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11th grade planning thread

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I haven't seen an 11th grade planning thread, so I will start one. If I missed it, please link it below.


Here is what we have planned for 11th:


1) AP English Language: PAHS

2) Physics:Clover Creek

3) Precalculus: Derek Owens

4) Russian II: Continue with Tutor

5) U.S. History: Home version

6) Cultural Geography (Fall Semester DE) / Spring DE TBD, possibly American Govt.

7) Music Appreciation / Visual Arts. Keep working on this cumulative Fine Arts credit, and ideally complete it by the beginning of 12th grade.




ACT and/or SAT prep

National History Day (NHD)

Congressional Award efforts (personal development, physical fitness, voluntary service, and expeditions)

College visits


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Mathusee Algebra 2 and Geometry (concurrent)

Chemistry fall / Astronomy spring

Modern World History using Human Odyssey

English:  Sentence Composing for High School, Jensen's Format Writing, Easy Grammar 11, Abeka Vocab V, misc. literature selections from WTM

French 3 using French for Fluency and Rosetta Stone



Economics (spring)

ACT Prep


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I feel like we had one, but maybe it was just a general "high school plan" thread.


Mine is evolving since the 0.5 credit summer class for health & wellness that my rising Jr was going to take got cancelled for too-low-enrollment.  :glare:

German 1 through CLRC
Spanish 4 @ WHA

Pre-Calc @ home or online (!)

Writing - Bravewriter x 2 (Exp. Essay + ??) + Spring research Writing @ BigRiverAcademy?

Lit - Shakespearre Comedies @ Online G3 - 1st semester

US History (WWI - Present)


Fine Arts - music (cont. concerts & Great Courses Music)

Health/Wellness - Great Courses (Nutrition, Fitness) + ??

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Algebra II
​World History
​Chemistry (DE - fall)
Comp I (DE - spring)
​Literature discussion (not sure on details yet)

​Elective ideas: Journalism/Photography each 1 semester, Health and Nutrition

​ACT Prep


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I think we had one a few months ago, but things always change during the planning season!


Pre-calc - LeTourneau online DE

American Lit with Writing - Center for Lit, online

American History - Paul Johnson's History of the American People

Earth Science - Novare, labs, Great Courses, trade books

Space Science - Excelsior Classes, online

Elective - Computer Science - LeTourneau online DE

Elective - Filmmaking - Tomorrow's Filmmakers, online


ETA: Forgot to add the extras:

Civil Air Patrol





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-Chemistry using Zundahl World of Chemistry or maybe it is Introductory Chem. I will teach this for the first time, the older 3 used Apologia.

-Algebra 2 Foerster I will teach this also

-History 2nd half of A History of the American People and some world history

-Literature - modern era

-Writing/English  1st semester Advanced Comp with bigriveracademy

-Debating between continuing Latin and doing more ASL. She doesn't know I am debating dropping Latin.

-need some elective.  Maybe computer basics excel, word, etc



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I am still feeling sort of up in the air ....

English -homebrew

Math - we've hit a wall with Saxon Algebra 2 and are taking some Khan Academy time not sure what my plan is for fall

Science - Chemistry homebrew not sure what spine we are using yet

American History (Modern) Reconstruction to today

Russian 2 B ... we slowed down a bit on Russian.

Electives... no plans yet but maybe debate


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RootAnn...you changed your avatar! I like it. :-)


Second DS: 

Bible: Understanding the Times and Balancing the Sword (continued)

English: American Literature using Excellence in Literature

Math: Precalculus at Wilson Hill

Science: Chemistry using Zumdahl's World of Chemistry and The Gourmet Lab

History: US using Notgrass

Spanish: second year...I have no idea????


Summer: Personal Finance using Money Matters for Teens


Soccer, basketball, co-ed softball. 


He is taking the ACT on June 10. He may very well be one-and-done (just needs the score for our state's free community college), so I'm not expecting any test prep next year. 



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I think dd's plans are solidified now (hallelujah!!!) Deposits &/or tuitions have been paid!


