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Would you allow your child to take an out of state vacation for 2 weeks?

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Wouldn't if I had those feelings either. Did however let 10yodd go for 3 weeks to my own aunt and uncle in New Jersey. We went there as kids - I knew it was going to be awesome for her.

She loved them, they loved her. She met so much family. My aunt home schooled her even!!! She came home with such improvment in reading!!


But - this isn't family - and you sound so apprehensive. I seldom go against my gut.

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It depends on so much. The kid, the family, the vacation... I can actually see allowing my older one to do it (either with my parents or one -- maybe two -- of the families we know). A year ago, I couldn't have pictured it. And I frequently turn down sleep-over invitations from other families -- not because I don't think they're great parents, but it takes a lot for me to agree to that.


But if I *totally* trusted the family, felt my child would be able to handle it and felt okay about the vacation, yes...


Do you, by chance, live in the same place where you grew up and near family? The "out of state" part would barely be a blip on my radar -- much less of an issue than the two-weeks thing -- so I'm wondering if you're used to being "closer to home" than I am?

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Do you, by chance, live in the same place where you grew up and near family? The "out of state" part would barely be a blip on my radar -- much less of an issue than the two-weeks thing -- so I'm wondering if you're used to being "closer to home" than I am?



No...I'm living in a different state. I do have my aged parents near me, but I dunno, abbey. Here. It's like this....


Two weeks is a long time to be with another family. What if they should tire of one another? Friends often get sick of one another after a day or two together.


There will be camping, climbing, fishing, etc. I consider the fact that the boys could easily lose their bearings and I've heard one too many newstories of scouts lost in the mountains, never to be found alive again. The same holds true for boating accidents.


I trust this family, because I know their moral compass, but that said, that is my boy, and I don't trust anyone. KWIM?


I can't put this into anything that resembles an intelligent arguement, but I'm not 100% comfortable.



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I can't put this into anything that resembles an intelligent arguement, but I'm not 100% comfortable.




No, I think you did a pretty good job of explaining it. It sounds like you don't think your son is ready, and you're not sure that this family will have the high level of attention you believe is necessary on this kind of trip.


Those reasons would certainly be sufficient for a "no" for me -- either one of them, and certainly both together.

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Well for what it is worth, I go on gut instincts. If for any reason I am iffy it is a no. That said I have let my kids go with grandparents when I wasn't happy about because I am an overprotective mom and I know it. But when it comes to non family if I don't feel good it just doesn't happen.


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Only because I felt comfortable. The times when I haven't, for whatever reason, I said no. No explanation necessary.


There must be something that is the cause of your feeling to hold back, even if it's just that you think it's too much, too long, or too soon.


Two weeks is a pretty long time. The trips my dds went on were for 1 to 1 1/2 weeks, and even that felt like a lifetime.

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Well, what is causing your uneasiness? IS there something about this family, is it your not wanting to let the go just because, do you not want someone else take responsibility for this child?


I let my ds go with dh uncle for 2 weeks. They met once and had an instant bond and invited my son to visit him in Wisconsin so we let him. It was a great thing for my son for this uncle brought him to all the old family homesteads around Wisconsin and told him many a story's about the family history, (which my son loved) taught him to golf, and did so much sight seeing with him ds still talks about that 3 years later. It was such a growing experience for him.

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Well, I send all five of my sons up to Canada to a canoe camp for six weeks each summer to do wilderness canoe tripping. Last year my youngest went, at age 10. So, yes, I'd certainly allow a child to go away, lol. But your comfort factor plays a role here, as well as the age and gender of the child. Follow your gut.



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The opportunity has presented itself and I'm not comfortable with the idea. The family is like-minded and shares our same core values, but nevertheless, I'm not at peace.





I would, in general, absolutely allow my kid to go. No hesitation.


*Unless* I was for ANY reason uncomfortable. The reason would not have to be clear or articulated. Then I would listen to my gut and keep my kid home.

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How old is the child?


I probably wouldn't allow it at all for a child much under 15 or 16. After that age, I would agree only if (1) the child was responsible and reliable and (2) the vacation was with extended family members (grandparents, etc.) or (2) the hosts were "chosen family" - very, very close friends who know our family well and would uphold our standards for our child.

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DS was offered a summer-long trip to Italy with his BFF(who is from Roma). 7y/o is too long to be away for 3 months, plus I don't think his mom always uses good judgement for the safety of the children. It was an easy decision for us. We have sent our kiddos to a Christian week-long camp. While I knew it was a healthy environment, I was still ill-at-ease. Maybe b/c it was first time all my children were away from home for a week?


Good luck,

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