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The Readers Teachers Lounge 8-17-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge! Happy Thursday!


How many of you thought the title of today's lounge referred to the glasses some of you need for reading?

I thought of those after I thought of the title and was pleased with the double entendre! My original meaning

for the title stems from one of the questions I asked in yesterday's Lounge chat, about favorite books/authors.


How many of you were avid readers as a kid and still are? Here:  :hurray:


How many of your were avid readers as a kid but aren't now? 


How many of you did not like reading as a kid but do now? 


And how many of you can quit reading any time you want . . . right after this next chapter?  :D 


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hey, Jean! Well, not before camp you don't!  ;)


But do you ever just let yourself rest for a few minutes and at least enjoy an excerpt of a good book?

There's one book in our house that my son and I have literally "loved to death." It's the beginning of a 

certain series and there's some wonderful character development. We've both read it so many times that

we  can just open it to any page and know where we are in the story so we have to read the whole book again

in order to enjoy it for a few moments. That being said, we've picked up the book so much that the back cover

has fallen off as well as the last page!

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Hey, Jean! Well, not before camp you don't!  ;)


But do you ever just let yourself rest for a few minutes and at least enjoy an excerpt of a good book?

There's one book in our house that my son and I have literally "loved to death." It's the beginning of a 

certain series and there's some wonderful character development. We've both read it so many times that

we  can just open it to any page and know where we are in the story so we have to read the whole book again

in order to enjoy it for a few moments. That being said, we've picked up the book so much that the back cover

has fallen off as well as the last page!


I still read.  Just not at an avid level. 

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I've always been an avid reader but it takes me a long time to finish books these days. I don't usually have time during the day to read, and by the time I start reading at night, I'm so tired that I fall asleep after a few pages.


I daydream about having long, uninterrupted stretches of time just to read, but that's probably not going to happen any time soon.

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I do regularly carve out a few hours, but i end up dividing it. I'm here now, during naptime, but I'm about to go grab my book. Or I fall asleep, like i just did while snuggling my little boys. Even when I leave the house by myself, or spend most of the day on the couch, it feels like it goes so fast. I think I'd need three or four days to feel like i had a good long read.

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I was an avid reader. I have to be a less avid reader now due to time constraints although as soon as I get a bit less busy I pick it up again. I do tend to read more short stuff on my phone. In part that's because I can squish it in the corners of the day where getting absorbed in a book won't fit but I suspect it is also eroding my time spent reading actual books.

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Love to read, always have. It's a dangerous pastime though, lol, and I have to not do it. For my family's sake. I "usually" indulge when I have a newborn because there is a lot of sitting and nursing the first few months, and I can't do anything else anyway. But this time there was enough chaos I only got maybe 6 or 7 books done. I tend towards fantasy and sci-fi "paperbacks" so that it is a quick read and I have an exit plan (cough-when-the-series-is-done-cough). 

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