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My husband came home from a trip feeling crummy. Exharpusted, achy,feverish. Now I seem to have caught it and I feel wretched, physically and mentally. I csnt stop crying. I don't have the energy to do anything. The dr said it was vital and just to go to bed. Just feel Just feel miserable physically and anxious and depressed. And too weak to get out of bed.

Edited by Terabith
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I'm not horribly ill. Just headache/ sore throat/ body aches/ exhaustion. Just don't feel up to doing anything.


Dh and I have both had this; actually I still have it. The achy blah part lasted about a week or so and then the coughing started and that lasted another ... more than a week. It was well over a week before I had the energy to do anything.



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Do you have a fever? I get terribly achy when I have a fever. Even a lowgrade one will knock me out. A 99 degree fever will have me moaning on the couch about how teeeerrible I feel.


If you can swing it, baby yourself. Lie around and let your body rest.

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I've had a low grade fever but nothing terrible. Mostly just exhausted and achy. Do have a pretty bad headache right now that hasn't responded to usual stuff. Pondering going to urgent care to see if they could give me something to help that and maybe just put me to sleep.

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