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How do I get rid of fleas on cats?


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I have 5 indoor cats. They never, ever, ever go outside. Ever.


Yet, today I discovered that they have fleas--at least 2 of them (I haven't checked the other 3 yet as I am popping on here immediately for help.)


So, what's the best way to get rid of them ASAP? A week ago, one of the cats started peeing and pooing out side of his box. I'm 99% sure it's because of the fleas and he's trying to tell me he's upset.


Frontline? Can I get it over the counter? Do I have to go to a vet? I don't want to waste any time and have the pee/poo cat get too entrenched in peeing/pooing outside of the box.


I want fast and effective. (Don't we all.)

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For cats, I like Revolution. You should he able to call your vet to get it without an appointment. I don't know if pet stores sell it, maybe behind the counter. Don't use the stuff like Hartz that are on the shelves.


If you need to order online you could bathe them in blue Dawn soap today to kill the fleas and then in a few days when the treatment comes give it to them. They need a few days to get the skin oils back in their fur after you wash them because the oils spread the medicine.

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You can purchase both Frontline and Advantage at the pet store - but it's much, much cheaper online. Get one dose now at the pet store, but get future doses online.


Also: Start a rigorous vacuuming routine for all areas the pets go. Be sure to get the baseboards, and also launder their bedding at least twice a month in hot water. If the fleas are really bad, or if you have other pest issues, consider spraying an IGR in hotspot areas.


If you have your own lawn, you might also consider as a long-term solution putting in parasitic anti-flea nematodes. Undoubtedly, the fleas came in on you. (If you think you can sneak these into other people's lawns in your block, more power to you.)

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Washing with Dawn and then combining works well, but I can't imagine doing that for 5 cats. I did have to treat 4 kittens (foster) and it was exhausting. Eventually, they were cleared for a spray that I wiped onto their fur. About 90%+ were eliminated with a simple bath in Dawn, combing, and pieces of a cut-up flea collar placed at corners and doorways.



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BTDT, but with dogs. So, no advice on treating the cats, but I will say that it took not only the preventatives, but several doses of the immediate "kill" pills for our dogs.


And you might want to have your yards treated. Even if your cats never go in them, if the yards have fleas, your kids could have tracked them in.


Vacuum like it's going out of style. Like, 4 times day. 


If you are already contracted with a pest control company, have them come out and spray the house.



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Capstar for immediate death of adult fleas. You can use it often to turn the cats into flea killing machines. 


Then you also want a monthly medication, we like Revolution for our cats. 



CAPSTAR is the best stuff ever though, within a couple hours all the adult fleas on the cat are dead, then you can give it to the cats again in 24 hours. 

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One of the things I really like about washing them in Dawn is you get a good idea.of how big of an infestation it is. One time, after a dog with fleas visited our house my dogs started itching a few days later. When I washed them they had at least a hundred fleas on them. All from one dog staying with us for a few days. The fleas were literally jumping into the dogs eyes to get away from the soap. It was disgusting

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Capstar for immediate death of adult fleas. You can use it often to turn the cats into flea killing machines. 


Then you also want a monthly medication, we like Revolution for our cats. 



CAPSTAR is the best stuff ever though, within a couple hours all the adult fleas on the cat are dead, then you can give it to the cats again in 24 hours. 


Yes to the above a 100 times over. Capstar is a life saver!


Add the the combing, the topical flea treatment and the very frequent vacuuming (I did daily until our flea problem was over and I still vacuum every other day to keep the problem at bay), and you should be good to go.

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Comfortis is like Capstar . . . a pill that turns your cat (or dog) flea-proof.


But Comfortis keeps killing for about a month instead of Capstar's 1-2 days. 


It's RX from the vet. It's awesome. 


Beyond that, I'd recommend talking to the vet sometime soon anyway about parasite control measures. 


If you really can't go to the vet . . . Frontline may work and is over-the-counter and very safe. There are many resistant populations, but if it works, it's good.

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