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Advice needed: pressure in my ears


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So back in January I went to the Minute Clinic, sure I had an ear infection in my ears. It was fluid, due to allergies, and I was told to take Claritin D and Flonase.


I take these things religiously and its still happening daily. This constant pressure, like coming down from a higher elevation or flying. So in addition to Claritin and Flonase Im also taking Sudafed almost daily.


We went to a water park this morning and now its really drivng me nuts. Im assuming water from the wave pool got into my ears, but Swim Ear doesnt help. The pressure, heavines and I can hear my jaw click (if that makes sense).


Do you think this is really allergies? I dont want to go to my Dr just to be told the same thing (allergies) but its getting really old.


Any thoughts?

Edited by tdbates78
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Claritin doesn't work all that well for my allergies. You might want to try generic Zyrtec instead.

Agreeing with this. I had fluid so bad from allergies that I ended up with tubes at 38 years old. Claritin is at the bottom of the strength list as far as antihistamines. Allegra is a step up, then Zyrtec is about the strongest OTC. I can't take Zyrtec though as it makes me a zombie all day, even taking it the evening before. When mine are really bad (which hasn't happened since tubes but a couple of times) I take a Claritin and Nasacort in the morning and then Advil PM at night (it's basically Benadryl+ Advil but works better for me) to be able to hear anything during allergy season.

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Thank you! It does feel like the Claritin isnt working. I had no idea its strength is lower than the others. Im going to Target today to look for Allegra!


I'm concerned that the fluid could eventuallt cause an infection if not taken care of? Or yes, needing tubes at 38! I've never had problems wirh my ears until this year.

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Thank you! It does feel like the Claritin isnt working. I had no idea its strength is lower than the others. Im going to Target today to look for Allegra!


I'm concerned that the fluid could eventuallt cause an infection if not taken care of? Or yes, needing tubes at 38! I've never had problems wirh my ears until this year.

Yeah, they're all different drugs technically. I had the most luck with the nasal allergy stuff, but it can take a couple of weeks to work. I think the fluid could definitely cause an infection if you happen upon a cold at the same time particularly. I never had that issue, but had marked hearing loss. It to mention it was just outright annoying and I was constantly popping my ears. The tubes fixed it completely. I just lost a tube finally last month and so far, so good- but if it needs to be replaced I will be good with that too. I hate the pressure feeling. It's just miserable. Hope you find some relief quickly!

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Yup. I had an ENT tell me that the makers of Claritin had a version that worked well, but it made people drowsy at that strength and they really wanted a non drowsy version to market. So they cut the strength, which means it is non drowsy but doesn't really work. He said Zyrtec as well. 


Also, FYI, Claritin D has a decongestant in it, so don't use it with Sudafed, it already has Sudafed in it. Regular Claritin does not. 


Also, Sudafed that is behind the counter at the pharmacy, that you have to sign for and show an ID, is what you want (or the Claritin D version that is behind the counter). The stuff on the shelves is a different chemical that can't be used to make meth but also doesn't do a darned thing to clear up congestion. So if you have the kind on the regular shelves, I'm not surprised it isn't working. 

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Thanks ladies! I've never really had severe allergies (I am allergic to my cat but it only flairs up when the seasond change) so Im new to all of this.


Yes, the constant need to try to pop my ears is driving me crazy! And just the relentless heaviness feeling.

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I've had lifelong ear problems. I'd go to my regular doctor for something recurring like this, even if it is inconvenient.


Allegra-D works best for me. (D with the decongestant. I take the 12 hour in the morning and then regular Allegra at night)


Usually they won't do tubes for just fluid. There needs to be ongoing infection for that. Sometimes if there's a lot of pressure, an ENT will suction out the fluid in the office. 


FYI--there are other conditions that mimic the feel of fluid. I have Meniere's Syndrome and I had ringing and sense of fullness in the ears all the time. 

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As someone whose daughter recently had a cholesteatoma removed from her ear, I recommend you go to an ENT or ear specialist and get to the bottom of this. Ear pressure problems are thought to maybe cause cholesteatoma. You might also check out TMJ, but check the ears first. A regular doctor is only equipped to diagnose common ear problems.

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I have posted a couple times about my 17 yo ds that just had tubes in his ears. Never an ear problem in his childhood, never allergies. Just seemed he got an ear infection or recurrent infections and nothing would work until the tubes.


It was so very annoying and we put off seeing the ENT and tubes way too long. We just thought it was an ear infection and it would have to go away but it just never really did.

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Ear pain is what finally sent me to the allergist, where I learned that I'm allergic to lots of things. I start allergy season with Allegra and then move to Zyrtec. Some doctors recommend cycling through different medicines because people sometimes become acclimated to one if they take it for too long. I take benedryl at night if I need it. I have been known to take tylenol for the ear pain. It seemed like the sheer amount of inflammation was trapping the fluid, and sometimes when I took an anti-inflammatory like tylenol I would feel the pain recede and then suddenly feel a lot of fluid drain, and then the pain would stop. Good luck - I've been doing allergy shots for 3 years and the combo of shots, antihistamines, and some changes around the house (replacing dust-catching miniblinds with shades, more frequent use of the dustmop, etc) have been life-changing.

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I am going to make an appointment with my GP about getting a referral to an allergist or EENT. Today we were at the aquarium (1/3 off for homeschoolers this week woohoo!) and I was constantly pinching my ears in an (unsuccessful) effort to manage the pressure. I don't want it to get worse, or end up being something more than just allergies. 

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