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Teaching kids about how alcohol effects them

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Or is that affects them?


Anyway, I had this thought - would it actually work? If you have a Wii Fit, have them do a simple balance type pose from the yoga section - like the tree completely sober. Then have a drink. Do the pose again. It should be worse, if the alcohol has taken effect. Another drink - pose again. I knwo there would need to be some lapse time in there so that the alcohol could effect them. Would this work? It only shows balance, but that would show - yes it does effect you.

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Ummm...I hope you are talking about kids that are over the age of 21? I would not give younger kids alcohol. Just like I would not force a kid to smoke to teach them that smoking can cause cancer.


I agree.


I wouldn't give my kids alcohol just to prove a point or teach them a lesson.


(Just as a side note, my oldest daughter did go to a driving sesson, taught by the state police, where they have a 'drunk car', for lack of a better term. It's a car that's been programmed to behave as if it were being driven by a drunk driver, so that teens understand how drinking and driving will affect them. I wanted my daughter to learn this important lesson in a safe manner, without any alcohol consumption in use.)

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Do you realize that anyone can die at any time while drinking? Alcohol poisonsing can occur in anyone anytime you drink too much. Drinking to the point of passing out or vomitting can kill you. My Dh had a friend in highschool who drank to the point of passing out. He died. I'm all for social drinking, but drinking to the point of "never wanting to do it again" is just dangerous. I would not advocate this.


OTH, letting an older child try a sip of wine or beer is okay, AFAIC. I would not let them have a whole glass, though. Their brains are still developing. I know, in Europe, it's acceptable for children to drink, but usually their wine is watered down.


ETA: This thread makes me mad. You want to show your kids how dangerous drinking is by having them drink? I would think that would make it more of a game for them.

Edited by Cheryl in NM
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We started discussing the effects of alcohol and drugs with my son already. I personally think the show Intervention is a great opportunity to show children the effects of alcohol. I prescreened the shows though because some can be more graphic than a 9yo needs to see. While I think in theory your method of showing the effects of alcohol would work I don't think it is the best way to accomplish it.

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While I think in theory your method of showing the effects of alcohol would work I don't think it is the best way to accomplish it.


This is all I was looking for. I never said I would do it. Don't you ever wonder "out loud" looking for a response?


Now let's just let this die since it has become so much more than an academic discussion.


I'm sorry I've upset so many of you over what I meant as "what if" question with little possibility of happening.

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I understand what you are saying as for as "what if". I guess it might work, but I would be worried they would think it was funny. I think that video taping someone that is obnoxious while drunk and then showing them the tape when they are sober could be helpful. They should come up with a game that has a delayed response (equal to the amount of alcohol) .

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For small children, I'd have to say no. For older children, 15-17, who would possibly go out with friends and do it anyway, I *might* consider it. I'd rather have my older teen safe at home when he first tries alcohol, than out in the street drinking and cruising with his buddies who are blitzed.


And never to the point of passing out or throwing up. Half a glass of wine in someone who has never drank will take effect quickly, and prove the point.


As for the uproar, well, one really has to look at the statistics. A lot of teens go out, find someone to buy them alcohol, they get drunk. Of those teens experimenting there are only a few options. They drive or ride with an intoxicated driver. A lot of them never make it home. They die of alcohol poisoning. The lucky ones make it home in one piece. The OP sounds like a mom who may one day look at teaching her kids safely instead of having the kids out at a party experimenting.


I can't tell you how many kids I've scraped up off the road or scraped up their victims. All the preaching, training, teaching in the world may not have any effect when peer pressure is involved. Give a kid the tools to know, A) alcohol really effects my system, and B) a way out of a situation without looking like a dork in front of his friends. They may be the one that makes it home.


Something to possibly try to get when undertaking this kind of instruction - a Breathalyzer. I don't know if there are marketed to the general public, but having a drink, blowing and showing a kid that so very little is needed to reach the legal limit may be something helpful to teach. Showing that they might think they are okay when really they aren't. Then they wouldn't really be the ones taking the drink. You could do it, show that you are functioning "normally" then blow. Believe me, .10 is easy to get to.

Edited by Parrothead
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:iagree: The actual drunk driving tests involve much more than simple balance as does operating a moving vehicle..kwim.


Well, I truly don't even think it would *work*. If that was your original question...


I'm quite certain I could successfully do Wii yoga long after the point at which I shouldn't drive a car, etc.

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Or is that affects them?


Anyway, I had this thought - would it actually work? If you have a Wii Fit, have them do a simple balance type pose from the yoga section - like the tree completely sober. Then have a drink. Do the pose again. It should be worse, if the alcohol has taken effect. Another drink - pose again. I knwo there would need to be some lapse time in there so that the alcohol could effect them. Would this work? It only shows balance, but that would show - yes it does effect you.


This is all I was looking for. I never said I would do it. Don't you ever wonder "out loud" looking for a response?


Now let's just let this die since it has become so much more than an academic discussion.


I'm sorry I've upset so many of you over what I meant as "what if" question with little possibility of happening.


You might want to re-read your original post to see what people are getting upset about. It sounds like you are planning to do this experiment. All due respect, but your op did not sound like wondering out loud. Now that I understand, I think that would be cool for an adult, not a child.

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As for the uproar, well, one really has to look at the statistics. A lot of teens go out, find someone to buy them alcohol, they get drunk. Of those teens experimenting there are only a few options. They drive or ride with an intoxicated driver. A lot of them never make it home. They die of alcohol poisoning. The lucky ones make it home in one piece. The OP sounds like a mom who may one day look at teaching her kids safely instead of having the kids out at a party experimenting.


I can't tell you how many kids I've scraped up off the road or scraped up their victims. All the preaching, training, teaching in the world may not have any effect when peer pressure is involved. Give a kid the tools to know, A) alcohol really effects my system, and B) a way out of a situation without looking like a dork in front of his friends. They may be the one that makes it home.



:iagree::iagree: Especially to the last paragraph. Just had to do this last shift. I think one of the most important tools a parent can give a teenager is a cell phone and a promise not to yell or otherwise react when the child calls. Promise you'll pick them up where ever and when ever they call with no questions asked at that time. Peer pressure, especially combined with alcohol and drugs, kills.


I dread prom season each year.



And, in answer to OP's question (and as a PP wrote) the standard roadside test the police administer is much more difficult than any game/fitness program.

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