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Ralph Nader

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Why doesn't he campaign like mad and run commercials?

Most of us are SICK TO DEATH of the political mess we have now.

We need more choice.



I am voting Nader.

The "political calculator" changed it for me.

I have to vote my conscious even if it is a "wasted" vote.


We need to show them that we DO want a change and that we are sick of choosing the lesser of two evils.


I think if Nader advertised more people would vote a different party.

So why doesn't he?

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Maybe because he has no money?


I will go to my grave eternally angry with Ralph Nader for giving us George W Bush. The respect I once had for him is GONE!!!


Bill (Dear Bill), could you elaborate just a bit here, for the political ignoramuses in the crowd? Because I came up Nader, too, on that quiz thingie, and I have no idea what that means, really....

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I've gotten past it.


He picked the wrong time to push hard and thus pull away potential non-Bush voters.


If he were running stronger this year it'd be the same thing. I match up 90% with him but I'd vote Obama anyway cuz the stakes are just too **** high.


In a less contentious year, I'd vote for him again.

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I've seen exactly two signs. Neither of them are on his own lawn.

And both of them are homemade. There were a handful of signs around here in 2000, but almost none this time.


I ran into his sister Claire in the grocery store the other day (she was buying beets and paper towels!:001_smile:) and we got to talking about the election. Claire is in her eighties and lives with Ralph in the family home where they grew up. Claire said that Ralph has decided to campaign as the founding fathers intended--- by word of mouth, thoughtful essays in print media, and a few impassioned stump speeches. So I guess he's going lo-tech. No surprise; they don't own a computer, actually.


So that's the local scoop, straight from the sibling.



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Maybe because he has no money?


I will go to my grave eternally angry with Ralph Nader for giving us George W Bush. The respect I once had for him is GONE!!!


Florida (aka Jeb Bush) gave us W.

And let me ask you something - should all the good folks back down from running just because of the way our awful 2 party system is set up? Should they chicken out and run with tails tucked?


Yes - it's going to suck for many more decades to come....but eventually a third party is gonna get noticed.


We can either keep voting the lesser of two evils and have 2 awful choices for eternity.

Or we can wake up, unite, and take notice of the alternatives.

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Because I came up Nader, too, on that quiz thingie, and I have no idea what that means, really....


It means if more people were educated to the possibilities we might actually get some change.


I urge all people who hate both of our choices this year and so are not voting - to vote for another party.

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I really wish that Ron Paul had run on the Libertarian party ticket. I really think that he could have pulled enough third party votes to have a chance. I think that people are still going to be surprised by the total amount of third party votes this time though. Maybe next time more people will vote their conscious and we can do something about this quagmire. Unfortunately, I am afraid that it is going to get much worse before it gets better. :eek:

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You should vote for who best fulfills what YOU want in a President. If more folks did that, instead of feeling as if they were throwing away their vote by doing so, you might see real political change.


And...Ralph Nader hasn't been completely ignored. They did a short skit about him this weekend on SNL:





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I will go to my grave eternally angry with Ralph Nader for giving us George W Bush. The respect I once had for him is GONE!!!


I think your anger is misdirected. Nader didn't give us W. The 50%+ of eligible voters who simply didn't bother to vote did.


It would be a sad day, indeed, when someone felt they shouldn't run for president just because they might be a "spoiler."



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I will go to my grave eternally angry with Ralph Nader for giving us George W Bush.


I agree. And I'm angry with the people who voted for him.


The people who voted for Nader in 2000 who claimed to be voting for "change" got what they wanted.


BTW, that quiz thingy came up with Nader for me too. Until that point I didn't even know he was running.

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Dh had a chance to talk to him a few months ago when they sat together on a plane. Interestingly, the conservative Super-Republican side of our families was spitting mad that Nader even existed and that dh would speak to him; they couldn't stop expressing their rage long enough to hear what dh and Nader talked about. On the other hand, the Democrats in the family wanted to hear about the conversation and what his (Nader's) thoughts were on politics.


Which just goes to show that politics brings people together in odd alliances, I suppose. I'd've never guessed that my BIL and Spy Car would agree on any politician, yet they feel the same about Nader.

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You should vote for who best fulfills what YOU want in a President. If more folks did that, instead of feeling as if they were throwing away their vote by doing so, you might see real political change.



I totally agree, but I think a lot of people don't even know there are more than two candidates available. Since all they hear about in the media is the main two, most people assume those are their only choices and don't bother with any further research.

