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The Angsty Teachers Lounge 4-6-2017


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"Angsty" because my Aspie daughter is going to Prom tomorrow by herself. Thankfully, she'll know practically everyone there and it's a good group of people. But this mama's heart kind of breaks at the thought that no one (boys or even a group of friends) asked her to go with them and I just don't want her to have a bad time. I have given her some ideas on what she can do (offer to take pictures of people/groups of people with their cell phones so they don't have to keep doing selfies and, if all else fails, she can talk with the chaperones that are there, since she'll know most of them). She really wants to go, so I bought her a ticket, a dress, shoes, etc. God willing, she'll have a good time!


Anyway, Welcome to the Lounge!


Any special occasions coming up for you? Here: see above. Plus, we have two nieces and one nephew getting married this year. They all live clear across the country so we won't make it. One was married April 1st and I still need to get them a present.


Does anyone else have a dog that acts like a little kid? Here: I love our dog, I really do. However, she often acts like the 3 or 4 year old child who constantly needs attention. Even when I really need to other things. Oi!


What's your favorite upbeat/uplifting music to listen to? Here: I love 80s rock. Plus some from the 50s. Not too fond of much of anything from the 90s. I do like the occasional movie score, etc. 


Talk to me! :bigear:

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No big specials, but lots of smaller, fun things. Camping trips, end of year performances, vacation in May (and Dh and my 15th anniversary).


Yes, crazy dog. He was a rescue. He's a hound mix - stubborn and not a pleaser. He is sweet and funny, but SO irritating sometimes.


Music - lately Fernado Ortega, Keith and Kristyn Getty, Sara Groves, Jamie Grace

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Well, turns out I'm a bit of an idiot, too. Even though I made the prom payment, seems I forgot to actually register her for prom

and they've already turned in their final numbers. Can this week be over already?



Oh, no!  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  for you and your Dd!

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Well, turns out I'm a bit of an idiot, too. Even though I made the prom payment, seems I forgot to actually register her for prom

and they've already turned in their final numbers. Can this week be over already?



I hope she can still go.  She should since you already paid for it.  Ugh

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No special occasions coming up for us, although we do have several family birthdays in May and June, as well as our 27th anniversary.


Yep, we do have dogs who act like mischievous little trouble-making kids. Dogs are just about my favorite creatures on this earth, and I love the uniqueness of their personalities.


70's and 80's music always gets me in a better mood.  :001_smile:

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Oh wow, I hope they'll still let her go to prom. You'd think they'd check with people who paid but didn't turn in their form - they probably check on people who turn in the form and don't pay, right?


Anyway, we'll have our copper wedding anniversary in June:




We don't have any dogs, so none act like kids either.


Hm... upbeat music. Not sure. Silly stuff like Dragostea din tei by O-Zone works. 

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I'm still waiting on the word on prom. 

This has not only been a frustrating day, but a frustrating week.

I've had two good cries today and so now, I'm toast!

My sweet ds offered to let me use his bed (which is truly the most comfortable one in the house).

I may take him up on that!

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I hope everything works out for your daughter. 


Special plans?  Not anything that requires me to get dressed up.  I'm dreading putting on a dress for Easter because I've gained a few pounds since I bought a dress for a wedding last fall (the one where I asked for lots of fashion advice.)  The only cool stuff coming up is traveling to dd's climbing competition over Mothers' Day weekend and then an outdoor trip to Red River Gorge in KY.  Working on my hiking endurance and searching for my trekking poles while I also shop for a better backpack for our climbing gear. 


Silly Dogs?  I have one, too - see my avatar.  When it is just him and me, he acts like the 7 year old dog that he is.  However, whenever someone comes over or we meet people (or other dogs) outside, you'd think he was a young pup.  The whole play bow and jumping around trying to get the other dog excited.   I hosted lit club at my house and he begged for attention the whole time.  He truly believes that everyone who comes over is coming just to see him.  He even speaks (Ar Rar Rar Rar) if we don't pay attention.  I usually have to have several activities to keep him busy.  We did the box-inside-a-box-inside-a-box with treats inside.  That lasted for 10 minutes.  I saved a used up jar of coconut oil for him to lick clean for today. 


Upbeat music?  Ooh, I love 80's music ... especially if I can sing and dance to it.   Dd and I have been listening to the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack.  We even put the Disney soundtrack channel on Pandora in the car the other day.  She has a thing for soundtracks and finds obscure ones from bad movies that have music that she enjoys. Transformers has a nice one to do homework to.  She likes the Avengers soundtrack.  It also helps her focus when she is getting ready to climb in competitions. 

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Had the "nap" which really means I watched an episode and a half of Royal Pains on Netflix, 

while laying on the most comfortable bed in the house. That helped!

Now going to get pizza for dinner because I can and I really can't, and don't want to, think through

what I should make for dinner.


As for prom, discovered the money I paid IS actually in the account. Now just need to get the registration 

sorted out.

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Angsty??? I am mentoring six teens at Student Launch Initiative. They were Sssooooo nervous yesterday at Launch Readiness Review. This made me quaky in my stomach for them. But they did beautifully, certification to launch Saturday was approved readily, and thr special speaker - Astronaut Kate Rubins - was amazing today.


My dog is always a toddler.


Launch Day is a very special day. They will be attempting a mile high launch with 51 other teams, mostly universities, and then we attend a very nice banquet put on by Orbital ATK.

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My dog definitely acts like a little kid, although thankfully now one who is potty-trained! She is always climbing into laps, giving kisses, making noise, getting into things she shouldn't, putting things in her mouth, and looking adorable the whole time. It's good to have her cheerful, loving, stubborn little soul in our family.


My favorite upbeat music is 80's pop. Just the other day I heard And We Danced by the Hooters. So *very* happy.  :001_wub:


I hope that your daughter can go to prom and that she has a wonderful time!

Edited by MercyA
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