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anyone hate kid activities outside the home


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It does drive me nuts how so many things overlap with dinner. Why aren't there more 4pm classes? I know this would suck for working moms, but there's a lot of us non-working moms. Or 6:30 practices? Done by 7:30, run home, take showers, read stories, get to bed. No, everything seems to start at 5 or 5:30. Maybe that's just my area. My town is small enough that driving doesn't take that long so a 6:30 practice does actually allow you to get through dinner, though perhaps not at a leisurely pace. ;)  And it probably isn't possible by the time kids are more serious about an activity and going for multiple hours more than once a week.


I've posted about this before but I've always had my kids involved in plenty of extracurricular activities, but my oldest two were never really passionate about anything. My 3 year old however, LOVES both her dance and gymnastics class. Because she's 3, I can find day time classes, but I know as soon as she hits school age, we're going to be late afternoon or evening. It's worth taking her because she loves it so much. I admit I have a very hard time dragging a reluctant child to an activity, just to watch them drag their feet at a half hearted jog across the field or whatever. :) I will say that I prefer indoor activities to outdoor. I'd much rather sit on the sidelines at gymnastics with the air conditioning and the wifi and the no sun and bugs. :)


My kids' soccer practices were at 6:30, so perfect for us.  They were also close to home.  We have a 6:30 TKD class where we can pick which days we want to go.  AHG is also at 6:30, gymnastics is at 6:45 or 7:30.  So I guess we have been lucky.  :)


Really, anything before 6:30 is hard for us working moms.  And I think most moms work outside the home once all their kids are school-age.  In our community, there would not be enough critical mass for a homeschool league.


I have tried having my kids in earlier evening stuff.  I do try to make it work as I can.  It is really stressful though.  The only reason it's even possible is that I work at home and can bring my laptop wherever I go.


Now my challenge is my kids' after-school [at school] activities.  I need to leave work early to pick them up.  What saves me is that my "boss partner" considers school things important enough to be flexible.

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It does drive me nuts how so many things overlap with dinner. Why aren't there more 4pm classes? I know this would suck for working moms, but there's a lot of us non-working moms. Or 6:30 practices? Done by 7:30, run home, take showers, read stories, get to bed. No, everything seems to start at 5 or 5:30. Maybe that's just my area. My town is small enough that driving doesn't take that long so a 6:30 practice does actually allow you to get through dinner, though perhaps not at a leisurely pace. ;) And it probably isn't possible by the time kids are more serious about an activity and going for multiple hours more than once a week.


I've posted about this before but I've always had my kids involved in plenty of extracurricular activities, but my oldest two were never really passionate about anything. My 3 year old however, LOVES both her dance and gymnastics class. Because she's 3, I can find day time classes, but I know as soon as she hits school age, we're going to be late afternoon or evening. It's worth taking her because she loves it so much. I admit I have a very hard time dragging a reluctant child to an activity, just to watch them drag their feet at a half hearted jog across the field or whatever. :) I will say that I prefer indoor activities to outdoor. I'd much rather sit on the sidelines at gymnastics with the air conditioning and the wifi and the no sun and bugs. :)

I know, I mean I guess there is no way to suit everyones schedule. I just am left wondering if staying so busy is actually good for families. I am just not sure. I just wonder if us all being home in tbe evening for dinner and enjoying together time isnt the best idea.

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I know, I mean I guess there is no way to suit everyones schedule. I just am left wondering if staying so busy is actually good for families. I am just not sure. I just wonder if us all being home in tbe evening for dinner and enjoying together time isnt the best idea.


I definitely see the benefit of both.  We have tried getting back to the relaxed evening model on some days at least, but it never works out the way it looks on paper.  My kids will just drag out their homework all night or sit and watch annoying stuff on TV.  When they are doing that, all I have to do is work.  If I suggest going out for an unscheduled walk, hike, etc., it's moans and groans.  But they will move for scheduled activities.  So for us, for now, a busy schedule seems better.



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I find them frustrating at times.


I think I've had kind of a learning curve on what is likely to be workable, and what not.  Father away is not good, for example.  And I've really not had much luck with team sports activities for younger kids - say about under grade 2 or 3.  The mostly don't seem that motivated and don't seem to be able to really get the strategy aspect of play.


I've also found that we really prefer community rec sports - otherwise the commitment and pressure just seem way too much.


It's improved somewhat as my kids can be in the same activities, but that has a downside as well - I'd have liked dd9 to carry on in circus class this year, but it is a homeschool class in the day.  Ds7 also enjoyed it last year and would be really upset if he couldn't go - but he is already in two dance classes, and it's just too expensive for him to be in circus too.  But he'd have to wait and watch the circus class while not being able to participate.


Anyway - what I really hate is having a class right over supper - I am just not willing to et in the car or on the go regularly.


