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Kathy Griffin


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Kathy Griffin: Trump is 'trying to ruin my life' after photo scandal - CNN



I hate the current administration about as much as humanly possible but she really went too far. No sympathy.



She sure did. And, IMO, she should have apologized and then shut up. No need to call a press conference about being bullied or whatever she did this morning. Apologize and then get out of the public spotlight until everything calms down. 

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This is gonna get deleted.


I have to say I wonder what she is really trying to accomplish here, or if she is just too unhinged to have an actual point.  Not sure how she got a lawyer to take this on either.

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She was wrong.


So was Trump for the birther conspiracy.

So is every GOP who has done something offensive and then claimed to be just kidding.


Eta: My point is that Trump and co cannot claim the high road, not that two wrongs make a right.


They all need to grow up.

Edited by Χά�ων
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I am revolted by anyone who wishes death on a president. Even a president whose behavior I find revolting.


And really, Trump is a bully and a grudge holder and never takes the high road. What in the world did she expect to happen?

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