checkable. Once it is upstairs, no one has to track usage. Easier this way.


And yes, in our house, dishes go into the sink (or badly placed in the dishwasher - sigh).  Nagging is still required to get (the boys') dirty clothes put in the hamper instead of on their floors. Mostly, cooperative & organized off-spring of two engineers.

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ps. true story, from this summer.


Our family was going to a sort-of fancier party at a friend's house, and I'd decided to make limoncello sorbet as a treat to take. 


It only had 3 ingredients: sugar, lemons, limoncello. 


I know I always have LOTS of sugar in the house because we have a huge pantry, so I keep 2 bags in there as well as the full canister on the counter. Buy more when we get down to 5# of sugar, which is enough for at least a month or two of typical use (except in holiday baking season). And I knew we had at least 3/4 bottle of limoncello because I'd last used it in May at ds's grad party, and I recalled putting it back in the liquor cabinet at least 3/4 full, as it was just one small part of a big bar/party. So, I had dh pick up a bag of lemons on his way home from work that day (Saturday, midday) so I could make the sorbet that night, as it needs to harden for a day before serving (the party was the next night).


Around 9PM I went to make the sorbet. Sure enough, we had the lemons dh had just bought. Went to measure the sugar, and there was literally less than a cup left in the canister. No problem, I keep bags in the pantry. NOPE, no such bags. NONE. DD15 had been doing a lot of baking in recent weeks . . . Sugar never got on the list. OK, well, I know we can run up to the quick mart and grab sugar, no problem. Went to find the limoncello. WHAT limoncello? There was no limoncello!! I (rightly, as confirmed later) guessed that ds-graduate had snagged the limoncello at his party . . . (Later confirmed that he and his pals had an unfortunate night with limoncello . . . post-grad-party . . .) So, there you have it. As a 47 year old grown woman, I had to run to the liquor store (30 min drive) late on a Saturday night! 


So, anyway, that's an illustration of why I was so perplexed at the very thought of a pantry inventory tracking app!

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Oh. My. God. Please tell me this is satire.


I am lucky if I remember to buy milk, and I open the fridge 109 times a day and it's at eye level. (We had to use canned evaporated milk for 2 days running this week . . . It's gross, for the record.)


There is No. Way. On. Earth. anyone in my house would participate in any app use to track pantry items. I mean, I can't get them to write down "sugar" on the list when we run low because they've been baking incessantly . . . What, would they have to scan everything when they use it? HA!!


I'm still begging them to put the trash IN the trash can instead of on the counter right ABOVE the trash can. Or dishes IN the sink instead of wherever they last used them . . . Let alone launder in hampers . . .


Your home must be frighteningly (in a good way, I think, lol) organized. And your family fantabulously cooperative (definitely in a good way).


I'd say, give yourself a pat on the back for such an organized house and cooperative family . . . and carry on. I sure won't criticize if you actually have all that . . .


Wow. Just wow.


(And, this is NOT meant to be insulting. I'm just truly and absolutely incredulous!!)

BUT what about when technology catches up and your groceries are scanned when you walk in the door with them and deleted from inventory when those bar codes hit the trash?

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I haven't found one that works well for me.  I've tried a lot.


The best I've been able to do is tell Alexa when I'm out of or low on something.  The kids sometimes remember to do that, too.  That doesn't help with my longer term food storage, which I try to track on paper, but I definitely stink at that.

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