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Need Halloween costume idea ASAP

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My dd (16) has decided at the last minute that she wants to go out with her younger siblings and some of the younger kids on the block. She wants to wear a simple costume but she can't think of anything to wear. She won't get home from school until 3:30 so I told her I would try to think of something for her.


I don't want to spend a lot of money. I don't mind buying a few accessories but I don't want to buy a whole costume. She doesn't want anything corny or cute (baby, jelly beans, serial (cereal) killer). She really likes the Twilight books so I was thinking that might be an idea. I haven't read the books so I have no idea what the characters look like. Any suggestions?

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My son is going as a presidential candidate. That would be an easy last-minute costume. There are so many people dissatisfied with their election choices that we figured it would be funny to dress up as a last-minute election candidate. He's been saying, "Are you voting for Obama or McCain? Don't vote for them. They're stupid. You should vote for me." And then he makes outrageous campaign promises. He's only 8, so that makes it funnier. I hope. He's just dressing up in a shirt and tie (would wear a suit coat if he had one) and wearing a button and carrying a sign.

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My good ideas for the year:

1. Witch doctor: lab coat (or scrubs) and witch's hat.

2. Crime scene: wear all black but with yellow caution (or police, if you can find it) tape wrapped around her, a chalk outline of a body on her back.

3. Spelling bee: bee wings and antenna with cut-out letters stapled or taped on. Could also be a carpenter bee, with a tool belt instead of letters.



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Does she have black pants and a black shirt? I'm going as the Ace of clubs- ie, one of the card gardeners from Alice in Wonderland. I just got poster board, printed out the A, and the club, cut them out to make a stencil, and spray painted them on a piece of poster board. Dh bought me an "invisible" mask, and I cut out the face part to make the hood.


She could wear all black, paint her face white w/ a little red around the mouth, and wear vampire teeth for a vampire. (The ones in the twighlight books just look like normal teens!)


Ds is going as a hobo- baggy pants, dad's shirt, bandana in the pocket, and old hat, and some "dirt" on his face.



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Guest Dulcimeramy

I know you said "not corny," but my ds who said he didn't want anything corny changed his mind at the last minute.


He's going as a Ceiling Fan. I used Tulip fabric paint and decorated a shirt. It says "GO CEILINGS '08" and "We're #1! I also did a hat for him. It all turned out really well. I'm going to look for a foam finger today. For a girl, I'd get pom poms.

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When my daughter was 16 she was gum stuck on the bottom of a shoe!


She wore all pink (which was funny in and of itself because she HATES pink...),

including a pink hoodie sweatshirt. That part was important because she had to wear the hood up over her head. Then we took an old shoe and attached it to the top of the hood, so that when she was wearing the hood, the shoe was sitting on top of her head. And voila, she was the pink wad of gum on the bottom of the shoe!

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I know you said "not corny," but my ds who said he didn't want anything corny changed his mind at the last minute.


He's going as a Ceiling Fan. I used Tulip fabric paint and decorated a shirt. It says "GO CEILINGS '08" and "We're #1! I also did a hat for him. It all turned out really well. I'm going to look for a foam finger today. For a girl, I'd get pom poms.



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Is she too old to be a kangaroo?

I rummaged around yesterday and found different colors of felt and stuffing so I cut out ears, pouch and tail; hand basted them onto a brown hoodie, stuck a Ty toy kangaroo in the pouch and dd is too excited to concentrate today. She is 5 years younger than your dd, though.


Even if she isn't too excited to be a kangaroo, her siblings would be. I went ahead and attached a duplicate of all of the above onto a brown sweater of my own and dd is beside herself that Mommy is "dressing up" too.

Edited by Robin Hood
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A couple of easy ideas you could do with things at home:









If you use a kids paint brush with old eye shadow and apply heavily it makes great facepaint/makeup.


Good luck!!

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When we were kids the go-to last minute costume always involved some of dad's old clothes and a big hat. Hobo, bum, scarecrow, crazy golfer...lots of things you can do with some funny man clothes. :)


My DD is going to take DS around the neighborhood and she decided to go as Sarah Palin. (I hesitated to post this because of the politics ban, so please just take it in the spirit intended...she wanted a fun costume that everyone would recognize.) We thought this might be hard for her to pull off, but it turns out the secret is in the glasses (reading glasses from the dollar store with the lenses removed), makeup, and facial expressions. I was amazed at the resemblance once she got it all pulled together for her trial run the other night. :)


So that might be something to consider...some famous person in the news. I remember seeing some Brittney Spears wannabes last Halloween...yikes!

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I know you said "not corny," but my ds who said he didn't want anything corny changed his mind at the last minute.


He's going as a Ceiling Fan. I used Tulip fabric paint and decorated a shirt. It says "GO CEILINGS '08" and "We're #1! I also did a hat for him. It all turned out really well. I'm going to look for a foam finger today. For a girl, I'd get pom poms.


:lol: This is great!

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