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Yarn organizer/bag/basket????


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I am not at all crafty but my daughter is. She is 9 yo and has taken up knitting. She takes it with her in the car, when she'll have to wait somewhere, and she knits while watching tv. Her yarn is all over the place and she gets it tangled up sometimes.


Surely there is some kind of basket or something to keep the yarn balls organized and the yarn unrolling smoothly? What am I looking for? Any specific recommendations?

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For the yarn she isn't currently using i suggest a box of Ziploc bags. ðŸ˜


You could search on "project bags" there are billions. Etsy might be fun, here's one:

https://www.etsy.com/listing/498663205/purl-two-check-gauge-knitting-print-bag?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=sock yarn bag&ref=sr_gallery_3

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Knitpicks has adorable and affordable project bags and great little notions she needs, like stitch counters, stitch markers, measuring tape, etc.




And they're doing a site-wide 20% off sale right now! I use a lot of their stuff. They have sales throughout the year, usually a certain color or yarn line will be on sale for a month. 20% site-wide is a really good deal for picking up whatever random things you want.


I just got their Jane Austen project bag. I love it. It comfortably holds the worsted weight sweater I'm making for my 4 year old. Other options would be a yarn bowl (maybe more for working at home than for traveling in the car), ziplock bags, or cosmetic bags for smaller projects. Lots of people like small tins to hold their scissors, tape measure, blunt-tipped needles, and stitch markers.

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Have you seen yarn bowls? :D Love.

I made mine at the ceramic cafe. It was meant to be a noodle bowl, but it had a perfect hole on the upper edge of one side for chopsticks to rest in. It might be a fun activity to have her paint one for herself, if you have a local ceramic shop.

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This is an awesome bag for a knitting project.  https://www.mytradesofhope.com/membertoolsdotnet/shoppingcartv4/ProductDetailv4.aspx?ProductID=17884&CatalogueID=208&MG=27&G1=152&G2=162


Also, Magic Cabin used to have a delightful 'learn to knit' set that included a great bag.  I checked their catalog but they don't carry this any longer.  And I can't even find you one on Ebay.  But it was a round bag about 8-0 inches in diameter, with a stiff bottom and stiff sides up about 12 inches, and then a few 'floppy' inches with a drawstring closure at the very top.  It was a great design, and I think you could make one pretty easily.


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