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I agree. And I'm angry with the people who voted for him.


The people who voted for Nader in 2000 who claimed to be voting for "change" got what they wanted.


BTW, that quiz thingy came up with Nader for me too. Until that point I didn't even know he was running.



Hey, that would be me that you're angry with ;) I will say, however, that had it been even *close* here in Georgia, I would have voted Gore.


I have met Ralph Nader (book signing) and I think mostly he's smart and doing something very important-- calling attention to the bullcrap that is a 2 party system. We do need another party. We need them in debates and we need them to be eligible for public financing.


And a defense for Nader... people (like me) that voted for him did not like Al Gore. I don't ever want to vote for someone I don't like. I did vote for Kerry and hated every minute of it. I won't do it again.



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I agree with Tara that it isn't the people who voted for Nader who should be blamed for W, but those who didn't bother to vote at all (and of course the whole Florida fiasco, but I won't get started on that). It's really sad to me how apathetic people are. Especially when I think about how hard women and minorities had to fight to get the right to vote, and then think about all the women and minorities out there who can't be bothered to exercise that right, well that's just very disheartening.


Nader came up as my closest match on the quiz, which didn't surprise me a bit. I really like him, though I've never voted for him. In an election that is going to be close, like 2000 and 2004, I feel more compelled to vote Democrat. When it's clear the Dem candidate is going to win by a landslide, then I'll feel like I have the luxury of voting 3rd party. I don't feel that way this year, though last I checked Obama is ahead in the polls. It's still close enough that I feel compelled to vote Dem. Plus, I just really genuinely LIKE Senator Obama. I think he would make a very good President. Plus, I like the idea (knock on wood, fingers crossed) of being able to say that I voted for the first minority President this nation has ever elected.

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Bill (Dear Bill), could you elaborate just a bit here, for the political ignoramuses in the crowd? Because I came up Nader, too, on that quiz thingie, and I have no idea what that means, really....


Nicole, in 2000 Ralph Nader ran for President on the "Green Party" ticket, a political party it is worth noting he did not deign to join. Yes that is correct, he did not join the Green Party.


During this campaign he spread the absolute false-hood that there was no effective difference between electing Al Gore vs George W Bush. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum according to Mr Nader. No difference.


He pressed his impossible campaign in the face of a razor thin election and showed no regard for the fact that the "ideals" he supposedly favors would be under grave threat from a GWB victory, and would find support from Gore. But Ralph didn't care.


Not only did he not care, but he seemed to take glee in being the "spoiler". Why "spoiler"? Because in that race Nader pulled votes mainly from Gore.


Sure there were some who just wouldn't not have voted at all, but any fair-minded analysis shows that without Nader in the race Gore would have one. Actually Gore probably DID WIN, but thanks to the Supreme Court intervening in the Florida count we never got a true count.


Florida was decided by a few hundred votes. Nader got around 97,000 votes in Florida. No Nader, no Bush. Ralph Nader knew this, and didn't care.


I grew up thinking of Ralph Nader as a "hero". But during the 2000 race I came to see him as an ideologue and egomaniac, who cared more about gaining attention for himself than in the good of the nation.


Nader and the Green Party try to turn the finger of blame away from themselves for swinging the election to GWB, but the excuses are pathetically dishonest. He didn't care if his run got GWB elected, and he said so many times.


People have a right to run if they choose, and people have a right to vote for whoever they choose, but I reserve the right to say: Fooey!



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has a platform so far away from what "works" in Washington, I have not a single clue how he would implement any of it if he were to be elected (which there isn't any way he would be). So, I am torn between voting practically for the person who knows how to work within the current system and shares some of my ideals, and voting principally for the person who shares my ideals completely. Does that make sense?

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has a platform so far away from what "works" in Washington, I have not a single clue how he would implement any of it if he were to be elected (which there isn't any way he would be). So, I am torn between voting practically for the person who knows how to work within the current system and shares some of my ideals, and voting principally for the person who shares my ideals completely. Does that make sense?


Yes, it does! This is a hard election...tough choices to be made! My candidate lost in the primaries (poor Hillary :crying:) and it took me months to become comfortable with Obama. I'm still not 100% for everything he supports, but I align more closely with him than with anyone else running... except for dear Ralph, but, in this election, I'm going with the person who has the best chance at winning.


(PS: I'm still sending you "Come on Baby" vibes!!!)

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