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The Do I or Don't I? Teachers Lounge 11-15-2017


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Happy Wednesday!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I was going to go to one of those "Markets on the Move" where you can 

"get up to 60lbs of produce for $10". I've been to them before and while yes you can get a lot of produce, I find I rarely use 

it all before half of it spoils. So in the 40 minutes before I was going to leave, I spent the time watching "Flash" with my son.

We've developed a Wednesday morning tradtion of watching that together but that's an aside. Anyway, at the end of that episode,

as I prepared to leave, I wondered about the wisdom of going to get food of which I would likely throw half away. Thus, the "do I or don't I"

them. I've pretty much decided not to go today. I may on a future date. But today, I think I'll be frugal with money AND waste and just go buy

the ingredients for dinner tonight. I'm pretty sure I can get those ingredients for around $10, maybe a little more, and still have some left over, 

which I WILL use.


What "do I or don't I" decisions do you have to make today? Here: see above.


Have you developed any weekly traditions with your kiddos? Here: both ds and I enjoy watching Flash so it's a nice Wednesday morning thing

to do together while we wake up slowly.


Ready for Thanksgiving? (It's in just over a week, you know!) Here: sort of. I do have to order the ham but can't really do that until Friday. I'm thinking

maybe in the morning the fam and I will go see Thor: Ragnarok, since we haven't seen it yet. In the afternoon, we'll go to my sisters. 


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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No do I or don't I decisions for today.  I do have a few things that I must do, and need to decide how I want to go about it.


We've had various "traditions" but don't always keep up with them.   Ours seem to be more in the way of habits around how we get things done.


I don't really have anything to prepare for Thanksgiving.  We'll go over to my mom's and dh and my mom will do the cooking.   I am trying to get the house cleaned and straightened up enough so we can decorate for Christmas.  I'm not making much progress there.

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I already made my "Do or Don't" decision today: I'm out of bed! Yay me! lol 


I went to Market on the Move last week. Still have pumpkins sitting here. Posted a thread about what to do with them and there were some great ideas, but everything sounds like so much work.  I have a couple more days before I need to really use them up, but I hate that feeling of food you don't need.


Parents are having Thanksgiving maybe on Tuesday next week, not sure yet.  Either way just need to bring a salad and a dessert. Same with DH's family. So at least I don't have to do the whole shebang, though neither family we are visiting really has a touch for turkey or stuffing, which is a shame. But that's okay, so long as I don't have to make it :) 

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Happy Wednesday!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I was going to go to one of those "Markets on the Move" where you can 

"get up to 60lbs of produce for $10". I've been to them before and while yes you can get a lot of produce, I find I rarely use 

it all before half of it spoils. So in the 40 minutes before I was going to leave, I spent the time watching "Flash" with my son.

We've developed a Wednesday morning tradtion of watching that together but that's an aside. Anyway, at the end of that episode,

as I prepared to leave, I wondered about the wisdom of going to get food of which I would likely throw half away. Thus, the "do I or don't I"

them. I've pretty much decided not to go today. I may on a future date. But today, I think I'll be frugal with money AND waste and just go buy

the ingredients for dinner tonight. I'm pretty sure I can get those ingredients for around $10, maybe a little more, and still have some left over, 

which I WILL use.


What "do I or don't I" decisions do you have to make today? Here: see above.


Have you developed any weekly traditions with your kiddos? Here: both ds and I enjoy watching Flash so it's a nice Wednesday morning thing

to do together while we wake up slowly.


Ready for Thanksgiving? (It's in just over a week, you know!) Here: sort of. I do have to order the ham but can't really do that until Friday. I'm thinking

maybe in the morning the fam and I will go see Thor: Ragnarok, since we haven't seen it yet. In the afternoon, we'll go to my sisters. 


Talk to me! :bigear:

It's rainy Wednesday here. I woke up with a horrible headache that is probably weather related. Thunderstorms forecast for today. It feels like spring.


I do have to get to 25K today on my NaNo project. I'm shy about 1500 words now. The don't is whether or not I try to hunt down a particular piece of equipment I might need later today, or try to improvise.


Painting on Thursday and drawing on Tuesday. Our drawing class ended yesterday, and I'm trying to put together something I can do at home to continue drawing practice. Whether the boys enjoy it or not is difficult to say. They are at the age where a surprise trip to the river or the lake might be met with smiles or frowns, or both.


Ready. I only have a pie to make and I have a doctor's appointment the day before.

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Good morning!  I'm really boring in the answer department today...


No real decisions to make today. 


We don't have weekly traditions.


I'm not ready for Thanksgiving. My family Thanksgiving is in TN on Monday, and I have to buy a few things to take with me for the food I'll make there. I've not planned our own meal here at home, but I'm going to do that by Saturday and buy for both at the same time. We leave Sunday right after church to drive there. It's about 3.5 hours if there are no traffic problems in Atlanta. 







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My do I don't I decision is if I apply for a job I'm qualified for or not. It is at a local university in the department my mom retired from, so I could almost certainly get the interview. The pay would be a bit less or equal to dh's pay but the benefits would be amazing. Free college tuition for my kids or dh if he wants, dental, vision, a great retirement plan, etc. It is in the city we are currently looking to move to.


