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The Monday, Monday Teachers Lounge 10-9-2017


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It is truly Monday. I'm not prepared and am tired. We were supposed to start our US History - US Constitution focused co-op at my house today

but yesterday morning dd felt like she had some intestinal trouble and last night ds said the same! Oi! In Sunday School yesterday we talked about 

truly taking time to relax and do nothing plus I've been reading lately on how our amount of sleep affects so much, so now I'm stressing trying to figure out

how to get the "right" amount of sleep AND get everything done I need to get done. So I guess I can relate to at least this part of the song by The Mamas & The Papas:


Monday, Monday, can´t trust that day
Monday, Monday, it just turns out that way
Oh Monday, Monday, won´t go away
Monday, Monday, it´s here to stay
Oh Monday, Monday
Oh Monday, Monday


Who else does not feel ready for Monday today?  :seeya:


Any hiccups in your schedule for the week already? Here: kids' illness and another co-op delay. :tongue_smilie:


What WILL you be doing today? Here: lesson planning a little later this morning, along with attempting to schedule various things this week. Plus, decluttering and straightening up the house as we've invited people over for Game Night this coming Saturday night. :hurray:


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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It's a yucky, rainy MONDAY here.  Just dismal and blah.


I'm sitting in my classroom space because I'm holding an Open House.  Today is the last day to register for my upcoming science classes.  Nobody is showing up and I'm bored out of my mind.  I've been doing some class planning, and organizing my planner, but still.  Dd was here with me but just left when dh dropped off lunch.  Ds stayed home.


I couldn't even check my PO Box for registrations because it's Columbus Day and the post office is closed.  


After I'm done at 2pm, I have to go to my mothers and help her pick up a chair that won't fit in her car.  It will definitely fit in our Suburban.  I'd rather just go home and curl up with a cup of tea and a book.


Today is the only hiccup for the week, other than that I didn't plan any school over the weekend.  So I have to do that today, or the kids will have another day off of school.


It could be worse.  I didn't sleep at all Friday night or Saturday night.  The heat, super high humidity, barometric pressure, what-all were killing me. Advil PM didn't even help.  Last night was better, I was able to sleep with some Advil PM.


Edited because I put it was a "Yucky, rainy SUNDAY".  Yep, it's Monday

Edited by Where's Toto?
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Hi Scrap!


Sorry your kids are sick!


Not ready and Hiccups: definitely. We had a busy weekend, so I let the kids sleep in an extra hour which got our morning off to a slow start. Then Ds is being difficult, so we are only halfway through the math lesson we should have finished 30 minutes ago. I am SO tired of the drama with this kid.


We will do school til luch, have RA, work on small projects, then leave for the afternoon.Dd has a volunteer gig and ds has swimming.


We will be home at dinner time and do some light school after dinner, then read before bed.


This was supposed to be our Fall Break week, but most of our activities don't break this week and we are way behind in school, so we will only take two days off. We have a FT Wed and will take Friday off, if Dd has all her work for next week's tutorial day done by then. We are camping with scouts this weekend.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Yes it feels like monday here. Dh was working on my car all day sat so it seemed like he was at work because he wasnt home. So today still seems like sunday to me. I drank a cup of coffee late yesterday which usually wouldnt bother me, but dh made it and it was STRONG. I gave uo on sleep and chose to have a bath to relax. Didnt work. Finally at 12:30 I was almost settled in and dd wone up. I got her to sleep and Im up at 4:30 getting dh ready for work and chores done. I would have gone back to sleep after dh left, but dd was up at 6 instead of her usual 8:30-9. Sigh. At least she and I WILL nap soon.

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This is my last official 'Monday' for a long time. Dh's work schedule changed and he will now have Sundays and Mondays off. So we'll be shifting to no school on Monday. I think we'll actually plan to go to 4 days a week and keep Saturday school free as well. You do not understand how happy I am. I hate Mondays! In celebration, I cancelled school today, ha.


Plans for today are grocery shopping, decluttering a bit, working on Halloween costumes, and kung-fu for the oldest 2. Maybe I'll take the younger 3 to the library while the others are in class.


No hiccups in our schedule yet. But my sil is having a baby tomorrow and they know we are instant babysitters for their other 2 if it is needed.

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Good afternoon, everyone! Sorry some of you are having bad days!


We're on break, so it's much better than a normal Monday. Dh helped his mom this morning with some outside work, so we're just relaxing. Our niece is coming soon and bringing her kids (5 and almost 3), so we'll spend the afternoon with them. 


We haven't decided if we're driving the whole way back on Wednesday or splitting up the trip by spending the night in TN. So no plans to mess up really. 


One thing I will be doing later today is catching up on my bible study homework. With the traveling and a long day yesterday with church and family, I'm a little behind. The group meets Thursday night, and I'm not sure I'll be going. I have enjoyed the study regardless. 



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It was supposed to be an 'easy' monday because one of the kid activities is on fall break. I am supposed to get an extra 1.5 hours this evening. I was going to be all on top of it with school this morning so I could have a true break tonight.


But then, it turns out DH has appointments in town. So we can't do what we were planning in the morning. So he'll come up with me in the afternoon too. I have to figure that out, including food. Where we will meet, at what time, etc. At home or in town? He doesn't know how long his appointment will be. The kids can't focus without me sitting right there so even that isn't getting done. Sigh. I've given up and am sitting at the computer instead.


