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Favorite Pre-K - 1 gr science readers/books?

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My time at the library is spent making sure the 2 yo doesn't wander off, and the 1 yo doesn't eat/un-shelve every book in reach, so I'd love some favorite publishers/authors of science books for littles that I can grab without to much attention to add to our weekly library haul.  My 4 yo is currently obsessed with "reference books", so if you have some "grow with me" favorites, I might consider adding to our permanent collection as well.


We spend lots of time outdoors and go on nature hikes (aka very slow, short strolls) several times per week, so the kids' interests are varied.

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The entire Let's Read and Find Out line of science books are good choices.


DK has quite a lot of beautiful science reference books. I still start by getting them from the library first to see what holds DD's attention long enough to be worth buying, though.

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Can you search for and reserve your books online? my library has this option and it makes it sooooo easy because I have similar library issues with kids in tow too. I can find so many books searching online and when they come in I just pick them up.

Even with just my one crazy kid, this is what I've often done. Then I can supervise as needed while she chooses her own books, and grab the stack off the reserve shelf just before checking out. Bonus points for my library also having a drive thru, for those times I just didn't want the bother.

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Definitely see about requesting books ahead of time. It's also easy to browse on sites like Amazon where you can search for topics and see if your library has anything that looks good. We go every week and I pick up what I've ordered and the kids are free to choose what interests them which they love. Usborne has a lot of great books with explanations on different topics.

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Rookie Read About Science books (Allan Fowler)

It's Science! books (Sally Hewitt)

Science Play books (Vicki Cobb)

I Know That! books (Claire Llewellyn)

Seymour Simon's books

The Magic School bus books (and others by Joanna Cole)


For just looking at the photographs and illustrations in a big reference book, I like the Smithsonian's Visual Science Encyclopedia.

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We did a unit using Donald Silver's "One Small Square Cave" for the spine when my child was 6 (he had a KG level attention span).  I love all his books (he has various habitats...arctic, tundra, swamp, forest, etc. plus backyard).  Beautiful writing and illustrations and sidebars with activities and experiments you can do.  I definitely consider these "living books."   You wouldn't have to do a fully study around it but they are great for that.



Edited by goldenecho
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