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Funding DE by selling stuff, good times, lol

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So far, I funded the first year of DE by selling off unused stuff- mostly curriculum, but also household stuff. Seemed crazy to me, but it's working.


I've got enough for this summer tuition, but still need to fund next year which will be almost all DE... Running out of stuff, lol.


Still have to part with some high school curriculum & a bunch of unused Great Courses (totally overbought those one year, oops.. So many awesome courses though, right?!)


Anyone else getting creative to fund tuition, DE or otherwise?

(I'd do a garage sale, but kept all that stuff for our robotics team sale)- I've had the best luck selling online for pricier things, but some local sales too.

Good luck!


Thought I'd post about this for anyone who might also need to pay for DE & doesn't have the $ laying around :)

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Good for you.

I would not have had enough high priced stuff to sell to fund my kids' DE tuition. What does a credit hour cost for you?

I am boring and not creative; I just work.

$216 a credit hour


I didn't think I had much to sell worth money either, really, but sorted through everything with a fine tooth comb for our move and realized we could sell a lot.

I'd work if I didn't have the toddlers at home ;)

Edited by Hilltopmom
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$216 a credit hour


I didn't think I had much to sell worth money either, really, but sorted through everything with a fine tooth comb for our move and realized we could sell a lot.


That's not cheap. You gotta have scrounged up a lot of items :)

Maybe I need to revisit my shelves.

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Where do you sell Great Courses? I think it might be time to whittle down my collection.

(ETA: Anybody in the market for some?)

I listed mine on online used curriculum places & the marketplace here for pretty cheap IMO. They haven't sold yet though. Trying local too, but we don't have many high schoolers here.


I bought a bunch of tech ones, but my techy kid is too busy with DE classes & robotics to use them anymore.


- maybe sell on eBay? I've never done that before, but I've bought them there.

Edited by Hilltopmom
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 a bunch of unused Great Courses 


If they are unused, I'd return them. Great Courses has a lifetime guarantee. 


Used ones I'd sell though. Try Homeschool Classifieds--I had good luck with one there. 


I'm looking forward to selling a bunch of curriculum next month, and then selling back DS's books from this semester, and maybe a garage sale this summer (I joined some friends last summer at the last minute and made a couple hundred between books and household stuff.) I've not ventured into selling household stuff online though...not sure my stuff is salable, we usually use it until it's d-o-n-e, LOL! And don't buy high-end to begin with. (All our money went for curriculum, LOL!)

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I knew a homeschooler in California who did a lot of seling on Amazon. She bought the bags to ship booksfrom Amazon in packs of 100,I believe. She said she could just pay shipping on Amazon and print labels and her shipments were ready to go.

She put the word out in her homeschool community and people would give her bags of books at different homeschool events. She would scoop books up at garage sales and library super sales. I would think the tricky thing would be timing. Niche textbooks that don't update are fairly wonderful to sell, but you have to get the right buyer.

I have heard of people help kids buy a mower. Even houses that have yard services, will sometimes want to stretch the time to every other week for weed eating, trimming, ect, and would pay for a quick mow.

Edited by Silver Brook
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I'm about to do a major sweep of our elementary materials (and there's a LOT to go through!) to fund high school and a change in direction for my middle schooler. It will mostly be a few dollars here and there, but all in all, it's probably a couple hundred dollars worth of books and curriculum. I don't know if I can bring myself to part with all the One Small Square books though  :crying:


Our DE costs are about the same as yours. Thankfully I won't need to think about that for a year or two, but I'll probably still need all my high school stuff for my younger at that point, so we'll have to see how all that plays out!


Where do you sell Great Courses? I think it might be time to whittle down my collection.

(ETA: Anybody in the market for some?)


Possibly!  :lurk5: I've been hoping to find some at book sales locally, but so far, I haven't found much. I did score a Vandiver set on classical mythology, but it's not one of the main ones I've been looking for. 

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I looked up the great courses guarantee. You can always exchange one for a different one or for credit, but only money back for the first year. My unopened ones are over a year old, so no go.


but if anyone is wondering.. I've got Modern Electronics, Physics in your Life, Cybersecurity, Everyday engineering, robotics, & Nanotechnology.. he did watch the robotics & engineering ones, just no time for the rest.

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I am very ignorant but what is DE??? I am very interested as I have three highschool children and any help I can find I will take it.


Dual-Enrollment (taking college classes that count for both high school and college credit).  :)

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With just one kid who flies through courses and curriculum/ books, I've had a lot of good response selling regularly via a yahoo group called Gifted Homeschool Ed Materials: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/GiftedHomeSchoolEdMaterials/


It did not finance DE but it has financed our Great Course and book addiction and even helped me buy a furniture item or two. :laugh:

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I've been selling baby & kid stuff off too, not just curriculum though.


I just realized I need to pay for another year of Derek Owens math though too. Sigh


I found I could get a better deal for baby & kid stuff selling at one of those "Consignment Sales" they have (I do Just Between Friends because we have several in the area and once tagged, can take unsold stuff to the next sale without retagging -- unless I want to change prices)  It made it worth it to sell a lot of cheaper stuff that was NOT worth trying to meet someone for -- but turns out a bunch of $2-$5 stuff can add up to real money!


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Sometimes homeschool groups will have used curriculum sales. I never make more $50, though. I only have one homeschooled, and am pretty cheap to start with. I do make more money, though, if I don't take dd, who finds things to buy!


That, and we're more academic homeschoolers, so most people aren't as interested in the titles I have in our area. I'm going to try to stick some stuff in a friend's garage sale this weekend and see if does better.

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Sometimes homeschool groups will have used curriculum sales. I never make more $50, though. I only have one homeschooled, and am pretty cheap to start with. I do make more money, though, if I don't take dd, who finds things to buy!


That, and we're more academic homeschoolers, so most people aren't as interested in the titles I have in our area. I'm going to try to stick some stuff in a friend's garage sale this weekend and see if does better.



If your state has a homeschool convention with a used curriculum sale, you might do better there, as long as you don't have to pay a fee to sell.  I know a woman who has sold at the state convention sale that has come away with 1/2-2/3 of what she paid new for her materials. 

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I knew a homeschooler in California who did a lot of seling on Amazon. She bought the bags to ship booksfrom Amazon in packs of 100,I believe. She said she could just pay shipping on Amazon and print labels and her shipments were ready to go.

She put the word out in her homeschool community and people would give her bags of books at different homeschool events. She would scoop books up at garage sales and library super sales. I would think the tricky thing would be timing. Niche textbooks that don't update are fairly wonderful to sell, but you have to get the right buyer.

I have heard of people help kids buy a mower. Even houses that have yard services, will sometimes want to stretch the time to every other week for weed eating, trimming, ect, and would pay for a quick mow.


Two years ago, we had a wonderful set of homeschooled boys that did our yard mowing all season. Unfortunately, they were not doing it again last year :(

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