And I just broke my mouse. 


Certainly can't trust Mondays, lol. 

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Ds and I went to the gym then hit the schoolwork. Rocket team meeting tonight, engineering class tomorrow night, and more college apps this week. Friday night Dh is taking me to the DSO, and Saturday we work at my father future's place of business to get it ready to auction off as no buyer has been found.

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Well this Monday is apparently going to be much less chaotic than I thought. I told the kids that I will help them work on the costumes and head to kung-fu once their bedroom is cleaned. They have yet to acknowledge that statement and have instead been playing together while I get the baby to nap. They are going to be quite upset when 4 roles around and they miss kung-fu because they thought I wasn't being serious.

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Well we are way behind.  My son has gotten to a point where his alarm clock isn't working so he woke up late to start with (he usually gets certain things done early in the morning on his own).  Then we decided to enjoy the beautiful day and walk to the library but then made the walk longer than normal with some detours because it was so nice outside (I don't regret this decision for a second).  So now it's almost 5 and we are still slogging along trying to get a day's worth of work done LOL.  

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I started my Monday at 1am and I'm just finishing up now at 8pm. I'm so tired I could cry. 

Luna and I are sick, as well as the older two boys. Little boys were sick last week, still coughing, but feeling better. I woke at 1 am with a searing sore throat and Luna was up most of the night with a cough. Big boys spent the entire day in bed, getting up breifly to fuel up on soup and then back to bed. 

I spent the morning cleaning in slow motion. I'm putting in a backsplash that is turning out fine, but it's giving me so much stress. It's the first permanent change I've made to the house and I'm freaking out a bit over it. I think I made a mistake and now it's too late to fix it. It;s not a big deal in the scheme of things, but I'm taking it hard. We have a lot of projects in the works, and now I've been sick for two weeks, and I'm feeling overwhelmed. 

Anyway. Luna's teacher came today while I was scrubbing the old, dried detergent off the dryer, and I don't even remember what I was doing to the house. Something. She brought bubbles and we had fun playing outside. She always stays extra long and plays with all of my kids. It's always fun when she's here. 

I painted a thrifted cork board copper, and painted a chalkboard on the wall. Laundry, dishes, gumbo for dinner. Jay had his second soccer practice. he loves it. It's great. 


I have mostly decluttered my house. It's nice. Decorated for halloween. Back yard is almost cleared. Finally. One more bush to go. Front garden is torn up to get rid of the grass that grew up through the weed barrier. But I raked the rocks and mulch and it looks tidier again. I'm building benches in the dining room. Then I have to figure out how to build a table. That is going to be super cool. I'm learning how to lay tile. Not as hard as I thought. I put a floor in my bedroom, but it's not good. I'm thinking of replacing it with sheet vinyl. I picked out a few that I like. It sounds easy and the floor that I laid is actually harder than the sheet vinyl, so that should be fine. I wallpapered my shower, which is quite cool. Tried stenciling the living room floor. Didn't like it. Will paint the floor instead. I'm thinking light green. 

Chugging along. Making things happen. 

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I started my Monday at 1am and I'm just finishing up now at 8pm. I'm so tired I could cry. 


Luna and I are sick, as well as the older two boys. Little boys were sick last week, still coughing, but feeling better. I woke at 1 am with a searing sore throat and Luna was up most of the night with a cough. Big boys spent the entire day in bed, getting up breifly to fuel up on soup and then back to bed. 


I spent the morning cleaning in slow motion. I'm putting in a backsplash that is turning out fine, but it's giving me so much stress. It's the first permanent change I've made to the house and I'm freaking out a bit over it. I think I made a mistake and now it's too late to fix it. It;s not a big deal in the scheme of things, but I'm taking it hard. We have a lot of projects in the works, and now I've been sick for two weeks, and I'm feeling overwhelmed. 


Anyway. Luna's teacher came today while I was scrubbing the old, dried detergent off the dryer, and I don't even remember what I was doing to the house. Something. She brought bubbles and we had fun playing outside. She always stays extra long and plays with all of my kids. It's always fun when she's here. 


I painted a thrifted cork board copper, and painted a chalkboard on the wall. Laundry, dishes, gumbo for dinner. Jay had his second soccer practice. he loves it. It's great. 



I have mostly decluttered my house. It's nice. Decorated for halloween. Back yard is almost cleared. Finally. One more bush to go. Front garden is torn up to get rid of the grass that grew up through the weed barrier. But I raked the rocks and mulch and it looks tidier again. I'm building benches in the dining room. Then I have to figure out how to build a table. That is going to be super cool. I'm learning how to lay tile. Not as hard as I thought. I put a floor in my bedroom, but it's not good. I'm thinking of replacing it with sheet vinyl. I picked out a few that I like. It sounds easy and the floor that I laid is actually harder than the sheet vinyl, so that should be fine. I wallpapered my shower, which is quite cool. Tried stenciling the living room floor. Didn't like it. Will paint the floor instead. I'm thinking light green. 


Chugging along. Making things happen. 

Goodness, woman! Give yourself time to REST, too. I'm exhausted just from reading your post! I'd offer to make you an awesome sore-throat spray but I'm thinking you'd be over it by the time the spray got to you. If you still want it, or want the recipe, let me know!

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