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If I ate at a food truck for the first time and liked it...


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What other kinds of experiences would I like? 


You can laugh, but for me it was really a kind of beautiful, relaxing, peaceful experience. It was raining lightly and they had music playing. It smelled good, and I had no one in tow biting me or jumping on me or complaining about the waiting... So it was good food, good music, good smells, good sights, maybe good company (just me?), with time to reflect and be still and peaceful.


Where else can I have all that? Disney was that for me. Loved Disney. But dude the food truck lunch was under $10 and something I can do a little more often.  :lol:   It made me wonder, what else is out there that I haven't tried that I would like? Where do you go when you want to feel that way?


Not anything illegal, just something, well you know...


Edited by OhElizabeth
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Sounds like you enjoy being out and about without the kids doing grown up things. ;)


In my city, there's a place where you can paint a nice picture, following along with an instructor. It's a step by step class, no experience needed. And you can bring drinks! You're able to book a group class or sign up as an individual for whatever class offerings they have.


Anyway, that's on MY list of things to try, now that my youngest DS isn't so dependent on me anymore.

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For me, that is the library or a bookstore alone. Heaven...


I have a spare hour this evening.  I think I will go to our local independent book shop.  They serve you tea or coffee on a nice little tray with a biscuit while you look at the books you have pulled from the shelves.  I'm rereading Washington Square at present, but I need a book for after that.


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Coffee shop, library, fabric store (shhh...i almost love the browsing and dreaming more than the making).


I also like cooking classes. It is easy to be fully immersed iinto that and you feel forced to engage and turn off your brain for other thoughts, which is good for me.

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I've been going into Philadelphia for some classes and one day after class I walked to a park my daughter told me about (she explores the city much more than I have). It's a beautiful small place with lots of benches, and there are cafes nearby to pick up food and drink to eat on a bench.  It was just lovely.


I'm a suburbanite and generally have not enjoyed Philadelphia.  But I've been taking the train and even just the walk to and from class is pleasant.  I arrive early and stop for a coffee on the way.  Such a change from my usual routines; it's refreshing.  

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I used to  love bookstore browsing, but all we have within a reasonable distance / easy to get to is Barnes and Noble, and they are just not that fun for me to browse anymore. The selection isn't good anymore; the focus is on other stuff than books.  I understand that; it's the Amazon effect.  I wouldn't even mind paying cover price for a book if they ever had anything I wanted. I do like their paperback classics but I have all of those that I want already.  So bookstores have lost their charm for me.   :crying:

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Thank you for all these ideas, ladies! Some of these (fabric stores, woo-woo!) are things I used to do and haven't been doing as much over the years. Others I've just never done and could try!

Sounds like you enjoy being out and about without the kids doing grown up things. ;)

In my city, there's a place where you can paint a nice picture, following along with an instructor. It's a step by step class, no experience needed. And you can bring drinks! You're able to book a group class or sign up as an individual for whatever class offerings they have.

Anyway, that's on MY list of things to try, now that my youngest DS isn't so dependent on me anymore.


I really loved all the ideas, but the painting sounds especially fun. Sorta way out of my box but maybe fun to try! Thank you!



I've been going into Philadelphia for some classes and one day after class I walked to a park my daughter told me about (she explores the city much more than I have). It's a beautiful small place with lots of benches, and there are cafes nearby to pick up food and drink to eat on a bench.  It was just lovely.


I'm a suburbanite and generally have not enjoyed Philadelphia.  But I've been taking the train and even just the walk to and from class is pleasant.  I arrive early and stop for a coffee on the way.  Such a change from my usual routines; it's refreshing.  


Yes, I think you're right, that it's not just so much what you're doing as how you're doing it, taking the time to be still, to slow down and be refreshed. Love it.

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Ooo, I haven't been to a movie in years. My dd would always go with her friends. I could see if any are appropriate for ds. I was thinking we should/could to the new Olaf flick opening the day before Thanksgiving, and dd was gagging, lol.  Ooo, I think I just figured out a way! :D

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What other kinds of experiences would I like?


You can laugh, but for me it was really a kind of beautiful, relaxing, peaceful experience. It was raining lightly and they had music playing. It smelled good, and I had no one in tow biting me or jumping on me or complaining about the waiting... So it was good food, good music, good smells, good sights, maybe good company (just me?), with time to reflect and be still and peaceful.


Where else can I have all that?


Time to move to Austin!

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I'd go to an antique store, tell myself I'm going to look for a certain item, like a dainty teacup or an embroidered tablecloth, or a pair of vintage pillowcases. Normally I give myself a limit, usually no more than $15-20.

I did it today, and found a huge red and white afghan, perfect for winter.


You'll laugh, but there is a shop like that I like, and it's beside the fabric store. As in, whatever part of my life that glitched and stopped going to the fabric store enough also stopped that. Hmm...

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