I'm a little concerned about dd's time management - but we can decide to downgrade the plans for art and not do the time comsuming portfolio if it all becomes to much. Her music takes up so much time every day, that the rest just has to "fit in somewhere" around that.


1) AP English Language: Blue Tent

2) Chemistry I: co-op class

3) Precalculus: TWTM Academy

4) Spanish II: co-op class

5) AP US History: at home

6) Studio Art 3D: at home with lessons (planning to send in an AP portfolio)

7) Speech and Debate: local class and club


Also - not a class - but hours upon hours of music practice and music theory and small ensembles



Getting Etsy business up & running

Non-profit volunteering

Robotics team

ACT prep

College visits


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I just can't believe my sweetie will be in 11th and taking college courses!

Algebra II - not sure if she'll stick with TC or if she'll try Mr.D?

World History - Oak Meadow syllabus with Our Human Story (Crash Course and/or Great Course videos)

Chemistry - I have no idea what we'll use yet! Any suggestions for an introductory Chemistry? (She's going for the dental hygiene program but not ready to take Chemistry DE yet)

Eng 111 and Intro. to Computers -- DE 1st Semester
Eng 112, Public Speaking, and online Music Appreciation -- DE 2nd Semester

British Literature -- working on list

Conversational Spanish (III) - tutor

Health -- Using OM syllabus only & Great Course

Auto Upkeep - With Dad

Voice lessons/guitar/piano


Ballroom Dancing

Work Experience
SAT/ACT prep..... has already taken BW Writing prep and did very well!

Looking at this list, it seems like a lot, but I think she can handle it!

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Chemistry - I have no idea what we'll use yet! Any suggestions for an introductory Chemistry? (She's going for the dental hygiene program but not ready to take Chemistry DE yet)


Online or at home? If online, DD loves Mrs. Childress at Excelsior. She'll be using a different textbook next year, so I don't know how that will go, but the live class is only once per week (1 1/2 hrs with one five minute break halfway through). It isn't AP level, but is listed as "college prep." Prayer at the beginning of class. Scroll all the way down to "Chemistry" on the link above. 


Instructor: Mrs. Kerrie Childress


Time: Group 1: Full Year - Tuesdays @ 10:00 AM ET

GROUP 2: Full Year - Tuesdays @ 2:00 PM ET


Students will explore the fundamental principles of chemistry which characterize the properties of matter and how it reacts.  Topics that are studied will increase awareness and understanding of the role of chemistry in everyday life.  This course emphasizes the atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, properties of gases, solutions, acid-base reactions and chemical thermodynamics.  The laboratory work will add in developing students reasoning power, the ability to apply chemical principles; as well as introduce students with chemical laboratory techniques.

Required Supplies:

Modern Chemistry By Rinehart and Winston Holt | ISBN-13: 978-0030367861 | ISBN-10: 0030367867

The course lab manual will be supplied via PDF after the course begins.

Laboratory Component:  Because this is a required lab science in most states, we will perform experiments on a weekly basis.  We will use a variety of virtual and hands-on experiments.  For the hands-on component, the majority of items can be found in your kitchen or at a local grocery or drug store.  Several items will need to be purchased from a Supply Company at a very minimal cost.


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Still finalizing here, this is how far I got:


Pre-Calculus: Second half of  Saxon Advanced Math


English 3: Home-brewed--Windows to the Word, How to Write a Research Paper, several novels to discuss. Mostly we will concentrate on literary analysis one semester and mastering the research paper the other.


Physics: Apologia


Advanced Chemistry ( we will do one half this year and finish next year): Apologia


Spanish 3: Home-brewed to prepare for the CLEP exam (REA guide, Destinos, Espanol Esencial 3, Javier y Susan Readers, https://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/...I have an extensive list to pull from).


Personal Finances: hsfpp. org and Life of Fred Financial Choice


Health: Finish (home-brewed--She is a Life Guard Red Cross certified, she has done one week of "Sex education" at summer camp. AHG badges for self care....so we need to finish nutrition and substance abuse. I am looking at this website: http://kidshealth.org/classroom/index.jsp?Grade=912&Section=problems..or some of the PACE booklets and call it done.



