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It's The End Teacher's Lounge 10-31-2017


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It's the end of October that is! 



What are you all up to today? Here: hopefully getting my butt in gear soon! Need to punch another hole in my son's belt, need to get some personal Bible study done, find dd's math book (because I'm the last one that had it), work on the Directors Gifts, and plan out the rest of my week. The planning should have been done during admin time yesterday but that was interrupted by errands so today it must be. Tonight is supposed to be pizza and movie night for our family (we don't do Halloween) but we'll see if that actually happens.  :lurk5:


Anyone else not doing school this week or some kids are, some aren't? Here: dd is on light schedule on ds has no school other than rehearsals and performances this week.


If you could ask your favorite author to write another book, what would you want him/her to write about? Here: mine is John Flanagan, an Australian author who wrote the Ranger's Apprentice series (young adult). He wrote that whole series, then a couple of prequels, and he also wrote the Brothers Band Chronicles. I'd REALLY like him to write at least one more book in the Ranger's Apprentice series just because I enjoy that series so much!  :hurray:


Talk to me! :bigear: 


PS I just had the thought that I'm tempted to visit some grocery stores today to see who has discounted Halloween candy already (read: chocolate)!  :drool5:

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Same old same old. I wanted it to be a short day, but kids aren't cooperating. They keep moving slowly. Not transitioning, losing things. sigh. I tutored at CC this morning like I do every Tuesday and gave them some morning work to do while I was gone. We are trying to get through Latin, math, read alouds, and then they can do music practice and science on their own while I clean house getting ready for a get together tonight. 

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Today: Adrian got a cavity filled this morning.  We're doing school now.  Tonight the boys are going trick or treating with friends.


School this week: It's a normal week for us.  We're the rather scheduled kind of homeschoolers lol


Write another book: Hmmm... John Green just put out another book and it was really, really good so not him.  A couple of my favorite indie authors are actively putting out books and I like what they are writing, too, so not them.  Shannon Hale hasn't done a YA book in a while so I pick her.  About?  I honestly don't know.  She is really good at writing a few different genres.  Maybe another sci-fi one.  A sequel to Dangerous maybe.

Edited by Butter
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Jean, well that is definitely a conundrum!  :laugh:


As I was thinking through John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice series, I really am not sure where he could add to it unless somehow made the Brothers Band meet the Rangers

but he sort of already did that in one of the Brothers Band books. He did kill off one of the original characters, by implication (we were spared the actual scene), so maybe if he wrote

one that centered on her and more about her life. The series is definitely boy-centric (because he started writing it for his then-10yo-son) but girls can like it too (as evidenced by my love for

the series!). He does have one book of the series focused on a girl and it was well-received by my own daughter. ;-) So there's a thought.  :D

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Workout at the gym, new weight machine, feel like my arms now weigh about fifty lbs each! Not looking forward to the soreness tomorrow.


Schoolwork this week, but not today. Today he is having a brain rest day due to the onslaught of scholarship essays he has written this past month.


Donuts and sparkling cider plus popcorn for tonight with movies. I have some Gf crackers and LaCroix lime water for myself.

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Hi Scrap!

My dd likes the Ranger's Apprentice books.
Many of my favorite authors are dead. I would like Carolyn Webber, who wrote Surprised by Oxford to write another book.

Dd had tutorial today. Light school day for ds since we needed to read Reformation picture books on the couch, carve jack-o-lanterns, enjoy the sunshine outside and toast pumpkin seeds.

Except for today, a regular week here.

Today's music has been Billy Joel. Ds is very ecclectic in his taste. Last week we had Carole King and Gregorian chant!

Edited by ScoutTN
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My DS has two more rangers apprentice to go then he will be looking for a new series I guess.


We are loving the incorrigible children of Ashton place so I suspect when that's done I'll be looking for more. And I really wish Terry Pratchett was still alive and writing 😢 I am almost ready for a Discworld reread I think.


We're still in school mode though I'm feeling a bit overloaded so we didn't tackle chemistry yesterday. Today I have a lot of time out the house again unfortunately so I will probably doing the minimum.

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I LOVE the Ranger's Apprentice series. Don't know that I've ever found a series I like this much! DS and I even did "Ranger's Hide & Seek" up in the mountains last fall while wearing a green cloak. SO much fun and SO challenging!


Just taking a break from my crafting for a bit to check the interweb. How is everyone doing at the moment?

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Normal school week for us because, according to the kids I'm mean.  I made the do school Friday when it was Trunkoween (we did a Trunk or Treat that night) and I made them do school today and I make them do it when it rains.


We just got back from Trick or Treating by my mother's house.  My son decided he was old enough to go around by himself and we decided to let him.  It's one street and a small cul-de-sac off to the side, up one side and down the other.  I went around with dd.


Favorite author is a hard one.  It totally depends on my mood.  Mercedes Lackey, Dean Koontz, JD Robb.

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