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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

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Good morning!



-workout (kickboxing)


-finish reading book that is due at library today


-go to drycleaner

-clean up kitchen from party last night

-tons of laundry

-make sure oldest works on his writing assignment for tutor

-make sure youngest does math and reading

-stay on track for Whole30 eating and drink lots of water

-take oldest to get new baseball pants

-dinner (eggs in purgatory) 


Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!

We were out late last night and my crew are still asleep. I put the dogs out and am making coffee.

pick up milk
Ds to swim practice   cancelled due to thunder/rain
remember to get his flip flops! next time we are at the pool
phone charger cord to mom
piano, math and reading for kids
update budget and pay bills   Thursday 
grocery for 3 things

dinner - nachos/taco salald



Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning, all!


•deal with new license stickers and registration papers for company vehicles

•print out bills from email folder & pay


•clean living room

•clean coffee maker

•roast salmon for dinner ahead of time

•make pies

•make deviled eggs

•make big bowl of salad

•make homemade dog food

•refill hummingbird feeder

•place a couple online orders

•dinner: salmon fried rice and wontons

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Morning, all!


To do:



vacuum/mop downstairs

gather library books and movies for return

water aerobics class

lesson plan

start clothes purge from closet (trying to enforce a minimalist attitude toward my wardrobe)

get in steps and water intake for day



Have a great day!

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Good morning! We had a pretty nice day yesterday, relaxing with dmil and hanging out at home. Today is a regular day, although dd2 has a ton of stuff to do, but hey she is 18 and I don't have to do any of it! We are meeting my mom to celebrate ds3's and her birthdays (which are both tomorrow-but no time tomorrow) for breakfast after practice.


To do:

general chores

pick up

meet for breakfast

bring kids home

dd2 off for errands

make some phone calls

make driving plan for meet this weekend

other jen things- especially plan new quilt! I finished the smaller one for dd2 yesterday.

Practice #2


Have a great day!

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Canceled insurance

Called title company

Updated budget


To do: oldest appointment DONE

Call title company back DONE

Wash hair?? DONE

Dinner mac&cheese buffalo wings salad


Did a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen woohoo

Edited by MooCow
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Hi guys!  I am about halfway through my vacation over here in northern Europe.  Finished Berlin, Tallinn (Estonia), and St. Petersburg (2 days).


The Feds have been messing with the website on which we need to upload some reports that were supposed to be due June 29.  Can't finish the reports and I don't know when they will fix it.  So that's kind of cramping my style.  I also have some other work that I need to get started on, as I have many deadlines in the 2nd half of July and I can't wait until next week to start on them.  Therefore I have been working several hours today, yippee.  :P


The internet sucks on this cruise.  But I finally managed to post an update and some photos on facebook.  I know that doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment, but it's how I check in with my family and stuff.


What else did we do today ...

  • Up at 5am for excursion - toured palaces / museums until 4pm.
  • Walked over 5 miles again.
  • Kids made a new friend and wanted to spend a couple hours after dinner with her, yippee.
  • Finally had a chance to wash my hair.
  • Washed some clothes in the bathroom sink because of bad planning / slovenly behavior.  :P
  • Finished an audiobook with my kids ("Hoot").  Other than that, they haven't done any reading or other work this week.  They also hate the kids' camp on board.  They sleep through most of the excursions.  But, I'm sure they are learning something.  For example, today they learned that vodka tastes like nail polish remover.  (How do they know what nail polish remover tastes like?)
  • Few hours of work.

I have to get up in 4 hours, so why am I not sleeping?

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To do:



vacuum/mop downstairs

gather library books and movies for return

water aerobics class

lesson plan

start clothes purge from closet (trying to enforce a minimalist attitude toward my wardrobe)

get in steps and water intake for day




Turned in paperwork for masters program and I start July 10!  

Took ds clothes shopping 

This water aerobics class is making me super efficient, lots of energy.  We'll see how I feel at 8 p.m.  :001_cool: 

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