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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!




Clean kitchen

Make breakfast for teens (trying to get them to eat 3 actual meals a day)

Take 15 yo to dreaded Bio class

Maybe a quick visit my sister recovering from surgery?

Take 18 to Gov't class (must get there 10 minutes early)

Shop for bread and milk

Home again - religion with teens (we are taking a break from Latin studies since they just took the NLE)

Make appt with dr.

Confirm certamen registration

Read more

15 yo to youth group tonight

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Internet giving me trouble today.  Let's try this again:

  • Got some work done overnight.
  • Kids off to school bus.
  • More work.
  • A little housework, reading, exercise.
  • Calendar & other personal stuff.
  • Kids' work.
  • Want to work on TKD form at home, since we can't go to class today.  :/
  • Clean out critter cage(s) and get a start on the garbage for Weds morning.
  • Whatever else I'm forgetting.
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good morning!


-coffee and Whole 30 breakfast

-get spareribs in the crockpot

-school with youngest


-straighten up for cleaning people tomorrow

-animal control (they keep insisting my dog doesn't have rabies shots, I keep sending them the paperwork; now I have to appear in person.  SIGH)

-work out (circuit)

-oldest to orthodontist

-oldest to conditioning gym

-dinner (spareribs, potatos, vegetables)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning! I slept for 11 hours so am starting to feel normal again. Dd2 slept for 15 hours straight, so she was fairly chipper heading to school. It will take a couple of days for me to feel normal again, I think. I have lots to do...


To do:

laundry (started)

ds2 up and working (done)

ds3 up and working (not done)

kitchen chores

general chores

wardrobe things

get pt stuff lined up for dd2

eye dr stuff for dd2

other random things as I try to dig out from being gone for 5 days

swim practice for ds3 (dd2 is forbidden practice for 2 days-must rest)

judo for ds2


Have a great day!

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Good afternoon! I wanted to come by and say hi and see how everyone is. I may get back to the to do list thing soon because I'm feeling a little lost without it. 


I'm doing better since everything that happened, but my sister, Anita, is not doing well at times. Please pray for her if you think of it. A counselor she saw who knew a friend (and isn't where she lives) suggested to her she may have PTSD, and I'm thinking maybe she does. I pray she can find professional help she can trust. 



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