Having dd12 be able to walk to her twice a week violin class has been a big plus.  Ds7 will be able to walk to dance when he's a bit older, if he carries on, and if dd9 decides to switch from piano to guitar, as I suspect she might, I'll put her in the school down the road so she can walk.

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It does drive me nuts how so many things overlap with dinner. Why aren't there more 4pm classes? I know this would suck for working moms, but there's a lot of us non-working moms.


A lot of the teachers/coaches, though, are themselves moms who need their husbands home from work so that he can watch the kids while mom is at her PT teaching/coaching job.


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I know, I mean I guess there is no way to suit everyones schedule. I just am left wondering if staying so busy is actually good for families. I am just not sure. I just wonder if us all being home in tbe evening for dinner and enjoying together time isnt the best idea.

Yep, I agree. But I'm allergic to being busy...

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I know, I mean I guess there is no way to suit everyones schedule. I just am left wondering if staying so busy is actually good for families. I am just not sure. I just wonder if us all being home in tbe evening for dinner and enjoying together time isnt the best idea.


Meh - every family is different.  You have young kids and are pregnant which is a very particular phase.  As a family, we do better with more structured schedules or we all tend to split off to our technology of choice.  You and your kids may just crave staying home and having relaxed evenings bonding.  Neither is wrong.  And what works best may evolve as your kids age too. 

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I'm reading a book right now about a woman who lives alone and hasn't left her house or seen another person in 9 years. She has everything she needs delivered to her house and hires someone to do the yard work.


I'm having a hard time with envy reading this book. I want that!!


The apple doesn't all far from the tree. My kids hate leaving the house and always have. I have to force them to do anything outside of these walls. I used to force them to do "fun" things outside of the house (as opposed to the times they have to leave, like to go to the doctor), and after arguing and cajoling and making them leave, only to have them mope at the "fun" event, I gave up. It's not fun if they're miserable! About a year and a half ago, I stopped forcing them.


We all haaaate outside activities. But I honestly did try to make them go when they were young. They hated it.


Right now, they do have activities out of the home, but only because it's not healthy never to leave the house and I have insisted that they do *something* outside of the home. It's much less than most people I know, but I'm ok with it and so are they.

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I suppose, but dh wasnt ever allowed to quit things and so he thinks that make a strong person. Sticking something out even when it sucks.


I guess I dont get a sat because he feels so strong about it. Also I quit things as soon as I feel I dont wanna anymore and he thinks thiswont get our kids very far in life.


With nearly every sport, I am amazed at the amount of progress my kids and their teams make by the end of the season. This was true for soccer especially. I am similar in that I make my kids finish the season. They have almost always been glad they did and are proud of themselves for sticking with it. Eventually they all dropped soccer and I let them make that choice, but not mid season as it's not fair to the coach or the team. 

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My kids and I like them, to a point. We allow one sport or activity per kid, per season. Two are playing fall soccer right now and one will start basketball in a month. As homeschoolers, it's harder for them to get the social time they want and sports fills that niche. It helps that DH usually stays home with the kids who aren't practicing or playing. They've thankfully never asked to quit, but I would make them finish out the season.


We also do church-related activities two nights a week plus Sundays. I'm an introvert, too, but they love all of it.



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I'm reading a book right now about a woman who lives alone and hasn't left her house or seen another person in 9 years. She has everything she needs delivered to her house and hires someone to do the yard work.


I'm having a hard time with envy reading this book. I want that!!


The apple doesn't all far from the tree. My kids hate leaving the house and always have. I have to force them to do anything outside of these walls. I used to force them to do "fun" things outside of the house (as opposed to the times they have to leave, like to go to the doctor), and after arguing and cajoling and making them leave, only to have them mope at the "fun" event, I gave up. It's not fun if they're miserable! About a year and a half ago, I stopped forcing them.


We all haaaate outside activities. But I honestly did try to make them go when they were young. They hated it.


Right now, they do have activities out of the home, but only because it's not healthy never to leave the house and I have insisted that they do *something* outside of the home. It's much less than most people I know, but I'm ok with it and so are they.

Lol sounds just like us!

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I too, really hate activities that interfere with supper. It's hard enough for me to get supper on the table ya know?


I mostly loathe outside activities, but here's what I've discovered. Kids need to find "their thing". I found mine-singing. I can't imagine my life without those wonderful things I was involved in...show choir, jazz choir, drama lessons, etc. It all made me into who I am today, and once I found out I was actually good at it, and had talent, it made me feel special. 


I can see that happening with my kids' baseball. They're good at it and it makes them happy. And so I'm happy to run around and go to countless games. Same for 4H with my oldest-it makes his eyes sparkle. There will be a time when we all have no one to run around. I try to remember that when things seem nuts.

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