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what grade for grammar

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We did a bit of grammar in first grade because I wanted the kids to know the basic parts of speech.  I wanted to be able to talk about complete sentences needing a noun and a verb.  I wanted to be able to talk about proper nouns needing to be capitalized.  I wanted them to know what an adjective is, so that they had a frame of reference when I introduced noun-adjective agreement in Spanish.


We did not use FLL.  It was sooooooooo repetitive, and it would have taken all year just to touch on all the parts of speech.  Instead, we used The Sentence Family.  It only took us a few weeks, and the kids enjoyed the story.  We added in some Brian Cleary books and called it good for the year.



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We did GrammarLand in first along with Montessori based characters & symbols. It was more engaging than simply memorizing - the parts of speech that go together (adverbs and verbs, for instance) are the same shape, just different sizes and colors. He was able to "diagram" well by the end of first grade and could apply what he learned to Spanish.

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FLL 1 and 2 are only really partly grammar. I liked some of the other portions as well for young students. For example, it has kids memorize poetry selections, which they are well suited to do at that age. It was also a gentle introduction to narrating a story or about a picture. It was something "school-y" but short to do along with our math and phonics.


Erica in OR

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Has anyone used the Grammar Minutes workbooks before?  Opinions?


I've never heard of them, but saw them on Amazon and was thinking of using the Grade 1 workbook for my rising 1st grader.  I was looking for something that would be simple to implement and easily portable so DD could do it while waiting at sibling activities.

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I come from Montessori so starting in 1st seems normal to me. I hadn't even thought not to although I could see it being fine to wait since kids get alot of grammar later. I use a combo of FLL and Montessori symbols. Here is my rationale though fwiw. Kids at 6 and 7 don't get caught up in new vocabulary words. Everything is new so saying noun, verb, pronoun etc in a matter of fact way is neither here nor there. They absorb it and even if they don't understand all of it then when they hear it again it isn't so weird sounding. Kids I have seen come into Montessori in 3rd and 4th getting it for the first time ultimately had a harder time grasping it and internalizing it. The earlier kiddos seemed to get it second nature. If a child is overwhelmed by it though in 1st I would choose not to do it. It really should be gentle and fun.

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We do copywork and narration in 1st and 2nd, and read the Ruth Heller books on the different parts of speech at the end of 2nd grade, but no formal grammar until 3rd. We start with FLL 3 without any trouble. You don't miss anything from FLL 1 and 2 by starting with 3 because there it starts from the very beginning, it just goes a bit faster.

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FLL didn't fly with us. We did copywork and narration from across the curriculum for K and 1st (roughly along the lines of WWE).l, plus some recitation work. I taught the necessary parts of speech on a need to know basis.


We've started MCT Island in 2nd, and DS is thriving on it.

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I'm in the better late than early grammar camp. We talk about parts of speech gently, and at about age 9 or 10 start MCT grammar. We do the next MCT book every other year, and spread the practice books out over two years. It has worked for kids, their thinking and development. My DD who decided to stick with Latin just does Latin now and not English grammar

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I have the Writing with Ease teacher manual in both hardcopy and Kindle. Just the teacher manual. I do love that book, but I mostly only am endeared with the narration and composition parts. I'm more of a later is better person for grammar.


The Ambleside Online grammar scope and sequence is not a horrible example of later is better grammar instruction.


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