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Who else caught a bug over the holiday?

Word Nerd

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My husband developed a cold at the beginning of the week, so luckily in time to know and be able to not go to my sister's house (they live close by). We've postponed Thanksgiving at his parents' house until tomorrow--he's an only child and they don't usually invite anyone else over. We think he got it from the college visit we made last weekend, but a bad cold has been going around.

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DS got sick a few days before Thanksgiving.  He got it from someone working at the bazaar we hosted for the troop.  He was not happy she showed up sick.  I talked to all of my family and they were all fine with us coming, and i haven't heard that any of them caught it.  We would not have gone if anyone had requested we stay home.

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Dh is sick as a dog with what appears to be the flu. He didn't go to either Thanksgiving get together. He started feeling sick Wednesday, made it through work and came home and was in bed by 5 but it just got worse. Poor guy. Dd2 has a bit of a runny nose but so far the rest of us are ok (knock on wood). We all had flu shots but perhaps he's just lucky, I hope it isn't a non-protected strain b/c then we could all get it.

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