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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Up early to try again to finish stupid report.

Figure out how kid is getting to day camp.

Work work work including at least one conference call.

Chiro appointment.

Figure out how kid is getting home from day camp.

Spend time with kid since sister is not here and she doesn't want to go to gym.

Hope to walk and read some.

Kid to bed.

Work or sleep.

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Good morning!  Day 2 of school for youngest, still only a few subjects because co-op starts tomorrow.  DH is off again on a business trip sometime this morning.



-exercise (upper and lower body weights)


-laundry (sheets, whites, baseball uniforms)

-school with youngest

-summer work with oldest

-eyelash appointment at 10 am

-writing tutor for oldest at 2

-take youngest to get new backpack

-straighten up for cleaning people tomorrow

-oldest drives self to baseball practice at 5

-dinner (Egg Roll in a Bowl)

-follow Whole30 - get enough vegetables and water

-continue reading book "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine"

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!


•get both boys up at 6 and out the door for work 

•school w/ dd

•horse vet is stopping by this morning for booster shots

•take my old girl Buttercup to the vet this afternoon for bloodwork (remember to pick up dog food & heartworm preventative)

•office work

•clean kitchen & living room

•dinner: roasted red pepper tomato soup, salad and bread

Edited by Selkie
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Good morning! No new addition to the family yet...vehicle that is!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats

went back to bed and slept in


To Do:

school with ds


tidy house

meal plan and grocery list

pay bills

get groceries

co-op lessons and organize stuff to take there first day


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Good morning y'all! We got a massively late start since dd and I were out til 10:30 last night for a tutorial meeting/social.


Abbreviated school day here since grocery shopping and school supply purchasing must happen today. I shopped for groceries on Saturday and my fridge was jammed full. It is almost empty now. Sensing a need to up my grocery budget for growing kids!



Math, piano, Bible and Literature for ds.

Math, Writing and Latin for dd.

Emails and texts for work.


Dog walked


To do:

Clean one bathroom

Office Max


Get stamps

Pay bills/update budget

Figure out dinner

Pick up CSA box


All done except cleaning and stamps. Cleaning after dinner, Post Office tomorrow.

Edited by ScoutTN
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•all done with vet appointments for the day

•got lots of work stuff done - yay

•dd is studying for the biology final she's taking tomorrow

•just found out ds17 has a golf lesson at 6 (he doesn't get home from work until after 5, so will have to clean up and eat in a hurry)

•gotta get my kitchen clean so I can make dinner  

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