Economics: What Happened to Penny Candy (+Guide) and ?? I looking at Kahn.  AMSCO publishing, and Glencoe as possible spines, and add some videos.



Government: What Happened to Justice?+Guide, Are You Liberal, Conservative or Confused?+Guide+ ??? I am looking at AMSCO publishing, and maybe some of the videos someone here recommended.


P.E: Finish (we just add hours from hiking, swimming, and doing aerobic exercises/videos)


ACT/PSAT/SAT preparation: Continue with Kahn and resources we have on the shelf. I am leaning toward having her take the SAT right now as she is able to finish the test on time with good results at Kahn. For some reason she never has enough time to finish the ACT prep-tests ( or the real one she took last week). :(


Extra Curricular:


Continue Oil Painting

Continue Robotics

Continue Bible Study/Youth Group

Continue Service Hours at local food pantry.



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Online or at home? If online, DD loves Mrs. Childress at Excelsior. She'll be using a different textbook next year, so I don't know how that will go, but the live class is only once per week (1 1/2 hrs with one five minute break halfway through). It isn't AP level, but is listed as "college prep." Prayer at the beginning of class. Scroll all the way down to "Chemistry" on the link above.


Do you know what they are planning to use in the future? We are doing bio next year, but I am shopping for preAP Chem for 2018/2019. I am ashamed to plan so far in advance, but I can't help it. 😳

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Do you know what they are planning to use in the future? We are doing bio next year, but I am shopping for preAP Chem for 2018/2019. I am ashamed to plan so far in advance, but I can't help it. 😳

Yep. Textbook is listed in the post you quoted (but didn't copy over). It is listed at the link, too. She's a great teacher. I just don't know anything about the new text other than the ISBN.

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Yep. Textbook is listed in the post you quoted (but didn't copy over). It is listed at the link, too. She's a great teacher. I just don't know anything about the new text other than the ISBN.

Oooo, I misunderstood. So they are going to use Holt. I thought they were switching away from it.


I guess for us it's either this or WHA. Unless of course Jetta decides to teach it!

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She is using Spectrum Chemistry this year with a mix of her labs, a few virtual labs, and a homeschool science kit that has its own lab manual.


The Landry teachers spread out all over and there are probably four or five other options for pre-AP chem.

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Online or at home? If online, DD loves Mrs. Childress at Excelsior. She'll be using a different textbook next year, so I don't know how that will go, but the live class is only once per week (1 1/2 hrs with one five minute break halfway through). It isn't AP level, but is listed as "college prep." Prayer at the beginning of class. Scroll all the way down to "Chemistry" on the link above.

We are thinking home instead of online, but I'll check into this. Thank you so much!

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Pre-calc - LeTourneau online DE

Elective - Computer Science - LeTourneau online DE



Have you used LeTourneau online DE classes before? I'd be interested in hearing about your experience with them, since I am thinking of having my DS take some, including the Computer Science class.

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For DD this coming year:


20th Century World History (Sonlight)

British Literature (Sonlight, partial)

General Chemistry I & II (DE)

Precalculus (Khan Academy & CLEP prep)

Statistics (Khan Academy)

OneHealth Science (4-H curriculum)



Test prep for SAT, SAT Literature, SAT Math II

College & Career Planning course (Sonlight)

Working (not for pay) in biological research lab at local university


ECs & community service:

Veterinary Science 4-H club

Missionary Kid youth group

Church youth group


We're trying something different this year--we are planning to do the two Sonlight courses over the summer (she is a voracious reader anyway) to leave more room during the school year. Originally this was because she was going to take Physics as DE as well as Chemistry in the fall and spring, but now she is hoping to score high enough on the AP Physics 1 and 2 exams not to have to take it. But we won't know the scores until July, so for now she is still planning to do the history and literature over the summer unless it turns out to be too much since she is also starting in the biology lab in July.

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