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The Can I Go Back to Sleep? Teachers Lounge 11-6-2017


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Good morning, all!


Today's them stems from the fact that my body has finally realized we don't have to constantly be on the go anymore, the fact I've kind of been burning the candle at both ends, and it's a bit overcast this morning. Planned on getting started with stuff about 9 this morning but it's 9 now and I'm not even close to ready!


Who else is really feeling the Monday today? Here: ME!  :seeya:


What are you up to today? Here: kids don't really have school except I told daughter to work on her writing this afternoon and geometry with dad tonight.

Son I will probably have help with some housework but no schooling. I need to get some administrative work done for the week so I know what's what each day this week and this afternoon I have a phone appointment. Somewhere in the day, I need to fit in writing and typing that writing into the Word doc for NaNoWriMo.


How was your weekend? Here: BUSY. :willy_nilly: May be why I'm so tired today! I'm not very good at resting when I NEED to.


Talk to me! :bigear: 



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Good morning, all!


Today's them stems from the fact that my body has finally realized we don't have to constantly be on the go anymore, the fact I've kind of been burning the candle at both ends, and it's a bit overcast this morning. Planned on getting started with stuff about 9 this morning but it's 9 now and I'm not even close to ready!


Who else is really feeling the Monday today? Here: ME!  :seeya:


What are you up to today? Here: kids don't really have school except I told daughter to work on her writing this afternoon and geometry with dad tonight.

Son I will probably have help with some housework but no schooling. I need to get some administrative work done for the week so I know what's what each day this week and this afternoon I have a phone appointment. Somewhere in the day, I need to fit in writing and typing that writing into the Word doc for NaNoWriMo.


How was your weekend? Here: BUSY. :willy_nilly: May be why I'm so tired today! I'm not very good at resting when I NEED to.


Talk to me! :bigear:

If you say so!

Yes, it's Monday on steroids. We are having our first day back to school after a layoff, and it's very Monday.

School, wrote two poems, working on NaNoWriMo in between conjugating Latin subjunctive and such.

Very restful weekend. The boys went with DH to set up the tent for deer camp next week, and I stayed at home, cooked, read two books and wrote almost 3K words. I'm sitting pretty at over 10K for my project.

I wrote a really interesting poem this morning. Might take it to writers' meeting on Tuesday for a look over.

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My weekend and last week were so busy as we had family visiting and did all the tourist things.

Family is still here, but we are doing light school in the morning this week. I can tell we had a week off as my son is so distracted and not wanting to do anything! I felt like putting him back to bed, and getting stuff done! Alas, his bedtime is soon and then I can organize some stuff and rest.

I am going to bed early tonight though!

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Monday: Yes.  It's SO Monday.


Today: School, Ani's nannying and then working tonight, Cameron's working tonight.


Weekend: Pretty good.  Ani and Cameron spent all day working the tournament on Saturday.  Jamie and I got sushi so that's always nice.  I read two books.

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Today is very Monday Ds is being insanely difficult. So 10 yo's meltdown has ruined my day so far.


Thankfully, Dd is doing school diligently. And has the focus to persevere through the chaos.


Coffee and adrenaline have me revved up, not sleepy.


Plans for later today are being changed on the fly in reaction to ds' attitude and behavior. At this point he will be doing schoolwork all day til dinner.


Weekend: It was good. Dd's tutorial had a dance Saturday night (family event, not just kids) and she had a great time. :)


Church was good. We enjoyed watching some tv together and ds got to visit with my mom.


Not much housework done, but that's ok.

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Yucky wet gloomy day here.  I got out of bed okay, but I'm starting to drag now.

I had to get up and teach a science class this morning.  And I have a 4-H club meeting tonight.  And now I have a 2 hour workshop to teach tomorrow, and two classes to prepare for Thursday.   


What I didn't do over the weekend was prepare any school for the kids.  But, I started the year building in a "light week" every 6 weeks and we haven't really taken any of them so I guess I'm not overly worried about it.   I think I need to start printing off their planner for a month at a time so even if I don't get to it over the weekend, they can still just keep going.

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