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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Did I forget to post yesterday?  I had to get up super early to get dd to her weekend trip to New York with the theater group from a nearby high school.  She got to have a choreography workshop with one of the Hamilton orginal cast!  She comes back late Sunday night.  Then I I took ds and 2 other guys plus houseguest and baby on a field trip.  Son and friends went to tour capitol with fellow government co-op classmates and houseguest and baby and I toured art museums.  Fun but tiring day!



Read City of God (already read for 30 minutes but boy am I way behind!)

Get bagels

take 18 to flute lesson - read more

Someone needs to take houseguest and baby to Target so she can use her gift card and get that baby some new shoes!

Also, library books are due

I really, really, really want to start spring cleaning today.  I keep making false starts.  Now is the time!

Dinner?  no clue yet

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Good morning!


•pick some daffodils (they just started blooming this morning)

•take ds to DMV for his learner's permit test

•get prescription refilled at pharmacy

•pick up new food for dog who is being a very picky eater

•sushi for lunch

•ride horses

•dinner: I'm taking the day off from cooking, so everyone is on their own  :thumbup1:

•watch hockey


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Morning, all!


Still battling this cold/flu thing in our house.  It's a doozy!


To do:

Attempt to fix vacuum because I don't want to have buy a new one.  Ours only seem to last 3 years tops.  Is this normal?


return books to library

clean hall closet/upstairs closet


maybe go to movies or some sort of outing depending on weather


Have a great day, everyone!

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Hi guys.  We survived yesterday's long and exciting evening.  :P  Today I let the kids putz around after their sleepover, but I will start rounding them up soon to go to the museum.  Then I'll drop off the sleepover friend and get to work.  :)

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Checking in here.  I'm in throes of cleaning out my horrible, disgusting, no good, very bad mud room.  The kitty litter pan is kept in there and boy is the whole area overdue for a deep cleaning.  Whew!  I am disgusted with myself for letting things get so disgusting!


I really do hate housework.  I just do.  

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Attempt to fix vacuum because I don't want to have buy a new one.  Ours only seem to last 3 years tops.  Is this normal?




Yes, that is normal in my house! I have bought pricey ones and cheapos and 3 yrs is about all we get. Ugh.

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Spent more time out and round this morning than I meant to, but got two extra errands done and some grocery shopping that will last well into next week, I hope!


Next up:

make casserole for tomorrow

tidy pantry baking shelf and determine whether or not I have pecans


sew on button


yardwork - plant geraniums   nope, not today. 


Edited by ScoutTN
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Boo! I'm actually around today, who'da thunk it?


Tackling list


get girl's hair and make up done for dance pictures before 645 am

leave for work at 645 am

Work 745am-4pm (almost done, yay!)

Meet girls in town for oldest's final dance pic (youngest had her final one earlier today while I worked)

Go home

Cook Dinner

Clean something

Laundry (always more laundry)

Prepare for tomorrow

Sleep earlyish today have to work again tomorrow


Edited by swellmomma
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Had all these ideas of fun things to do today


Or educational going to a robot coding class



Ended up  working on the house. 


We needed to redo the landscaping.  Looked so bad after 10 years.  Tore out stuff and moved lots of rocks.  Had to run to the store a bunch for supplies.  But it got done and lots of the hundreds of bulbs we bought last weekend too. 


plus found someone to work on our lawn!!


I did get a nap though.  

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Sleepover friend was adamant that she did not want to go home until almost bedtime.  I have to say that was unexpected.  I'm glad the kids had a good time though.  Now my kids are sleeping on mattresses on the living room floor, because I was too lazy to put their beds back together tonight.  I should get up early tomorrow and do some cleaning, since I just found out the maids are coming to clean the house Sunday while we're at church.  Maybe I will, maybe I won't.  :P  I really hate it when I get told these things at the last minute.

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