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Have we talked about the new Bill Nye show?


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That clip was dreadful. I watched a few Rachel Bloom videos beforehand and enjoyed them! Funny, clever, good voice - this bill nye clip was atrocious. The lyrics were not funny, they were forced and the whole thing was so awkward. Which is pretty bad since this woman manages to make 'heavy boobs' not awkward.


As far as the content, so many people nowadays want whatever they want and they want it now! Just like Veruca Salt. A couple of years ago I turned the radio off in the car with my husband because three songs in a row had this same message - "I'll do what I want and f!*& anyone who disagrees with me" 

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Yes, I think it's what winterbaby said.  I'm sure Bill Nye et al aren't trying to promote rape.


But the whole sentiment - that science promotes this particular view of sexual morality - is completely shallow, absurd, and suggests they don't have a very clear view of where science ends and other types of thinking begin.


We can take a completely naturalistic view of sexuality, sure, the same as the one that exists throughout the animal world.  But note carefully that doesn't contain any kind of view around sexual morality, including around ideas of consent, health, or care and concern for oneself and others.  Go to your local duck pond the right time of year and you'll see plenty of violent sexual activity that has nothing to do with consent.


Why would anyone look to someone who had such a foolish idea to teach people about the right view of science?


Aside from that, it's really poorly done, the whole thing was really amateurish and embarrassing, like middle school kids doing a skit for community cable.  And it seems like it is meant for an audience that already holds the viewpoint he is expressing to feel self-congratulatory and provide fodder for those who don't to dismiss it.  Do we really need more of that?

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Only this board could pull that line out of context and declare it is pro-rape.  Wow.


Yes, how great that a board full of smart, thinking people who enjoy philosophy and the study of logic would analyze the moral implications of a statement about people having a right to s*x anyway they want to have it. Especially on a show that is supposed to be about thinking, study, science and touts itself as "Super. Smart."


Brock Turner took his gd right to s*x the way he wanted to have it.  Unfortunately, that right infringed just a teeny, tiny bit on someone else's right not to be raped behind a dumpster.  So there's a problem with just categorically stating that everyone has a right to s*x any way they want to have it.  As a PP said, of course we all draw lines as to which s*xual encounters are acceptable and which are not.  The statement, nor the song, took any such position in or out of context. Of course no one has a right to s*x anyway they want it.  Of course.  That's what makes the statement so absurd.


Luckily, the whole thing was presented in such an awful way I doubt many people are paying attention to the lack of logical conclusions that can be drawn from what was actually said and are rather just cringing or laughing at the middle-school production value and ham-handed preaching.


ETA: Bluegoat, I had this screen up to reply before I saw your response.  Sorry, it looks like I copied your notes!!

Edited by EmseB
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Yes, how great that a board full of smart, thinking people who enjoy philosophy and the study of logic would analyze the moral implications of a statement about people having a right to s*x anyway they want to have it. Especially on a show that is supposed to be about thinking, study, science and touts itself as "Super. Smart."


Brock Turner took his gd right to s*x the way he wanted to have it.  Unfortunately, that right infringed just a teeny, tiny bit on someone else's right not to be raped behind a dumpster.  So there's a problem with just categorically stating that everyone has a right to s*x any way they want to have it.  As a PP said, of course we all draw lines as to which s*xual encounters are acceptable and which are not.  The statement, nor the song, took any such position in or out of context. Of course no one has a right to s*x anyway they want it.  Of course.  That's what makes the statement so absurd.


Luckily, the whole thing was presented in such an awful way I doubt many people are paying attention to the lack of logical conclusions that can be drawn from what was actually said and are rather just cringing or laughing at the middle-school production value and ham-handed preaching.


ETA: Bluegoat, I had this screen up to reply before I saw your response.  Sorry, it looks like I copied your notes!!


Accepting that there is a spectrum of sexuality and that people should be able to be themselves where ever they may fall on that spectrum has nothing to do with rape.  Arguing that you are  using logic to reduce the idea that (for example) someone who is bisexual should be allowed to choose with whom they have sex is the same as saying it is okay to someone to have sex simply demonstrates a massive failure in applying logic.

Edited by ChocolateReignRemix
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Yes, I think it's what winterbaby said.  I'm sure Bill Nye et al aren't trying to promote rape.


But the whole sentiment - that science promotes this particular view of sexual morality - is completely shallow, absurd, and suggests they don't have a very clear view of where science ends and other types of thinking begin.


I think the science is pretty clear that sexuality exists on a spectrum.  I think it is more absurd that so many worry about the sexuality of others when it only involves consenting adults. 