The cons would be that I'd be working!!! The breadwinner to be exact. Dh would probably still work part time at night because he enjoys the work but he'd stay home with the kids and homeschool them. That's really the only downfall, ha. But it is a big one. Dh is on board with me applying, I just have to decide if I want to. I guess there is no harm in applying.


Weekly traditions with the kids, not really. There are a lot of things we do together but not on any sort of schedule. I'd say the closest would be when we aim to have a family game day once a week. But the reality is we play games every day.


No I'm not ready for Thanksgiving. This year we have to bring mashed potatoes and 3 homemade pies. We have no ingredients for those yet and we celebrate Thanksgiving this Saturday.

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Critterfixer, I'm so behind on NaNoWriMo! But I keep plugging along. SOMEthing is better than NOTHing, right?


Amy, wish I lived 3.5 from TN! I would totally go visit my sister and her family! Or 3.5 hours from Cheyenne, WY then we'd all go 

to my BFF's house! I miss her!


hjffkj, apply!!! And maybe take the job with plans to vamoos when the kids have graduated from college. Earned tuition is a GOOD thing!

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Do I or Don't I: Nothing today.


Weekly Traditions: No.  I'm really not good at traditions.  I just forget to do them!


Thanksgiving: Sort of.  No one in the house especially likes turkey or ham so I'm not sure what main dish we'll have.  I've actually considered getting lunchmeat and having sandwiches with all the trimmings lol

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hjffkj, apply!!! And maybe take the job with plans to vamoos when the kids have graduated from college. Earned tuition is a GOOD thing!

I think I will. I know how great of a benefit the tuition is. That is how my parents out 7 kids through college. Mom worked at the University and dad worked at the community college. So they could have 4 full-time students at a time without paying a dime.

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Critterfixer, I'm so behind on NaNoWriMo! But I keep plugging along. SOMEthing is better than NOTHing, right?



If it makes you feel better about it, chances are good that out of 50K words at the end, only 1/3 or less may end up in the finished project for me. :D

My writerly nickname should be Overwriting Ogre.

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Do I or Don't I: Nothing today.


Weekly Traditions: No.  I'm really not good at traditions.  I just forget to do them!


Thanksgiving: Sort of.  No one in the house especially likes turkey or ham so I'm not sure what main dish we'll have.  I've actually considered getting lunchmeat and having sandwiches with all the trimmings lol


Last year for Thanksgiving we had corned beef. We may have made paninis with it but none of us can really remember! LOL

Anyway, that's an idea for you!

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I think I will. I know how great of a benefit the tuition is. That is how my parents out 7 kids through college. Mom worked at the University and dad worked at the community college. So they could have 4 full-time students at a time without paying a dime.


Makes me think maybe I should look into employment at the private college my dd is interested in!

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Good afternoon.

It is rainy and cold here and ds is bring a huge pain. So much drama!  :crying:  :cursing: You'd think that being asked to copy a 4 sentence paragraph was massively insulting and enormously difficult. 


Decisions: Need to make choices on health ins and other benefits from dh's employer for next year by next week. Deeply thankful for good health insurance! 


Traditions: Well, maybe more like routines. We usually watch TV or a movie together on Sunday nights. We often have mocha mid-morning in the winter. Many weeks kids and I have lunch with my mom on Friday and one kid spends the night. We usually have cereal for breakfast on Thursdays because we pick up fresh (raw) milk on Wednesdays.


Ready for Thanksgiving? Well, I have my turkey ordered and will pick it up Saturday. I know what I will cook, but haven't made a grocery list yet. We will just have ourselves and my mom, so quiet and small celebration. I will still get out the nice china and set a pretty table because my mom loves that. 

In the sense of desperately needing a break, yes, I'm ready! Thanksgiving dinner is a lot of work for me, but still a nice change of pace from schooling. Hoping to have some fun days with friends during that week, since Thursday will be by ourselves. 









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My do I don't I decision is if I apply for a job I'm qualified for or not. It is at a local university in the department my mom retired from, so I could almost certainly get the interview. The pay would be a bit less or equal to dh's pay but the benefits would be amazing. Free college tuition for my kids or dh if he wants, dental, vision, a great retirement plan, etc. It is in the city we are currently looking to move to.


The cons would be that I'd be working!!! The breadwinner to be exact. Dh would probably still work part time at night because he enjoys the work but he'd stay home with the kids and homeschool them. That's really the only downfall, ha. But it is a big one. Dh is on board with me applying, I just have to decide if I want to. I guess there is no harm in applying.


Weekly traditions with the kids, not really. There are a lot of things we do together but not on any sort of schedule. I'd say the closest would be when we aim to have a family game day once a week. But the reality is we play games every day.


No I'm not ready for Thanksgiving. This year we have to bring mashed potatoes and 3 homemade pies. We have no ingredients for those yet and we celebrate Thanksgiving this Saturday.


Oh do!!


What a huge benefits if you get the job.  

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The do i don't I decision that mattered tonight that I didn't mention is do I test for my next belt in kung-fu or not. I chose to and passed with a 93%. My legs are killing me but I'm so happy I decided to. I actually only messed up on the part I was most confident about going into the test.

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