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The rhetoric is sloppy. Choice in sexual partners is based on a right to privacy -- if two (or more) people are consenting adults what they do in the bedroom is no one else's business.


There is no affirmative right to have sex. If there was then there would be a corresponding responsibility of some person or entity to provide it, and someone who was unable to find a partner for their preferrred combination would have had their right violated. When there are so-called men's rights activists advocating that very thing, including cheering men who shoot women who they perceive as denying them their right to sex, this use of the phrase seems not just sloppy but thoughtless.


Pretty sure you are abusing the notion of "right" as presented in the little song.


The bolded is actually the point of the song.  Society has numerous busy bodies who have made it their business in the past, and continue to try and do so now.  If everyone adhered to the bolded there wouldn't be the need for these discussions.

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Just watched the clip. From some comments here I thought it would be worse. 


It's not pro-rape. It's pro embracing your own sexuality be that straight, gay, bi, trans.



Bill Nye has never been liked by conservatives. Why would his new show be any different? It's not for children as is rated. I actually wouldn't care if my teen saw that video.  

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I hadn't even heard of this. Then it popped up on fb. I came here to post this article: http://thefederalist.com/2017/04/26/bill-nye-enough-extra-kids/


That doesn't surprise me. What's gone unmentioned amid all the protestations that "it's just about free choice!" is the frank hostility to some people's choices and convictions. So sex isn't actually a woman's "g.d. right" if the way she wants it is fertile, and in the context of traditional roles.

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I think the science is pretty clear that sexuality exists on a spectrum.  I think it is more absurd that so many worry about the sexuality of others when it only involves consenting adults. 


"Involving consenting adults" is not something that science tells us or takes account of, and certainly not something that the "spectrum of sexuality" takes into account. 


It's a conclusion come to through reason and applied to how we act upon our sexual desires. 


Which is to say, what our sexual desires tell us isn't enough to decide what we ought to do and not do.



Edited by Bluegoat
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Just watched the clip. From some comments here I thought it would be worse. 


It's not pro-rape. It's pro embracing your own sexuality be that straight, gay, bi, trans.



Bill Nye has never been liked by conservatives. Why would his new show be any different? It's not for children as is rated. I actually wouldn't care if my teen saw that video.  


I had no problem showing it to my pre-teen, who also didn't get the big deal ("Yes, sexuality occurs on a spectrum. Everyone knows that. What is the point?") but is currently walking around the house amusing himself saying "Endtimes is Nye!"  

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Just watched the clip. From some comments here I thought it would be worse.


It's not pro-rape. It's pro embracing your own sexuality be that straight, gay, bi, trans.



Bill Nye has never been liked by conservatives. Why would his new show be any different? It's not for children as is rated. I actually wouldn't care if my teen saw that video.

I have not watched the clip. The statement as given could be taken as pro-rape, although I doubt that was the intent. Not well worded.


Supposing it is,as stated here, about embracing the whole spectrum of sexuality, I point out that paedeophilia is also in the spectrum of sexuality and therefore also an issue with this concept.


But, as I said, I did not watch the clip and am only going on what has been discussed here.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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I have not watched the clip. The statement as given could be taken as pro-rape, although I doubt that was the intent. Not well worded.


Supposing it is,as stated here, about embracing the whole spectrum of sexuality, I point out that paedeophilia is also in the spectrum of sexuality and therefore also an issue with this concept.


But, as I said, I did not watch the clip and am only going on what has been discussed here.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk


Pedophilia does not appear on the spectrum of heterosexuality>>>>homosexuality.


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"Involving consenting adults" is not something that science tells us or takes account of, and certainly not something that the "spectrum of sexuality" takes into account. 


It's a conclusion come to through reason and applied to how we act upon our sexual desires. 


Which is to say, what our sexual desires tell us isn't enough to decide what we ought to do and not do.


Not sure why you posted this as I never said, nor implied, science has anything to say about consent.  The evidence indicates that sexual attraction is on a spectrum.  If you  want to argue that fine, but you will be wrong.

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If a man said the same thing.. the part about it being his right to have sex however he wants it, it would clearly be pro-rape. It is a gender bias to say it isn't prorape because women generally get a pass on this sort of thing.


Also, our pre-conceived knowledge of society has that we all, the people on this board, know that the intent was not of rape. But that is because we all are assuming that something on media wouldn't be so bad as to promote rape so surely they intend to talk about gender identity. But fact is, they never would have had a man say those words because it would be too obvious to mean rape is ok because I want it.


When a man or boy is raped, if something goes in to the news about it, people laugh at him. They claim he got lucky. Other men will say they will take his place if he doesn't like it, etc.

Edited by Janeway
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